Consumption use

BWA - Legal Hub - Consumption use - Picture © Manon Mispiratceguy


Hunting and fishing are strictly permit- and licence-based. The licences for hunting wildlife are: bird licences for birds; small game licences for small game such as springhare; single game licences for hunting one animal only of the specified species and kind; and special game licences for citizens who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food. Landowners, together with their employees, children or spouses, can hunt on their lands based on the landholder’s privileges granted by the Director of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP). 

The Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act (WCNPA), 1992 and the Fish Protection Regulations, 2016 impose limitations on the number of wildlife and fish that may be hunted or fished in a given season. With regard to holders of landholders' privileges, the Eight Schedule to the WCNPA, 1992 provides for the maximum number of animals that may be hunted yearly. Also, where game ranches are without a game-proof fence, the number of animals to be hunted or culled must be approved by the Director. In all other cases, the Director, in consultation with local authorities and land boards, determines the national quota of animals to be hunted in a particular season. The Fish Protection Regulations, 2016 provides for the issuance of hunting quotas by the Director acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister. By virtue of Botswana being a Party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), it must comply with CITES provisions. The DWNP applies to CITES each year for quotas of endangered species such as leopard, cheetah and crocodile. 

The law imposes periods where hunting and fishing are permitted, i.e. during the open season, as declared by the Minister through an order. The order may make different provisions with respect to different areas, different species of game animals, or animals of a specified sex. However, hunting in game ranches under the Minister's licence is permitted throughout the year; fishing is permitted from 1 March to 31 December every year. 

Hunting at night is generally prohibited except in game ranches; elsewhere it requires a permit granted by the DWNP. Hunting methods and tools are strictly regulated. For instance, hunting using fire, driving animals using dazzling lights and artificial luring calls are prohibited. For subsistence fishing, the use of traditional fishing gear is the permitted; however the use of explosives and poisonous plants, and seine fishing are prohibited.

The law imposes controls on the entitlement to consume meat from hunting. Selling of meat from hunting under a special game licence is strictly prohibited. Consumption of meat from hunting is allowed in restaurants provided that the restaurant owner has a permit to sell the meat. It is not an offence to purchase meat from a stall at any fete, bazaar or other similar  function that is open to the public, or in the ordinary course of business from a person who carries on business in a shop, store or other fixed place of business. A permit is not required if a person is a holder of a trophy dealer's licence or is entitled to landholder's privileges, or for a sale of a trophy obtained in accordance with the terms of a small game licence or single game licence. The export from, import into, transport through or re-export from Botswana of any animal, or trophy, meat or eggs requires a permit from the Director and the payment of such fee or export duty as may be prescribed.

The DWNP and the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) are central to the hunting of meat and its distribution . The Director of the DWNP is the Scientific and the Management Authority to ensure alignment with CITES with respect to animals; however, he or she  may delegate his/her responsibilities to any officer or institutions outside the DWNP, subject to his/her own overriding control. The responsibilities of the Director include issuing permits for the selling of animals killed or captured under the authority of a licence or permit, and the selling of any meat, trophy or eggs from such animals. The Director of Veterinary Services (DVS) issues licences to farmed game handling facility or a farmed game meat plant. The Director of DVS may appoint meat inspectors as authorized officers for the examination and seizure of meat, and the certification of fresh meat as healthy for human consumption. These two departments collaborate on the provision and operation of wildlife quarantine facilities, including the provision of veterinary services. Such cooperation is between the on DWNP and the Department of Veterinary Services. Further, the WCNPA, 1992, provides for cooperation between the DWNP, local authorities and land boards in setting up hunting quotas.