
Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA)
The legal framework defines the concept of favourable conservation status of waterbirds.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 26 : Without violating any other provisions of this Act, the concerned authority is committed to implement the provisions of the agreements and bilateral and international protocols that the country has adhered to, approved or to be acceded to in the future. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : According to this law, unless it means otherwise through the context: [...] Bird reserve : Any area designated across the country as per the provisions of Article 12 for the purposes of protecting native non-domesticated or migratory birds, [...] National parks : Means any area designated across the country according to the provisions of Article 6, in order to preserve wild animals and plants and maintain their reproduction or for the protection of landscapes, geological formations of scientific or esthetic value for the pleasure and benefit of the general public. Hunting/fishing or exploitation of the National Parks resources in a way it destructs wilderness, environmental and natural life are strictly prohibited. Wild animal means any vertebrate animal, bird, reptile, cubs, eggs and hatchlings. It does not include any domestic vertebrate, reptile, or bird, nor does it include fish. Protected animal means any wild animal listed in the schedule I, II and III to this law. Article 5 : The areas referred to in Annex IV to this law shall be considered national parks and identified as per the names specified in annex. Article 6 (extract) : 1) After consultation with the concerned authorities, the Minister [of Interior] may [...] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park or annex it to any already existing one [...] 3) Once established, it is prohibited to make any modifications, in whole or in part, to the national park, or delineate its borders unless by order of the President of the Republic [...] Fourth schedule : National parks 1) Dinder National Park extends from the Rahad River, between 45-35˚ longitudes and 45, 55, 12 latitude, down south-west to longitude 15, 48, 24˚. 2) Radom National Park is located within the following boundaries: 1- Jabal Bara (Mount Bara), which is located on the border of the Sudan with Central Africa, longitude 23, 40˚, and latitude 9, 53 ˚. Article 12 (extract) : 1) The Minister may, by a ministerial order published in the official Gazette, declare any area to be a restricted zone, a hunting area, or a bird reserve. |
Art. II-2
The legal framework allows for the precautionary principle to be taken into account in the implementation of conservation measures for migratory waterbirds.
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Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia of 2008
Article 8 (extract) : […] e) Ensure that any utilization of birds of prey is based on an assessment that leans on the best available knowledge of their ecology, and that such utilization does not jeopardize the sustainability of the species and their supporting ecosystems; […] |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 17 (extract) : 1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law regarding the approval of projects or programs by the concerned authority, those who wish to engage in any project that could potentially have negative impact on the environment and natural resources should submit an environmental feasibility study signed by the Evaluation and Follow-up Committee established by the Council [Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources]. 2) The Project’s environmental feasibility study must clarify the following: The expected impact of the proposed project on the environment. […] (d) An adequate explanation that the short-term exploitation of natural and environmental resources does not impact their performance in the long run […]. |
Environmental Health Act of 2009
Article 3 (extract) : […] Risk assessment : Assessment of direct and indirect, short, medium or long-term risks to human health, biodiversity and environment, including social and economic conditions or ethical values arising from the import, transport, restricted use, release or marketing of the modified organism. Biosafety : It is intended to protect human health, biological diversity and the environment from harmful potential consequences of technology produced by modern biology. Article 13 : Establishment of any activity, industrial or agricultural facility, or any development private or public sector project is prohibited unless an environmental impact assessment study is conducted and health consequences arising from the establishment of that activity, facility or project is identified by a governmental committee of the concerned authorities |
National Adaptation Plan, July 2016
Among the key activities : 5.2.2. (Extract) : […] Emphasize the multiple contributors to uncertainty, including future climate drivers such as greenhouse gas emissions, choice of climate models, choice of downscaling methods including dynamical models as well as statistical downscaling approaches, and choice of hydrologic, agricultural and economic modelling methods and approaches. Within the NAP process, this involved research to develop a set of regional climate scenarios on projected temperature and precipitation changes in the Sudan that can subsequently be integrated into planning protocols (e.g., redefine the 100-year storm event based on climate change). Training activities have also been undertaken to strengthen national capacity to undertake regional climatic modelling […]. |
Water Resources Act of 1995 as amended by the law of 2021
Article 6 (extract) : […] 1- Notwithstanding the provision of any other law, the Council (National Water Resources Council) shall have the following jurisdictions and authorities: […] d- Conduct a frequent review of the legislation related to water resources, to make sure it goes in line with the development and protection of water resources, and to make recommendations to the concerned authorities. |
Art. III-2 (a) et Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.1.1)
The legal framework:
- prohibits the taking of threatened waterbirds (i.e waterbirds belonging to populations listed in column A of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) and their eggs;
- prohibits any deliberate disturbance in their regard;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in these birds, their eggs or any parts or derivatives;
Except for populations of birds in categories 2 and 3 of column A marked with an asterisk, and for populations in category 4 of column A, for which hunting may exceptionally be permitted, provided that it is sustainable and is conducted within the framework of international species action plan.
