Botswana / Animal production
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Regulation 2 (extract):
"movement of an animal" or "stock movement" means when an animal is introduced into, or leaves an area or holding;
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Section 3 (extract):
Any person who-
(a) cruelly beats, kicks, ill-treats, over-drives, over-rides, over-loads, or tortures any animal or causes any animal to be so used, or drives or uses any animal which is so diseased, or so injured, or in such a physical condition that it is unfit to do any work, or wantonly or unreasonably does or omits to do any act, or causes or procures the commission or omission of any act, causes any unnecessary suffering, or, being the owner, permits in any manner aforesaid, any unnecessary suffering to be caused to any animal;
(b) conveys or carries, or causes or procures, or being the owner permits, to be conveyed or carried, any animal in such a manner or position as to cause that animal any
unnecessary suffering;
Section 62 (extract):
(2) The export, import, transport through and re-export of animals listed under the Appendices to CITES, and any trophy, meat or eggs thereof shall be permitted only in
accordance with the provisions of CITES, and before any permit is issued under subsection (3), the Director, as Management Authority in accordance with the terms of CITES, shall require to be satisfied that-
(d) in the case of a live animal, all necessary steps have been taken to minimize the risk of injury, cruelty or damage to its health during transport or transshipment of the animal to its destination.
Regulation 36 (extract):
(1) No person shall keep animals in confinement without the appropriate permit.
(4) Before a permit is issued under this regulation, a wildlife officer shall inspect the equipment intended to be used in the confinement and transportation of animals.
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Regulation 32 (extract):
On becoming aware of the occurrence of disease, the owner of the stock shall-
(a) cause all infected stock and stock which have been exposed to infection to be kept in a place separate from all other stock liable to be infected or to carry the disease;
Section 3 (extract):
(1) Every owner or person in control of any animal affected or suspected of being affected by any disease shall-
(b) as far as is practicable, keep such animal separated from other animals not so affected.