The rural communities living around Ouesso would be the most affected by a significant decline in wildlife populations. They rely on wild meat and fish for their food security, cultural identity and livelihoods. However, population growth and logging activities in the Ouesso region, coupled with the expansion of the road network, are fueling a growing demand for wild meat.

To address this challenge, the SWM Programme aims to improve the management of hunting and fishing in forest concessions, whilst also developing alternative sources of animal protein in urban centres and logging camps. The aim is to ensure the sustainability of natural resources and the well-being of rural populations in the Ouesso region, and more broadly in Congo. The SWM project in Congo is coordinated by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in collaboration with the Congolese Government.


  • The intervention site is in the Sangha Trinational landscape, which is home to at least 116 species of mammals, including the western lowland gorillas (classified as critically endangered), 429 bird species, 29 species of reptiles and 246 species of fish.
  • Free, prior and informed consent has been fully integrated into Congolese law and defines the procedures, consultation and participation of the indigenous populations in development projects and programmes (links in French only).
  • The SWM Programme focuses on developing the local poultry sector in order to provide a healthy and sustainable alternative to the consumption of bushmeat.
  • The SWM Programme is working with the populations to define sustainable hunting rules.
  • More than 2 415 individual surveys and 50 focus group discussions were set up to analyse bushmeat, chicken and fish value chains.

Map of the SWM activities in Congo
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries.



Groupe Congo Media: Gestion durable de la faune...

© FAO Congo/Reine MBEMBA

Leaflet - SWM Programme in Republic of the Congo

Gestion durable de la faune sauvage du Bassin...


Community's Free Consent (French)

Community's Informed Consent (French)

Community's Prior Consent (French)