- prohibits the taking of threatened waterbirds (i.e waterbirds belonging to populations listed in column A of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) and their eggs;
- prohibits any deliberate disturbance in their regard;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in these birds, their eggs or any parts or derivatives;
Except for populations of birds in categories 2 and 3 of column A marked with an asterisk, and for populations in category 4 of column A, for which hunting may exceptionally be permitted, provided that it is sustainable and is conducted within the framework of international species action plan.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 18 (extract) : The concerned authority shall observe and apply the following policies and guidelines for the protection and promotion of the environment across the country: […] d) conserve and protect animals and other living organisms from being endangered by overfishing or assault. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : […] Wild animal means any vertebrate animal, bird, reptile, cubs, eggs and hatchlings. It does not include any domestic vertebrate, reptile, or bird, nor does it include fish. […] Protected animal means any wild animal listed in the schedule I, II and III annexed to this law […] . Hunt means chasing, disturbing, injuring or killing any wild animal in any way. It also includes any attempt to hunt or to catch animals, or take, or harm their eggs, nests or hatchlings […] Article 4 (extract) : […] This Act aims to : (a) protect wild animals and conserve national parks and hunting areas; […] (3) […] Once established, modification, delineation of the borders of national park, in whole or in part, is not allowed unless an order of the President has been issued in this regard. Article 6 (extract) : (3) […] It is prohibited to dispose of the national park in whole or in part. Article 7 : No person other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police may enter a national park unless holding a valid permit issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. Article 10 (extract) : […] Hunting any wild animal within the boundaries of any national park is strictly prohibited. Article 11 (extract) : […] (1) In any national park, no one, other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police Force, may: (a) Cut, remove, damage or move any tree, shrub or plant or part of them, or set fire; (b) Appropriate, cultivate, or grow/harvest any crop, or introduce agricultural machinery; (c) Build any house, cottage, shelter, or any other form of construction; (d) Dig or drill the land for the extraction of any minerals, stones, pebbles, soil or any other materials, or excavate it for such materials; (e) Bring any domestic animals to the national park; (f) Bring in any firearm or ammunition […]; (2) In any National Park, it is prohibited for all to: (a) obstruct or pollute rivers, or destroy ponds, lakes or any other water reservoirs; (b) Take any action or do any activity that may exterminate, endanger or disturb animals within the borders of the national park, or lead to the destruction of wildlife or change the landscape. 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of item (1), and for the purposes of proper management and development of the National Park, the Director may authorize any person to perform any of the acts spelled out in item (1). Article 12 (extract) : […] (2) Abandoning or transforming any reserve area or hunting zone, in whole or in part, is not allowed, and the delineation of its borders may not be modified unless an order has been issued by the Minister and published in the official Gazette […]. Article 15 (extract) : (1) The Director may permit the construct and operate any rest stop/camp, or other tourist lodge within any national park or hunting zone for the sake of development and exploitation, provided that no harm is caused to the environment, landscape, or the aesthetic values of the national park or the whole area.[…] Article 17 (extract) : 1) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in schedule I to this Act. 2) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in schedule II and III to this Act, unless holding a valid hunting license issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act, […] Article 23 (extract) : No person, except those holding a written permit issued by the Director or whomever he authorizes, may: a) hunt a wild animal that appears to be not fully grown, b) hunt a female wild animal, accompanied by its litter. c) hunt a wild animal in the dark […]. d) shoot a wild animal from any train, plane, boat, or any vehicle powered by an engine, or any mechanical vehicle; (e) set fire to any weeds or any plants for hunting purposes; (f) use dogs for hunting wild animals, except birds; (g) use or possesses any of the following materials for the purpose of using them in hunting any wild animals: i- Drugs, poisons, poisonous substances, or poisoned food; ii- Explosives or projectiles containing ignition devices; iii- Traps, decoys, rings, nets, ropes, prepared or loaded guns; iv- Attractive sounds, artificial sounds, electronic means, or sound recordings prepared for the purpose of attracting or deceiving animals; v) Floodlights or artificial fire; vi) Firearms that fire multiple shots at a single push of the trigger, whether they are prohibited or permitted under the provisions of this law; vii) A shotgun or a 22 caliber rifle for hunting any animal except birds; viii) Other methods of hunting animals are prohibited by the regulations issued under the provisions of this law […] Article 24 (extract) : Subject to the provisions of Article 25, the Director may grant any of the following hunting licenses: (a) a general hunting license for hunting animals listed in the Annex III to this law, (b) a hunting license for hunting birds, (d) A hunting license for hunting animals listed in annex II to this law. Schedule 1 (extract) : […] Birds: 1-Bald Ibis 2-Shoebill -Balaeniceps rex 3- Falco cherrug 4- Falco “Shaheen” 5- Falco “ouacra Schedule 2 (extract) : […] Birds : 1. Cow bird (all species) 2. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 3. Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor 4. Ground hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus. 5. Hoopoe Upupa epops 6. Ibis (all species except Bald Ibis) 7. Marabe- Leptoptilos 8. Struthio 9. Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis 10. Falcon 11. Eurasian spoonbill 12. Ciconia Ciconia 13. Anthropoides virgo 14. Egretta Sacrae 15. Woodpecker Picidae Schedule 3 (extract) : […] Birds: 1 Chlamydotis undulata (Houbara Bustard) 2 Common Quail-Coturnix coturnix. 3 Goose (all species) ـ 4 Anas Acuta, Anas Crecca 5 Numida meleagris 6 Other small birds 7 Owl (all species) 8 Pelicans (all species) 9 Sandgrous (all species) 10 Black-headed Heron- Ardea melanocephala |
Animal (Lenience and Welfare) Act of 2015
Article 13 (extract) : […] Poisoning a wild Animal, or placing poison in the river, or canal or swamp or basin to kill the Animal; […] k) Any act, which leads to mass death of wild animals, sea animal or birds, shall be deemed an offense against animals. Article 17 : Wild animals have the right to live freely within their natural environment in which they exist. Experiments shall not be conducted on them, without the permissible safeguards, in accordance with the Game Preservation and National Parks Act of 1986. Article 19 : Whoever violates the Provisions of this Act, shall be subject to imprisonment or fine, or both and confiscation [of harmful materials. |
Art. III-2 (b) et Art. IV (Plan d'Action, para. 2.1.2 et 3)
The legal framework:
- prohibits the taking of vulnerable waterbirds (i.e. waterbirds listed in Column B of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) during their various stages of reproduction and rearing and during their return to their breeding grounds;
- prohibits the use of all indiscriminate means of taking and the use of all means capable of serious disturbance, except for livelihood purposes where the taking is sustainable;
- provides for limits on the taking of such birds and adequate controls to ensure the limits are observed;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in, birds, eggs and any parts or derivatives taken in contravention of the above requirements.
