Botswana / Animal production
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Regulation 3:
Subject to regulation (2), no person shall manufacture or constitute, for the purpose of feeding stock, any product containing-
(a) poultry excreta;
(b) meat and bonemeal or any other protein of ruminant origin; or
(c) waste which contains any animal derived protein.
Section 4 (extract):
The functions of the Authority shall be to -
(a) ensure that -
(i) all medicines and related substances manufactures in, imported into, or exported from, Botswana are registred and conform to established criteria of quality, sefety and efficacy, and
(ii) the personnel, premises and practices employed to manufacture, promote, procure, store, distribute and sell such medicines comply with defined codes of practice and other requirements;
(e) ensure that medicines are imported, manufactures, exported, stored, sold, distributed or otherwise delat with by duly authorised persons;
(g) inspect or cause to be inspected, premises where medicated feeds are used, handled or stored;
Section 48:
(1) The preparation of premix shall only be done at a feed mill authorised in the prescribed manner by the Authority acting in consultation with the Department of Veterinary Services, to manufacture medicated feed.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding P500 000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.
Section 49 (extract):
(1) No person shall operate a feed mill except in accordance with a licence issued by the Department
of Veterinary Services.
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Section 2 (extract):
“premix” means a mixture of one or more active pharamaceutical substances, solely intended for
mixing into animal feed for production animals;
“medicated feed” means a mixture of premix and animal feed;
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Paragraph 6.3. (extract):
The Ministry of Agriculture will recruit dairy experts who will be assigned to:
Supervise the selection and procurement of dairy feed, equipment and animals.
Regulation 2 (extract):
"anabolic hormones" and "thyrostatic substances" include
(d) Any anabolic hormonal or thyrostatic substances administered to food animals
Regulation 3:
The manufacture, importation, usage, handling, storage, transportation, distribution and sale of anabolic hormones and thyrostatic substances for use in animals is prohibited.
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Section 50 (extract):
(3) The Director of Veterinary Services may prescribe prohibited substances for use in animals.
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Regulation 3:
Subject to regulation (2), no person shall manufacture or constitute, for the purpose of feeding stock, any product containing-
(a) poultry excreta;
(b) meat and bonemeal or any other protein of ruminant origin; or
(c) waste which contains any animal derived protein.
Regulation 5:
No person shall feed stock, except poultry, fowl or any domesticated bird, any product which contains poultry excreta, meat and bonemeal, or any other protein of animal origin.
Section 48:
(1) The preparation of premix shall only be done at a feed mill authorised in the prescribed manner by the Authority acting in consultation with the Department of Veterinary Services, to manufacture medicated feed.
Section 50 (extract):
(3) The Director of Veterinary Services may prescribe prohibited substances for use in animals.
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Regulation 4:
All products manufactured or constituted for the purpose of feeding stock, which are intended for retailing shall, be conspicuously marked)- "This product does not contain any poultry excreta, meat and bonemeal,
or any other protein of animal origin"
Section 41:
Any medicine imported, manufactured or dispensed within Botswana shall be labelled in accordance with such requirements as the Authority may prescribe.
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Regulation 49 (extract):
(2) The container of every medicine imported, manufactured, processed or packed in Botswana shall bear a label written in English, with the following infromation celarly indicated thereon -
(i) any warnings or precautions that may be necessary or desirable;
Regulation 4:
All products manufactured or constituted for the purpose of feeding stock, which are intended for retailing shall, be conspicuously marked)- "This product does not contain any poultry excreta, meat and bonemeal,
or any other protein of animal origin"
Section 41:
Any medicine imported, manufactured or dispensed within Botswana shall be labelled in accordance with such requirements as the Authority may prescribe.
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Section 3 (extract):
Any person who-
(d) without reasonable cause or excuse, administers, or causes or procures, or being the owner permits such administration of, any poisonous or injurious drug or substance to any animal, or, without any reasonable cause or excuse, causes any such substance to be taken by any animal;
shall be guilty of an offence and be liable to a fine not exceeding P50 or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months, or to both.
Section 50 (extract):
(3) The Director of Veterinary Services may prescribe prohibited substances for use in animals.
Regulation 3:
The manufacture, importation, usage, handling, storage, transportation, distribution and sale of anabolic hormones and thyrostatic substances for use in animals is prohibited.
Regulation 4:
Notwithstanding regulation 3, above, veterinary surgeons will be authorised to acquire and use for
therapeutic treatment only, substances such as oestradiol17B testosterone and progesterone and those
derivatives which readily yield the parent compound on hydrolysis after absorption at the site of application.
Synchronisation of oestrus, termination of unwanted gestation, the improvement of fertility and the
preparation of donors and recipients for the implantation of embryos provided
(a) animals treated by veterinary surgeons shall be identified with a permanent mark determined by
the Director;
(b) products used for therapeutic treatment are administered only by a veterinary surgeon in the form
of an injection to the exclusion of implantation to animals which have been clearly identified;
(c) the veterinary surgeon submits a report to the Director and keeps a record for inspection by the
(d) the animal so treated is not sent for slaughter until the specific withdrawal period for the drug has expired;
(e) the animal so treated is slaughtered only if accompanied by a veterinary permission stating the
details of the therapeutic treatment;
(f) such animals are tested for residues at slaughter.
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Section 50 (extract):
(3) The Director of Veterinary Services may prescribe prohibited substances for use in animals.
Regulation 4:
Notwithstanding regulation 3, above, veterinary surgeons will be authorised to acquire and use for
therapeutic treatment only, substances such as oestradiol17B testosterone and progesterone and those
derivatives which readily yield the parent compound on hydrolysis after absorption at the site of application.
Synchronisation of oestrus, termination of unwanted gestation, the improvement of fertility and the
preparation of donors and recipients for the implantation of embryos provided
(a) animals treated by veterinary surgeons shall be identified with a permanent mark determined by
the Director;
(b) products used for therapeutic treatment are administered only by a veterinary surgeon in the form
of an injection to the exclusion of implantation to animals which have been clearly identified;
(c) the veterinary surgeon submits a report to the Director and keeps a record for inspection by the
(d) the animal so treated is not sent for slaughter until the specific withdrawal period for the drug has expired;
(e) the animal so treated is slaughtered only if accompanied by a veterinary permission stating the
details of the therapeutic treatment;
(f) such animals are tested for residues at slaughter.