Botswana / Animal production
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8.3. Responsibilites of the Department of Animal Health and Prodution:
c) Collaborate with DWNP in the provision and operation of wildlife quarantine facilities, including the provision of vertinary services.
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Regulation 18:
The Director shall require a business operator to-
(a) have in place systems and procedures to identify other businesses to which their animal products have been supplied;
(b) have in place a system that will trace back and trace forward every stage of production from reception to dispatch;
(c) ensure compliance with the Livestock and Meat Industries Act (Cap. 36:03); and
(d) meet, in respect of the export of meat or meat products, any requirements imposed by the importing country.
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Section 5:
The Director shall be responsible for-
(a) the registration of plants;
(b) the control and inspection of the slaughter and processing of livestock;
(c) ensuring that any person operating a plant observes the appropriate hygiene requirements in the plant; and
(d) ensuring that any person transporting meat observes appropriate hygiene requirements.
Section 6:
(1) The Director may, in writing, designate official veterinary surgeons, meat inspectors and departmental officers to carry out any function that may arise under this Act.
(2) The Director may require any person working in a plant to undergo a medical examination and furnish a valid medical certificate.
Section 9:
The functions of the Board shall be-
(a) to exercise supervision as provided in this Act over the agricultural resources of Botswana;
(b) to advise the Minister regarding-
(i) matters relating to the general supervision of all agricultural resources;
(ii) the nature of legislation necessary to secure or promote the proper conservation, use and improvement of agricultural resources;
(iii) the means of stimulating public interest in the proper conservation, use and improvement of agricultural resources;
(c) to carry out of its own motion or at the direction of the Minister investigations of or enquiries into any matter related to the conservation, use or improvement of agricultural resources;
(d) to issue conservation orders and stock control orders, and to make conservation regulations in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(e) to give directions to any owner or occupier of land to ensure that an order or regulation issued or made under the provisions of this Act is complied with;
(f) to construct on any land such works as it deems necessary for conservation purposes;
(g) to give to any conservation committee or subordinate conservation committee directions concerning the policy to be followed by it in the exercise of its functions
under this Act; and
(h) after consultation with any land board established by the Tribal Land Act, and with the district council within whose area the tribal area in respect of which such land board is established is situated, to give to such land board directions concerning the proper use of any land within such tribal area, Provided that the Board shall have no powers over any land constituted as a national park in terms of the Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act.
Section 21 (extract):
(1) The functions of a conservation committee shall be-
(a) to keep under continual review the conservation of agricultural resources within its area of jurisdiction and make recommendations thereon to the Board;
(b) to attempt to persuade any owner or occupier of land in its area of jurisdiction to adopt such methods of farming or land use as it may deem necessary for the purpose of
conserving soil fertility and protecting agricultural resources;
(c) to assist in giving notice to all owners or occupiers of land who are affected by a conservation order, stock control order or conservation regulation;
(d) to recommend to land boards restrictions to be attached to customary grants of land rights and restrictive conditions to be attached to grants of land rights under the
common law when it considers such restrictions or restrictive conditions to be in the interest of good husbandry;
(e) generally to assist in measures for the preservation, wise use and improvement of agricultural resources within its area of jurisdiction;
(f) to stimulate public interest in the conservation of agricultural resources; and
(g) to consider, investigate and report upon any matter referred to it by the Minister or by the Board.
(2) The function of a subordinate conservation committee shall be to perform any functions
Section 22:
A conservation committee and a subordinate conservation committee shall have all powers necessary or convenient for the performance of its functions and duties.