- prohibits the taking of vulnerable waterbirds (i.e. waterbirds listed in Column B of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) during their various stages of reproduction and rearing and during their return to their breeding grounds;
- prohibits the use of all indiscriminate means of taking and the use of all means capable of serious disturbance, except for livelihood purposes where the taking is sustainable;
- provides for limits on the taking of such birds and adequate controls to ensure the limits are observed;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in, birds, eggs and any parts or derivatives taken in contravention of the above requirements.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 20 (extract) : Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, any of the following acts is considered a violation of the provisions of this Act : […] j) Threatening animals and other living creatures due to overfishing/overhunting or assaulting their environments and natural reserves. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims at the following : […] c) Implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Animals and Plants for the year 1983 […] Article 13 : No person may hunt any animal within any reserve area or hunting zone unless a license has been issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI. Article 14 (extract) : With respect to any reserve area or hunting area, the Director, or his authorized representative, may : a) set an annual maximum limit for the number of any type of animals allowed to be hunted; b) determine the number of people allowed to hunt at any given time or during any particular season […]. Article 17 : 1) No person may hunt any protected animal listed in the Annex I to this Law. 2) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in Annex II and III to this Act, except holding a valid hunting license issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Article 21 : The Director may, by an order to be published in the official Gazette or in any other available means of advertising, declare any period of time a season for the prohibition of hunting, i.e., during which hunting any wild animal listed in that order is prohibited. Article 23 : No person, except those offered a written permit by the Director or whomever he authorizes, may : a) hunt a wild animal that is not fully grown, b) hunt a female wild animal, accompanied by litter. c) hunt a wild animal in the dark d) shoot a wild animal from any train, plane, boat, or any vehicle powered by an engine, or any mechanical vehicle; (e) set fire to any weeds or any plants for hunting purposes; (f) use dogs for hunting wild animals, except birds; (g) use or possesses any of the following materials for the purpose of using them in hunting any wild animals: i- Drugs, poisons, poisonous substances, or poisoned food; ii- Explosives or projectiles containing ignition devices; iii- Traps, decoys, rings, nets, ropes, prepared or loaded guns; iv- Attractive sounds, artificial sounds, electronic means, or sound recordings prepared for the purpose of attracting or deceiving animals; v) Floodlights or artificial fire; vi) Firearms that fire multiple shots at a single push of the trigger, whether they are prohibited or permitted under the provisions of this law; vii) A shotgun or a 22 caliber rifle for hunting any animal except birds; viii) Other methods of hunting animals are prohibited by the regulations issued under the provisions of this law. Article 25 (extract) : […] (3) No person may hold more than a general hunting license at a time, provided that it is permissible to combine a general hunting license with a private hunting license or a bird hunting license […] . (6) The applicant for a hunting license must possess a proper weapon of the required caliber for hunting any type of wild animal. Article 27 (extract) : The Director [of the General Department of Wildlife Protection Police] may issue a specific permit for hunting or capturing any protected animal except for the those listed in annex I to this act, as per the species and numbers indicated in that permit and in the areas specified therein, whenever the Director is convinced that such hunting or capture is required for scientific or educational purposes or for purposes of zoos, museums, or similar institutions […] Article 29 : The Director, or his authorized representative, may cancel any hunting licenses or hunting permits in case of violation of the provisions of this act or the regulations issued pursuant thereto or the conditions stipulated in the license or permit. Article 36 (extract) : No one may possess any protected animal, being it alive or dead, or any part or specimen thereof unless such animal, part or valuable piece was obtained under a valid license or permit or through any other legal way […] Article 45 (extract) : 1) For the sake of detecting violation of the provision of the Act, concerned officers may ask any person to show his license or permit, search him for the possession of any weapon, ammunition, valuable piece or anything else, request him to provide any appropriate documents to prove his identity or ownership of any animal, valuable piece, weapon or ammunition. 2) […] e) The use of any license or permit issued under the provisions/regulations of this Act shall be suspended in case of suspecting that the person holding that license/permit has violated the provisions/regulations of this Act. Article 53 : Whoever violates any of the provisions of this law shall be imprisoned for a period of no less than one year, or pay a fine determined by the court, or both. Those who commit a violation for the second time or more shall be imprisoned for a period of no less than two years, or pay a fine determined by the court, or both. Article 54 : Any violation of the provisions/regulations of this Act by any member of the Wildlife Protection Police Force shall subject the individual to any administrative disciplinary measures, as well as to any other penalty stipulated in the Act or the related regulations. Schedule 1 (extract) : […] Birds: 1. Bald Ibis 2- Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex 3-Falco cherrug 4- Falco “Shaheen” 5- Falco “ouacra” Schedule 2 (extract) : […] Birds: Predatory Birds other than eagles and hawks 1. Cow bird (bird (all species) 2. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 3. Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor 4. Ground hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus. 5. Hoopoe Upupa epops 6. Ibis (all species except Bald Ibis) 7. Marabe- Leptoptilos 8. Struthio 9. Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis 10. Falcon 11. Eurasian spoonbill 12. Ciconia Ciconia 13. Anthropoides virgo 14. Egretta Sacrae 15. Woodpecker Picidae Schedule 3 (extract): […] Birds: 1 Chlamydotis undulata (Houbara Bustard) 2 Common Quail-Coturnix coturnix. 3 Goose (all species)ـ 4 Anas Acuta, Anas Crecca 5 Numida meleagris 6 Other small birds 7 Owl (all species) 8 Pelicans (all species) 9 Sandgrous (all species) 10 Black-headed Heron- Ardea melanocephala |
Animal (Lenience and Welfare) Act, 2015
Article 13 (extract) : […] (d) poisoning a wild Animal, or placing poison in the river, or canal or swamp or basin to kill the Animal; (k) any act, which leads to mass death of wild, or sea Animal or birds, shall be deemed an offense against Animals. Article 17: The Wild Animal shall have the right to leave freely inside the natural environment, in which it exists, and experiments shall not be conducted on, without the permissible safeguards, in accordance with the Game Protection Act. |
