Botswana / Preconditions
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Para 85 (extract) […] To that end the preparation of development plans will be streamlined as follows: i. Government will formulate national land use and physical planning policies and prepare national and regional spatial plans; ii. Local Planning Authorities will be responsible for the preparation of general physical development plans for settlements and preparation of detailed layout plans, and also monitor developments to ensure that there are no planning contraventions; and iii. The Department responsible for Town and Regional Planning will support, advise and assist Local Authorities, Land Authorities and other stakeholders in the preparation and implementation of all types of land use plans, policies and guidelines.
Section 15 (extract):
In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned.
Section 9 (extract):
The functions of the Board shall be-
(h) after consultation with any land board established by the Tribal Land Act, and with the district council within whose area the tribal area in respect of which such land board is established is situated, to give to such land board directions concerning the proper use of any land within such tribal area
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Para 85 (extract) […] To that end the preparation of development plans will be streamilined as follows: i. Government will formulate national land use and physical palnning policies and prepare national and regional spatial plans; ii. Local Planning Authorities will be responsible for the preparation of genral physical development plans for settlements and preparation of detailed layout plans, and also monitor developments to ensure that there are no planning contraventions; and
iii. The Department responsible for Town and Regional Palnning will supoort, advise and assit Local Authorities, Land Authorities and other stakeholders in the preparation and implementation of all types of land use plans, policies and guidelines.
Para 9 (extract):
9.3 All tendering procedures for the awarding of natural resource use concessions will be overseen by the TAC who will provide technical appraisals and analyses of the tender bids submitted. The community in whose CHA a concession is offers will be consulted to provide an input on their choice of preferred joint venture partner. The decision to award the tender to a particular joint venture partner will however rest with the TAC. The tender award decision will be subject to written approval by the Land Authority.
Section 15 (extract):
In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned.
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Section 15 (extract):
(4) In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned.
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Section 4:
(1) The functions under customary law which vest in the subordinate land authority which are transferred to the subordinate land board shall include the hearing, grant or refusal of applications to use land for-
(a) building residences or extensions thereto;
(b) ploughing to a maximum extent of land determined by the tribal land board;
(c) grazing cattle or other stock;
(d) communal uses in the village.
(2) Subordinate land boards shall receive and make recommendations to the tribal land board in respect of applications for boreholes in their areas.
(3) Subordinate land boards shall hear and adjudicate upon disputes concerning customary land grants or rights within their area of jurisdiction.
(4) Subordinate land boards shall receive and make recommendations to the tribal land boards in respect of applications for common law grants of land.