Botswana / Preconditions
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Section 14 (extract):
(1) A Land Board may, for the purpose of performing its functions, establish such committees as it considers appropriate and may delegate to any such committee such of its functions as it considers necessary.
Section 53 (extract):
(7) A Land Board may delegate to any subordinate Land Board established under subsection (1) any of the functions of the Land Board in respect of the area for which it has been established.
Section 3 (extract):
(1) There shall be designated a public officer to be the Director of Wildlife and National Parks, and there shall be within the pulic service such wildlife officers as are necessary for the purposes of this Act.
(2) The Director shall designate suitable wildlife officers to be licensing officers for the purposes of this Act.
section 15:
(1) The areas specified in the Third Schedule are hereby declared to be wildlife management areas.
(2) The President may, by order published in the Gazette, declare any area to be a wildlife management area, or in like manner abolish any such wildlife management area, or amend the boundaries of any such wildlife management area by adding new areas or by deleting areas.
(3) Regulations made by the Minister under section 92 may, in respect of wildlife management areas or any wildlife management area, include the following-
(a) any matter referred to in section 14 paragraphs (a) to (i), except paragraph (g);
(b) the hunting or capture of animals therein by virtue of any licence or permit to hunt or capture
(c) the erection of any dwelling house or other building therein, or the residence therein of any person, or the size of any settlement therein;
(d) the grazing of any stock therein and any conditions or limitations concerning the husbandry of stock therein;
(e) the cultivation of any land therein, the conditions under which persons may cultivate, and the allocation of land for cultivation;
(f) conditions governing the drilling, allocation and use of boreholes;
(g) conditions governing the use therein of vehicles, aeroplanes, microlight aircraft and boats;
(h) the entry or the presence therein of persons other than residents thereof; and
(i) the culling of animals therein in accordance with any approved game animal utilization scheme.
(4) In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned
Section 3 (extract):
(3) The Director shall be the Scientific Authority and the Management Authority for the purposes of CITES in respect of animals, but may delegate his responsibilities as such Authorities under this Act to any other officer and or institution beyond the Department of Wildlife and National Parks subject to his own overriding control.
Section 5 (extract):
(1) Every council is hereby appointed as a planning authority for its planning area.
(2) A planning authority shall appoint a Physical Planning Committee to deal with such matters as the planning authority may, in writing, delegate to it.
Section 8 (extract):
(1) The Board may with the consent of the Minister appoint one or more committees of the Board consisting of such number of persons, whether members of the Board or not, as it may deem necessary to assist it in the performance of its functions: Provided that a person, other than a member of the Board, shall not be a member of such a committee except for a period for which the Minister by notice published in the Gazette has authorized his appointment, and that the provisions of section 6 shall apply to such a person mutatis mutandis and with the functions of the President thereunder vesting in the Minister.
(3) The procedure and functions of any committee shall be determined by the Board:
Provided that the Board shall not delegate to any committee any of the functions assigned to it under the provisions of paragraphs (c), (d), (e) and (f) of section 9.
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Section 3 (extract):
(3) The Director shall be the Scientific Authority and the Management Authority for the purposes of CITES in respect of animals, but may delegate his responsibilities as such Authorities under this Act to any other officer and or institution beyond the Department of Wildlife and National Parks subject to his own overriding control.
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Section 3 (extract):
(3) The Director shall be the Scientific Authority and the Management Authority for the purposes of CITES in respect of animals, but may delegate his responsibilities as such Authorities under this Act to any other officer and or institution beyond the Department of Wildlife and National Parks subject to his own overriding control.