Art. III-2 and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.1.3)
The legal framework requires that any exemption from the AEWA conservation requirements mentionned above (requirements relating to both threatened and vulnerable waterbirds), where they exist, meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 20 (extract) : Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, any of the following acts is considered a violation of the provisions of this Act : […] j) Threatening animals and other living creatures due to overfishing/overhunting or assaulting their environments and natural reserves. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims at the following: [...] c) Implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Animals and Plants for the year 1983; Article 13 : No person may hunt any animal within any reserve area or hunting zone unless a license has been issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI. Article 14 (extract) : With respect to any reserve area or hunting area, the Director, or his authorized representative, may: a) set an annual maximum limit for the number of any type of animals allowed to be hunted; b) determine the number of people allowed to hunt at any given time or during any particular season [...]. Article 17 : 1) No person may hunt any protected animal listed in the Annex I to this Law. 2) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in Annex II and III to this Act, except holding a valid hunting license issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Article 21 : The Director may, by an order to be published in the official Gazette or in any other available means of advertising, declare any period of time a season for the prohibition of hunting, i.e., during which hunting any wild animal listed in that order is prohibited. Article 23 (extract) : No person, except those offered a written permit by the Director or whomever he authorizes, may: a) hunt a wild animal that is not fully grown, b) hunt a female wild animal, accompanied by litter. c) hunt a wild animal in the dark [...] d) shoot a wild animal from any train, plane, boat, or any vehicle powered by an engine, or any mechanical vehicle; (e) set fire to any weeds or any plants for hunting purposes; (f) use dogs for hunting wild animals, except birds; (g) use or possesses any of the following materials for the purpose of using them in hunting any wild animals: i- Drugs, poisons, poisonous substances, or poisoned food; ii- Explosives or projectiles containing ignition devices; iii- Traps, decoys, rings, nets, ropes, prepared or loaded guns; iv- Attractive sounds, artificial sounds, electronic means, or sound recordings prepared for the purpose of attracting or deceiving animals; v) Floodlights or artificial fire; vi) Firearms that fire multiple shots at a single push of the trigger, whether they are prohibited or permitted under the provisions of this law; vii) A shotgun or a 22 caliber rifle for hunting any animal except birds; viii) Other methods of hunting animals are prohibited by the regulations issued under the provisions of this law. Article 25 (extract): (3) No person may hold more than a general hunting license at a time, provided that it is permissible to combine a general hunting license with a private hunting license or a bird hunting license. (6) The applicant for a hunting license must possess a proper weapon of the required caliber for hunting any type of wild animal. Article 27 (extract): The Director [of the General Department of Wildlife Protection Police] may issue a specific permit for hunting or capturing any protected animal except for the those listed in annex I to this act, as per the species and numbers indicated in that permit and in the areas specified therein, whenever the Director is convinced that such hunting or capture is required for scientific or educational purposes or for purposes of zoos, museums, or similar institutions.[…] Article 29 : The Director, or his authorized representative, may cancel any hunting licenses or hunting permits in case of violation of the provisions of this act or the regulations issued pursuant thereto or the conditions stipulated in the license or permit. Article 36 (extract) : No one may possess any protected animal, being it alive or dead, or any part or specimen thereof unless such animal, part or valuable piece was obtained under a valid license or permit or through any other legal way.[…] Article 45 (extract) : 1) The use of any license or permit issued under the provisions/regulations of this Act shall be suspended in case of suspecting that the person holding that license/permit has violated the provisions/regulations of this Act. 2) For the sake of detecting violation of the provision of the Act, concerned officers may ask any person to show his license or permit, search him for the possession of any weapon, ammunition, valuable piece or anything else, request him to provide any appropriate documents to prove his identity or ownership of any animal, valuable piece, weapon or ammunition. Article 53 : Whoever violates any of the provisions of this law shall be imprisoned for a period of no less than one year, or pay a fine determined by the court, or both. Those who commit a violation for the second time or more shall be imprisoned for a period of no less than two years, or pay a fine determined by the court, or both. Article 54 : Any violation of the provisions/regulations of this Act by any member of the Wildlife Protection Police Force shall subject the individual to any administrative disciplinary measures, as well as to any other penalty stipulated in the Act or the related regulations. |
Art. III-2 (b) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.2.1, 4.3.7)
The legal framework allows for any use of waterbirds to be sustainable for the species and for the ecosystems that support them and to be based on the best available knowledge of their ecology.
In particular, the legal framework provides for:
- the phasing out of the use of lead shot for hunting in wetlands;
- the principle of sustainable use, as defined by AEWA;
- measures to reduce, and as far as possible eliminate, illegal taking.
In particular, the legal framework encourages:
- the creation of hunters' associations or organisations;
- the establishment of proficiency tests for hunters, including bird identification;
- the establishment of cooperation programmes between all stakeholders to develop sensitive and appropriate ecotourism in wetlands where populations of birds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA are concentrated;
- the implementation of measures to minimise the incidental killing and bycatch in fishing gear as well as unsustainable fishing.
In particular, the legal framework provides for:
- the phasing out of the use of lead shot for hunting in wetlands;
- the principle of sustainable use, as defined by AEWA;
- measures to reduce, and as far as possible eliminate, illegal taking.
In particular, the legal framework encourages:
- the creation of hunters' associations or organisations;
- the establishment of proficiency tests for hunters, including bird identification;
- the establishment of cooperation programmes between all stakeholders to develop sensitive and appropriate ecotourism in wetlands where populations of birds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA are concentrated;
- the implementation of measures to minimise the incidental killing and bycatch in fishing gear as well as unsustainable fishing.
