Botswana / Animal production
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Regulation 2 (extract):
"halaal" means meat or a meat product prepared under and maintained in strict compliance with the laws and customs of the Islamic religion;
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Bye-law 15:
(1) Every person engaged in the slaughtering of animals shall, before proceeding to slaughter, cause the head of the animal to be securely held or fastened to ensure that such animal is slaughtered as quickly and with as little pain as possible.
(2) No person shall slaughter or permit or suffer to be slaughtered in the abattoir any animal, the flesh of which is intended to be used as human food, except by shooting with a humane killer: Provided that the requirement of this sub-bye-law shall not be enforced in the case of animals slaughtered for the use of Mohammedans or Jews. (3) Slaughtering under Jewish or Mohammedan rites shall be executed and superintended by members of the Jewish or Mohammedan faith respectively, approved by the manager; and every such person shall in every respect comply with the requirements of the manager under these Bye-laws: Provided that nothing in these Bye-laws shall interfere with the ceremonies or killing under Jewish or Mohammedan rites, but all unnecessary cruelty shall be avoided.
(4) Every person shall in the process of slaughtering any animal use only such instruments, appliances and methods as may be approved by the manager with the object of ensuring the infliction of as little pain or suffering as practicable
Tenth Schedule (extract):
(1) The occupier and persons engaged in the handling of fresh meat shall ensure that-
(c) slaughter methods must comply with the provisions of the Welfare of Animals Act;
Bye-law 16:
The manner of slaughtering of an animal shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Livestock and Meat Industries Act (Cap. 36:03).
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Bye-law 15:
(2) No person shall slaughter or permit or suffer to be slaughtered in the abattoir any animal, the flesh of which is intended to be used as human food, except by shooting with a humane killer: Provided that the requirement of this sub-bye-law shall not be enforced in the case of animals slaughtered for the use of Mohammedans or Jews.
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Section 7 (extract):
(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by subsection (1), the regulations referred to in that subsection may-
(a) provide for anything required to be prescribed under this Act;
(e) provide for the treatment and handling of livestock;
(f) provide for the preparation, treatment and handling of livestock produce;
(g) prescribe the methods of slaughter of livestock.
Regulation 17 (extract):
(1) No person shall keep or permit to be kept in any lairage for a period exceeding 72 hours any animal intended for slaughter unless-
(a) the VO, an OVS or a meat inspector gives his or her consent to it being kept in a lairage for a period exceeding 72 hours, which consent shall only be given in exceptional circumstances; and
(b) it is isolated from animals in respect of which the consent under paragraph (a) has not been given.
Bye-law 9:
(1) A person in charge of any animal brought into an abattoir for slaughter, shall ensure that such an animal is properly cared for and provided with sufficient suitable food and water.
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-bye-law (1), a person shall not overfeed or give salt to any animal which is in the abattoir.
(3) The manager may provide suitable food and water to an animal in the abattoir and the Council shall recover the cost of the food and water from the owner or a person in charge of the animal if the manager- (a) discovers that such an animal, has been without food and water for a period exceeding 48 hours; or (b) is requested to feed the animal by the owner or person in charge of the animal.
(4) Any animal in the abattoir, whether awaiting slaughter or in the process of slaughter, shall be treated with care, and shall not be subjected to any cruel or unnecessary suffering.
(5) A manager may, in his discretion, take sufficient measures to prevent any unnecessary suffering of or cruelty to an animal.
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Regulation 9 (extract):
(1) The Director may designate veterinary surgeons as OVSs and shall, in relation to any premises, appoint one or more OVSs or meat inspectors, as authorised officers in relation to the examination and seizure of meat, and the certification of fresh meat as healthy for human consumption.
(2) Any OVS or meat inspector appointed as an authorised officer under subregulation (1) shall be responsible for the following functions in relation to the premises referred to in that subregulation-
(a) the ante-mortem health inspection of animals in accordance with the Ninth Schedule;
(b) the postmortem health inspection of slaughtered animals in accordance with the Eleventh Schedule;
(c) where appropriate, the examination of the fresh meat of swine and equines for trichinellosis in accordance with paragraph 12 of Part IX of the Eleventh Schedule;
(d) the health marking of fresh meat in accordance with the Thirteenth Schedule; and
(e) ensuring the observance of the requirements of all the other Schedules in these Regulations.
(3) A meat inspector shall act under the supervision and responsibility of an OVS who is appointed to supervise and control the premises.