Animal Production

BWA - Legal Hub - Animal Production - Picture © Manon Mispiratceguy


Animal identification and traceability are regulated by the Branding of Cattle Act and the Diseases of Animals (Animal Information and Traceability System) Regulations, 2018. These laws require that all cattle be identified by use of bolus, and digital or analogue ear tags, and branded with the appropriate zonal brands within three months of birth, or within 72 hours after purchasing or otherwise acquiring any livestock and before its removal from the place of purchase or acquisition. The Government establishes and maintains a computerized database for traceability purposes. The law requires all animal holdings to be registered. Establishments that are fundamental to livestock development such as animal care centres, semen collectors, embryo transferors, inovulators and livestock breeders’ societies must be approved by the Registrar in the Department of Animal Production (DAP). 

All stock movements require a stock movement permit issued by the Director of Veterinary Services. The law appoints stock traceability managers and assistants to implement the stock traceability system. 

Feed safety and quality are regulated by the Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA), which is responsible for implementing and managing the requirements pertaining to the production, distribution, import and export of animal feeds. Specifically, BoMRA must ensure that all medicines and related substances manufactured in, imported into, or exported from, Botswana are registered and conform to established criteria of quality, safety and efficacy. BoMRA inspects premises where medicated feeds are used, handled and/or stored.

All feed business operators, including those dispensing and manufacturing premix feeds, must be licensed. The Guidelines for Operating a Veterinary Medicinal Products Retailer, 2022 – Document No. BoMRA/IL/IL/P03/G01 require operators of VMPs to implement self-control systems in the sale or distribution of veterinary medicinal product (VMPs). The law prohibits the manufacturing of feeding stock that contains poultry excreta, meat and bonemeal or any other protein of ruminant origin, or waste that contains any animal-derived protein. All feeding stock that are intended for retailing must be conspicuously marked, "This product does not contain any poultry excreta, meat and bonemeal, or any other protein of animal origin." 

Generally, the usage, handling, storage, transportation, distribution and sale of anabolic hormones and thyrostatic substances for use in animals are prohibited. However, veterinary surgeons may be authorized to acquire and use the prohibited substances for therapeutic treatment only. 

The law obliges the holder of market authorization to recall medicines upon being aware of a  safety, efficacy or quality problem that could have detrimental effects on public health. The Guidelines on Product Recall and Withdrawal, 2020 – Document No. BoMRA/PCT/PMS/P01/G01 provides guidance on recalling medicines and related substances. 

All importations and exportations of VMPs are subject to the granting of a permit. The Guidelines for Import/Export of Medicines BoMRA/IL/IE/P02/G01 provides guidance on the importation and exportation of VMPs. An application for an import permit must be accompanied by an authorization from a market authorization holder to import medicines to Botswana in line with the Guidelines. The importation fee for each consignment is 0.15 percent of the value of the consignment. All consignments of medicines are imported through designated ports of entry. All consignments are subject to inspection by BoMRA inspectors, Customs or Port Health inspectors to ensure that they comply with the approved specifications and regulations before they are released. 

Cruel treatment of domestic and wild animals is prohibited. The law states that when importing, exporting or transporting live animals, the necessary steps must be taken to minimize the risk of injury, cruelty or damage to its health during the transport or transhipment of the animal to its destination. Activities such as cruelly beating, kicking, ill-treating, overdriving, overriding, overloading and torturing animals are prohibited. Council Bye-Laws require that animals be kept in stables that are conducive to their health. The Council may order the destruction of such stables if they are deemed unfit for purpose. When slaughtering animals, Council Bye-Laws such as those for Gaborone require that animals not be slaughtered in such a manner that causes undue suffering, pain and distress, and as such, the preferred method of slaughtering in Gaborone is shooting. 

Aquaculture is a developing sector in Botswana. A permit from the Director of Wildlife and National Parks is required to capture fish for breeding or farming, while a separate permit from the Department of Aquaculture and Apiculture is needed to engage in aquaculture activities. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required in the following instances: any construction of fish-farming production systems with a capacity of 4 000 m3 or more; where there is any direct discharge from the production system to a receiving water body; any commercial fish farming venture with an annual production of 20 tonnes or more; and fish farming production systems where exotic species will be used. The restrictions on the use of certain chemicals in aquaculture activities is overseen by the Conservation Committee established under the Agricultural Resources Conservation Act. The Committee's functions include persuading any owner or occupier of land in its area of jurisdiction to adopt such methods of farming or land use as it may deem necessary for conserving soil fertility and protecting agricultural resources. 

The key institutions in animal production are: the Department of Animal Production (DAP), Department of Aquaculture and Apiculture DAA), Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP), Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) and Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority BoMRA) Currently, the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) is the controlling authority for animal production; it has licensing and inspectorate/supervisory powers. The Director of the DVS is responsible for licensing various premises such as  abattoirs, cutting premises, cold stores, farmed game handling facilities and farmed game meat plants. 

The Livestock Improvement Act, 2009 creates the Animal Production Advisory Board whose functions include advising the Minister on matters concerning the development and improvement of the livestock industry, and the development of farmed game. Also, the Act empowers the Minister to appoint an animal scientist from the DAP as Registrar. The Registrar serves as Secretary to the Animal Production Advisory Board and is responsible for maintaining a record of the Board’s discussions, decisions, and day-to-day administration. 

The Agricultural Resources Conservation Act, 1972 establishes the Agricultural Resources Board. The Board exercises supervision over the agricultural resources of Botswana and advises the Minister on, among other things, the nature of legislation necessary to secure or promote the proper conservation, use and improvement of agricultural resources. It may also issue conservation orders and stock control orders.

The DVS plays an important role in the stock identification and movement of animals, and animal welfare matters. The DAA, 1977 focuses on aquaculture and the DWNP focuses on wildlife issues. BoMRA is also an essential institution in the regulation of VMPs. It licenses operating businesses in the import, export, sale and distribution of VMPs. The DAP and DVS collaborate on the provision and operation of wildlife quarantine facilities, including the provision of veterinary services. Similar cooperation is established between BoMRA and Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS) in the importation and exportation of medicines and related substances.