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Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia of 2008
Article 8 (extract) : […] e) nsure that any utilization of birds of prey is based on an assessment that leans on the best available knowledge of their ecology, and that such utilization does not jeopardize the sustainability of the species and their supporting ecosystems; […] |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council (“Higher Council for the Environment and Natural Resources”) shall have the following powers and authorities: I) Natural resource inventory, development, rational use, integrated management, and protection from deterioration for increased production and sustainability. […] |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 13 : No person may hunt any animal within any reserve area or hunting zone unless a license has been issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI. Article 14 (extract) : With respect to any reserve area or hunting area, the Director, or his authorized representative, may: a) set an annual maximum limit for the number of any type of animals allowed to be hunted; b) determine the number of people allowed to hunt at any given time or during any particular season […]. Article 17 : 1) No person may hunt any protected animal listed in the Annex I to this Law. 2) No one may hunt any protected animal listed in Annex II and III to this Act, unless holding a valid hunting license issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Article 21 : The Director may, by an order to be published in the official Gazette or in any other available means of advertising, declare any period of time a season for the prohibition of hunting, i.e., during which hunting any wild animal listed in that order is prohibited. Article 23 (extract) : No person, except those offered a written permit by the Director or whomever he authorizes, may : […] a) hunt a wild animal that is not fully grown, b) hunt a female wild animal, accompanied by litter. c) hunt a wild animal in the dark d)shoot a wild animal from any train, plane, boat, or any vehicle powered by an engine, or any mechanical vehicle […]; (g) use or possesses any of the following materials for the purpose of using them in hunting any wild animals: ii- Explosives or projectiles containing ignition devices; iii- Traps, decoys, rings, nets, ropes, prepared or loaded guns; vi) Firearms that fire multiple shots at a single push of the trigger, whether they are prohibited or permitted under the provisions of this law; vii) A shotgun or a 22 caliber rifle for hunting any animal except birds; Article 26 (extract) : 1) The Director, or his authorized representative, may grant a written Professional Hunter Permit to any person of appropriate qualifications […]. (4) No Professional Hunter Permit may be issued before ascertaining that the applicant is responsible and competent for the job, and may be tested to ascertain his skills in shooting, knowledge of the symbols of the forest and the nature of animals […] Article 36 (extract) : No one may possess any protected animal, being it alive or dead, or any part or specimen thereof unless such animal, part or valuable piece was obtained under a valid license or permit or through any other legal way […] |
Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.2.2, 2.4, 4.3.4)
The legal framework:
- provides for the adoption of national single species action plans for the populations listed in Column A of Table 1 with a view to improving their overall conservation status
- encourages the adoption of re-establishment plans for these populations when they are being re-established in parts of their traditional range from which they had disappeared;
- encourages the cooperation with other Parties for the adoption of single species management plans for populations which cause significant damage, in particular to crops and to fisheries.
- provides for the adoption of national single species action plans for the populations listed in Column A of Table 1 with a view to improving their overall conservation status
- encourages the adoption of re-establishment plans for these populations when they are being re-established in parts of their traditional range from which they had disappeared;
- encourages the cooperation with other Parties for the adoption of single species management plans for populations which cause significant damage, in particular to crops and to fisheries.
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Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia of 2008
Article 8 (extract) : […] d) Cooperation in emergency situations requires concerted international action, so that appropriate emergency procedures are developed to improve the conservation of bird of prey populations and in establish guidelines to assist in addressing such situations; |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 4 (extract) : Environmental goals Exercising its powers or setting of policies, the concerned authority seeks to achieve the following : [...] (b) promotion of environment and sustainable natural resources use for natural resource development and preservation [...] |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims to : […] b) Optimize wildlife resources utilization and development. d) Provide information on wildlife resources and distribution inside and outside the Sudan, as well as encourage scientific research related to wild animals and enclosures. |
Art. III-2 (c), (e) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3.6, 4.3.9, 4.3.11)
The legal framework allows for the identification of sites and habitats of waterbirds present on the national territory as well as the implementation of measures for the protection, management, rehabilitation and restoration of these sites and habitats, such as :
- the development and publication of national inventories of sites and habitats of waterbirds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the establishment of protected areas with management plans, and the prohibition of access to breeding areas of colonially-nesting waterbirds,
- carrying out environmental impact assessments for activities that may affect waterbird habitats listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA;
- the control of different forms of pollution which may be detrimental to waterbird habitats;
- the rehabilitation/restoration of degraded areas (by pollution or otherwise) that used to contain sites and habitats of importance for waterbirds in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA.
- the development and publication of national inventories of sites and habitats of waterbirds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the establishment of protected areas with management plans, and the prohibition of access to breeding areas of colonially-nesting waterbirds,
- carrying out environmental impact assessments for activities that may affect waterbird habitats listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA;
- the control of different forms of pollution which may be detrimental to waterbird habitats;
- the rehabilitation/restoration of degraded areas (by pollution or otherwise) that used to contain sites and habitats of importance for waterbirds in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA.
