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The Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act, 1992 defines wildlife to mean any vertebrate or invertebrate animal or fish, bird and the eggs and young thereof, but does not include domestic animal or bird and the young thereof.  The Wildlife Policy, 2013 recognises both flora and fauna as wildlife. While wildlife is generally regarded as state property, the law allows private ownership of wildlife kept at confinement or on private land enclosed with game fence.

The law defines four categories of areas where hunting/fishing is permitted: game reserves, Controlled Hunting Areas; Controlled Fishing Waters (CFWs) and private areas that are under the management of private owners. The game reserves; the CFWs and the CHAs are under government authority. Subsistence hunting of game is permitted and requires a special game license, meat acquired under this special license must not sold; subsistence fishing is allowed for citizen using traditional fishing gears. The use of wildlife requires a specific license for game animals, except for non-designated animals hunted for direct consumption. The Forest Act, 1968 prohibits all kinds of use of forestry resources unless one has an authorization, except in cases of exempted bona fide inhabitants of specific areas (inhabitants of towns, villages or habitations within the Kasane Forest Reserve) and bona fide travellers.

The Town and Country Planning Act, 2013 refers to conservation of natural resources at regional and local level. Plans must provide for the conservation of natural resources, allocation of land for game and bird sanctuaries. The Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act provides the creation of national parks, game reserves and sanctuaries, wildlife management areas and controlled hunting areas. These are created on all State land, or any land bequeathed or donated to the President for such purposes.  Private game reserves can be established on private land. The management plan for a national park or game reserve may designate an area as a community use zone for the use of designated communities living in or immediately adjacent to the national park or game reserve. They may only be used to conduct commercial tourism activities and for the sustainable use of veld products but not for any form of hunting.

Botswana recognizes three land tenure systems: freehold land; State land and tribal land. Tribal land is administered by Land Boards found in the respective districts while state land is administered by the President. Hunting or capturing animals in forest reserves is prohibited.  The Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act permits leasing rights and management rights over wildlife resources on state, community, or private property. The Act regulates the overlap of hunting/fishing areas with mining concession by setting prohibiting mining in national parks. One would need to get permission from the Minister of Mines. 

The direct participation of communities in wildlife utilization is promoted through policies, mainly the Wildlife Policy and the Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Policy. Communities form Community Based Organizations and apply for resources user rights on state and tribal land including wildlife management areas (WMA) and/or community land use zones in protected areas and share benefits from use of resources. Communities may obtain a 15-year Community Natural Resource Management Lease from the relevant Land Authority for the commercial use of natural resources. This 'Head Lease' is subject to an approved Land Use and Management Plan for the area specified in the lease, an annual land rental payable to the Land Authority, and a resource utilisation royalty payable to the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism. Communities may sublease or otherwise transfer any commercial natural resource user rights to one or more joint venture partners with prior written permission of the Land Authority. Where financial benefits are derived from the sale of natural resource concessions or hunting quotas related to particular communities, a portion of such financial benefits (60%) shall be paid into a National Environmental Fund held by the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism. The hunting quotas for communities are determined by the Director of Wildlife and National Parks.