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Ordinance of the Council of Ministers No. 3 of 2007 establishing the General Authority for Water
Article 4 : In addition to the powers stipulated in the Act, the Authority has the following powers: 1) Attracting foreign support, in coordination with the states, to implement water projects across the country. (2) Planning, designing and supervising the implementation of nationally and internationally funded projects |
Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Policy, 2010
4.3.7. (extract) : […] The government is the custodian of all water resources in the Sudan in terms of protection from pollution and overuse, ensuring sustainability and to achieve an equitable water distribution among communities. |
Sudan National Drought Plan, 21 Nov 2018 (extract) :
The Sudan National Action Programme to Combat Desertification (SNAP), 2018 includes : a) Prevention measures implemented in productive drylands that are not desertified. b) Corrective measures implemented in productive drylands that moderately affected by desertification. c) Rehabilitation measures implemented through comprehensive programmes The priority areas of intervention will include : (1) Rehabilitation and development of water resources; (…) (3) Rehabilitation and development of rangelands and sustainable natural resources areas; (…) The following tasks are considered for drought risk mitigation: a) Rehabilitation and development of water and arable land resources in the drought prone areas of the Sudan, to increase water availability for human, animal, agriculture, and energy use ; (…) c) Rehabilitation and development of natural resources such as forest and rangelands to ensure its sustainable management to enhance availability of their products (wood and forage) in a sustainably managed environment, using public-private partnership and community partnership approaches and contribute to peace building and conflict resolution and to minimize natural resources-based conflicts; |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 4: In exercising the powers conferred to them, or developing their policies, the concerned authorities are to: a) Preserve environment protection, cleanliness, balance and basic components, while its social and cultural systems are maintained to achieve sustainable development for the future generations; b) Promote environment and sustainable natural resources development and conservation. c) Link environmental and development issues. d) Emphasize the responsibility of the concerned authority for protecting the environment, and strive seriously to achieve this protection. e) Revitalize the role of the concerned authority and its affiliated bodies, and prevent inaction and performance shortcomings. Article 16 (extract) : Duties of the concerned authority regarding monitoring environmental policies 1- The concerned authority shall monitor and follow the implementation of the following policies and guidelines to protect and promote the environment across the country: Coordination and cooperation with various national and foreign associations, institutions, councils and legal persons interested in the environment protection. Article 17 (extract) : 1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law regarding the approval of projects or programs by the concerned authority, those who wish to engage in any project that could potentially have negative impact on the environment and natural resources should submit an environmental feasibility study signed by the Evaluation and Follow-up Committee established by the Council [Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources]. |
Forest and renewable Natural Resources Act of 2002
Article 37 (extract ): 1) No one is allowed to do, or lead to do, any of the following acts in the reserve areas or in those in the process of being reserve: […] c) Cutting, harvesting, taking, destroying, transforming or handling any forest crop for a personal benefit.[…] e) Introducing any harmful liquid or non-liquid substances, dumping or burying wastes whatsoever […] . Article 49 (extract): 1- The Authority shall have a Forest Protection Police Force which is subject to the technical supervision of the Director General of the Police. The Forest Protection Police shall have the same power of police under the Sudan Police Act of 2008 in the sense of what is delegated to it in relation to any forest crime committed or there is a reasonable belief that it has been committed, whether or not the perpetrator or suspect is present at that time. 1. The Authority shall have Forest Protection Police with members technically supervised by the Police Director General. The Forest Protection Police shall be delegated with the same police powers under the Sudan Police Act of 2008 regarding the authorities conferred to the police members in case of any real or potential forest crime, in the presence or non-presence of perpetrator/ suspect. c) Cutting, harvesting, taking, destroying, transforming or handling any forest crop for a personal benefit […]. e) Introducing any harmful liquid or non-liquid substances, or dumping or burying wastes whatsoever […]. |
Combating Desertification Act 2009
Article 6 (extract) : 1) The Council [National Council to Combat Desertification] shall be the concerned authority to oversee the national program to combat desertification and implement the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. It is concerned with developing a national action program to combat desertification […] to achieve sustainable development. Without violating the overall above definitions, the council shall have the following jurisdictions and powers : […] B) Establish a long-term national program of action for the optimal and balanced lands and natural resources use, maintenance and preservation, and follow-up on its implementation in coordination with the concerned agencies. Article 12 (extract) : The concerned bodies shall monitor and follow up on the hereunder policies and directives to combat desertification: […] d) Enacting laws to protect the land from being polluted by factory solid and liquid wastes. |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 6 (extract) : […] the Minister [of Interior] may [...] recommend to the President of the Republic the establishment of a national park or annex it to any already existing one. [...] Article 7 : No person other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police may enter a national park unless holding a valid permit issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. Article 10 (extract) : […] Hunting any wild animal within the boundaries of any national park is strictly prohibited. Article 11 (extract) : (1) In any national park, no one, other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police Force, may : (a) Cut, remove, damage or move any tree, shrub or plant or part of them, or set fire; (b) Appropriate, cultivate, or grow/harvest any crop, or introduce agricultural machinery; (c) Build any house, cottage, shelter, or any other form of construction; (d) Dig or drill the land for the extraction of any minerals, stones, pebbles, soil or any other materials, or excavate it for such materials; (e) Bring any domestic animals to the national park; (f) Bring in any firearm or ammunition; (2) In any National Park, it is prohibited for all to: (a) obstruct or pollute rivers, or destroy ponds, lakes or any other water reservoirs; (b) Take any action or do any activity that may exterminate, endanger or disturb animals within the borders of the national park, or lead to the destruction of wildlife or change the landscape. 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of item (1), and for the purposes of proper management and development of the National Park, the Director may authorize any person to perform any of the acts spelled out in item (1). Article 12 (extract) : […] (2) Abandoning or transforming any reserve area or hunting zone, in whole or in part, is not allowed, and the delineation of its borders may not be modified unless an order has been issued by the Minister and published in the official Gazette. Article 13 : No person may hunt any animal within any reserve area or hunting zone unless a license has been issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI. Article 14 (extract) : With respect to any reserve area or hunting area, the Director, or his authorized representative, may: a) set an annual maximum limit for the number of any type of animals allowed to be hunted; b) determine the number of people allowed to hunt at any given time or during any particular season [...] Article 15 (extract) : (1) The Director may permit the construct and operate any rest stop/camp, or other tourist lodge within any national park or hunting zone for the sake of development and exploitation, provided that no harm is caused to the environment, landscape, or the aesthetic values of the national park or the whole area. Article 16 : The Department of Wildlife Protection Police, in cooperation with the concerned authorities, shall develop an annual national plan for the establishment or expansion of any national park or hunting zone, and designation of new lands needed for that. |
Water Ressources Act of 1995
Article 6-1 (extract): […] 1. Notwithstanding the provision of any other act, the Council (National Water Resources Council) shall have the following jurisdictions and authorities: a- Developing a general policy of water resources that includes inventory, evaluation, rationalization, management and use, protection against the impacts of natural disasters resulting from drought and floods, protection from pollution and degradation, and develop those resources, in an integrated and balanced manner with the development of other natural resources to ensure a maximum benefit gained from them under the desired coordination and cooperation with other concerned agencies. 2. Establishing the foundations for: I- Granting, extending or cancelling licenses to withdraw water from the Nile, non-Nilotic rivers or other streams, or groundwater and licenses to participate in the use of water withdrawn by the public and private sectors, or the cooperative.[…] IV- In coordination with the concerned authorities, […] regulating the use of water for various purposes, to ensure that it is not prone to pollution.; |
Petroleum Wealth Act 1998
Article 13 (extract) : […] 4) The contracting companies shall give due regard to environmental health, safety measures and take the necessary measures for prevention of pollution of the environment resulting from performing any of the petroleum operations during implementing the agreements conclude therewith. |
Mineral Wealth and Mining (Development) Act of 2015
Article 5 (extract): 1) The Council is the highest authority in charge of mining affairs, without prejudice to the aforesaid, the Council shall have the following functions and powers, to : […] (f) strive to preserve environment and cultural heritages and antiquities in coordination with the concerned bodies. Article 26 (extract) : With respect to environment laws […], whoever carries license or mining contract shall preserve the environment of the area included in the license or the mining contract, and protect it from pollution, environmental damage caused by mining deposits of all kinds, in accordance with the provisions and regulations of this Act. Article 27 (extract): […] (2) The concerned investigating body of the Ministry shall take environmental supervision and preservation measures in coordination with the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Construction Development, and issue certificates of environmental impact. |
Art. III-2 (g) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.5)
The legal framework prohibits the introduction of non-native animal or plant species which may be detrimental to the conservation of waterbirds and allows for the adoption of measures to prevent their accidental release and organise, where appropriate, the taking of already introduced specimens when they pose a potential hazard to native waterbirds.
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Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia of 2008
Article 8 (extract ) : […] g) take appropriate measures to prevent the introduction into their territory of non-native birds of prey, including hybrids where this would have an adverse effect on the conservation of native biodiversity; […] |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council (“Higher Council for the Environment and Natural Resources”) shall have the following powers and authorities : I) Natural resource inventory, development, rational use, integrated management, and protection from deterioration for increased production and sustainability […] |
Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : […] "Pest" it means, in relation to any area, any animal which presence harms that area or threatens the safety of humans, animals or property in that area. Article 11 (extract) : 1) In any national park, no one, other than members of the Wildlife Protection Police Force, may : […] (b) Appropriate, cultivate, or grow/harvest any crop, or introduce agricultural machinery; 2) In any national Park, no one may : […] b) Take any action or do any activity that may exterminate, endanger or disturb animals within the borders of the national park, or lead to the destruction of wildlife or change the landscape. […] (e) Introduce any pets to the national park; […] Article 40 (extract) : 1) No person may import or attempt to import an animal listed in the Annex V to this Act, [...] except by virtue of a valid permit issued by the Director as per the provision stipulated in the Act, or the regulations issued pursuant thereto or in the same permit. |
Freshwater Fisheries Act of 1954
Article 4 : No person shall introduce any non-indigenous fish into the Sudan except under, and in accordance with the conditions of, a permit issued by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, who may in his absolute discretion refuse such permit. |
Art. III-2 (h), (i) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 4.3.12, 5.2, 5.7, 6.1)
The legal framework allows for the development and implementation of research and monitoring programmes for migratory waterbirds, as well as the harmonisation of monitoring methods and the organisation of relevant training. In particular, it allows for:
- the regular monitoring of the bird populations listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the undertaking of studies on the impact of hunting and trade on the populations listed in Table 1 and on the importance of these forms of utilization to the local and national economy.
- the undertaking of studies on the nature and scale of the effects of lead fishing weights on
- the regular monitoring of the bird populations listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the undertaking of studies on the impact of hunting and trade on the populations listed in Table 1 and on the importance of these forms of utilization to the local and national economy.
- the undertaking of studies on the nature and scale of the effects of lead fishing weights on
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Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia of 2008
Article 8 (extract) : To this end, the Signatories will make the necessary efforts to : [..] h) Encourage research on the biology and ecology of birds of prey, including the harmonization of research and monitoring methods and, where appropriate, promote the establishment of joint or cooperative research and monitoring programmes; [...] |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council shall have the following jurisdictions and powers : [...] II- [...] b) Coordinating the Council’s provincial work and efforts to take inventory, evaluate, determine their current and future use of the country’s natural resources, monitoring their potential changes, identify areas at risk of deterioration, desert encroachment and environmental pollution. The Council shall also set priorities for general and integrated surveys and studies of national resources; [...] h) Encouraging and supporting scientific research in all areas of the environment and natural resources in coordination with the National Research Center, universities and research institutes […]. |
Forests and Renewable Natural Resources Act 2002
Article 6 (extract) : In fulfilling its objectives, the Authority (National Forestry and Natural Resources Authority) shall have the following powers and authorities : a) Technical overseeing of forests, pastures and natural resources across the country, b) Training and improving the qualifications of technical personnel in the field of forests and natural resources, c) Raising awareness among officials and citizens regarding forests and natural resources, d) Conducting studies and research and developing the necessary plans for the country’s forests and natural resources inventory, surveys and development [...] |
The Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : The Act aims to : [...] (d) Provide information on wildlife resources and distribution inside and outside the Sudan, as well as encourage scientific research related to wild animals and enclosures. Article 34 (extract) : The holder of any hunting license is to : (a) keep a record of the animals killed or injured under his license as per the regulations. No killed or injured animal or any part thereof may be moved from the scene unless all the required details are recorded in the record ; (b) Hand in the record to the Wildlife Protection Police Department or to the Director in the province upon expiry of the hunting license. Foreign license holders are to deliver that record before leaving the country [...] |
Art. III-2 (j) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 6.3, 6.4)
The legal framework allows for the adoption of measures to improve the level of awareness of the general public with regard to conservation of migratory birds.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The council shall have the following competencies and powers : […] (i) Develop a national plan to promote environmental awareness and the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources, and work to include this in the school curricula in cooperation with the competent authorities. Article 18 (extract) : The concerned authority shall observe and apply the following policies and guidelines for the protection and promotion of the environment across the country : […] h) Incorporating environmental science and culture in educational curricula of schools, universities and institutes and other educational institutions in the country; g) Spreading environmental awareness and culture among citizens and activating the role of the media in the field of environmental protection.[…] |
Forest and Renewable Natural Resources Act of 2002
Article 6 (extract) : In fulfilling its objectives, the Authority (National Forestry and Natural Resources Authority) shall have the following powers and authorities : […] c) Raising officials and citizens awareness regarding forests and natural resources […]. |
Art. III-2 (d), (f), (k), (l) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.3, 5.8)
The legal framework allows for cooperation and mutual assistance between the Parties for the implementation of the Agreement, including the adoption of the following measures:
- The exchange of information and results of research, monitoring, conservation and education programmes;
- The restoration of transboundary wetlands;
- The establishment of procedures for developing and implementing emergency measures in the event of exceptionally unfavourable or dangerous situations for waterbirds.
- The exchange of information and results of research, monitoring, conservation and education programmes;
- The restoration of transboundary wetlands;
- The establishment of procedures for developing and implementing emergency measures in the event of exceptionally unfavourable or dangerous situations for waterbirds.
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Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia of 2008
Article 8 (extract) : […] To this end, the Signatories will make the necessary efforts to: a) Identify important habitats, significant routes and congregation sites for birds of prey within their territory, and encourage their protection, and/or appropriate management, assessment, rehabilitation and/or restoration b) Coordinate their efforts to ensure that a network of suitable habitats is maintained or, where appropriate, established inter alia where such habitats extend over the territory of more than one Signatory; |
Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The Council shall have the following jurisdictions and powers : [...] e) Coordination of the State’s efforts with regard to joining the conventions related to the environment, and defining the bodies entrusted with implementing those conventions. II- To provide an overall protection of environment [...] b) Coordinating the Council’s provincial work and efforts to take inventory, evaluate, determine their current and future use of the country’s natural resources, monitoring their potential changes, identify areas at risk of deterioration, desert encroachment and environmental pollution. The Council shall also set priorities for general and integrated surveys and studies of national resources. Article 18 (extract) : The concerned authority shall observe and apply the following policies and guidelines for the protection and promotion of the environment across the country : [...] d) Conserve and protect animals and other living organisms from being endangered by overfishing or assault. Article 26 : Without violating any other provisions of this Act, the concerned authority is committed to implement the provisions of the agreements and bilateral and international protocols that the country has adhered to, approved or to be adopted in the future. |
Agreement between the Republic of the Sudan and the United Arab Republic for the full utilization of the Nile waters signed in Cairo, 8 November 1959
II (extract) : The Nile Control Projects and benefit sharing between the two republics: 1. In order to regulate the River water and control the flow into the sea, the two republics agree that the United Arab Republic constructs El Aali dam in Aswan as the first step in a series of projects on the Nile for year-long water storage […]. III (extract) : The Republic of the Sudan, in agreement with the United Arab Republic, shall construct projects for the increase of the River yield by preventing losses of water of the Nile Basin to the swamps of Bahr El Jebel, Bahr el Zeraf, Bahr el Ghazal and tributaries, the Sobat River and tributaries and the White Nile Basin. The net yield of these projects shall be divided equally between both republics, with each of them equally contributing to the costs […]. |
The Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 4 (extract) : This law aims to : [...] c) Implement the Agreement on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 1973, d) Provide information on wildlife resources and distribution inside and outside the Sudan, and encourage scientific research related to wild animals and enclosures [...]. |
Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework of, 14 Mai 2010
Article 3 (extract) : The Nile River Basin and the Nile River System shall be protected, used, conserved and developed in accordance with the following general principles: 1- Cooperation between States of the Nile River Basin on the basis of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, mutual benefit and good faith in order to attain optimal utilization and adequate protection and conservation of the Nile River Basin and to promote joint efforts to achieve social and economic development […] 13- Fresh water as a limited and vulnerable resource essential to sustain life, development and the environment, and must be managed in an integrated and holistic manner, linking socio-economic development with protection and conservation of natural ecosystems. |
National Adaptation Plan, July 2016
5.4.3. (extract) : Build institutional partnerships and effective coordination among research groups, institutions and organizations working on different aspects of climate change and development of agricultural and water sectors. Page 40 Build technical capacity: This involved establishing a collaborative relationship between Sudanese economic analysts and international experts, as well as establishing on-site and remote capacity-building programmes. P45 |
Article V and Art IV (Action Plan, para. 2.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 2.4, 4.2.2)
The legal framework designates the institutionnal bodies responsible for the implementation of AEWA, for the preparation and transmission to the Secretariat of a report on the implementation of AEWA as well as the regular transmission of the information required by AEWA.
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Environmental Protection Act of 2001
Article 7 (extract) : The Council shall have the following competencies and powers […] (e) Coordination of the State’s efforts regarding joining environment-related conventions the, and defining the bodies entrusted with implementing those conventions. Article 25 : Without violating any other provisions of this Act, the concerned authority is committed to implement the provisions of the agreements and bilateral and international protocols that the country has adhered to, approved or to be adopted in the future. |
The Law of Protection of Hunting and National (Barns) Parks of 1986
Article 3 (extract) : […] Concerned officer means any officer in the wildlife protection police force of the ranks mentioned in Article 1 of the Sudan Police Act of 2008, or any member of the other ranks of the wildlife protection police force mentioned in Article 25 of the same law. Director means the Director of the General Administration of the Wildlife Protection Police Force; State Director means the officer responsible for managing the wildlife protection police force in each state […] |