Zimbabwe / Human-wildlife conflicts
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Section 77(1) [Extract]- Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, after consultation with the Natural
Resources Board and the conservation committee concerned, by notice in a statutory instrument—authorize an environment committee, notwithstanding subsection (2) of section fifty-nine, to reduce on any alienated land within its area to such extent as may be specified in the notice any problem animal where, in his opinion, the number of such animals on the land is such as to cause excessive damage or nuisance;
Section 77 (2) No notice referred to in paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection (1) shall be made in terms of that subsection unless prior to the making of the notice the appropriate authority for the land concerned has been notified of the proposal to make the notice and afforded a reasonable opportunity of making representation in relation thereto.
Section 80- Problem animals
(1) The animals specified in the Eighth Schedule are hereby declared to be problem animals.
(2) The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Eighth Schedule by—
(a) removing the name of any animal therefrom; or
(b) adding the name of any animal thereto.
1. Baboon—Papio spp.
2. Wild or Hunting Dog—Lycaon pictus
3. Spotted Hyena—Crocuta crocuta
4. Black-backed Jackal—Canis mesomelas
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Section 3 (extract)- Zimbabwe is founded on respect for the following values and principles--[...] b. the rule of law;
c. fundamental human rights and freedoms;
d. the nation's diverse cultural, religious and traditional values; e. recognition of the inherent dignity and worth of each human being; f. recognition of the equality of all human beings; g. gender equality; h. good governance; and [...] Section 13(4)- The State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level must endeavour to facilitate rapid and equitable development, and in particular must take measures to--[...] 4 The State must ensure that local communities benefit from the resources in their areas Section 56 (extract)- 1. All persons are equal before the law and have the right to equal protection and
benefit of the law.
2. Women and men have the right to equal treatment, including the right to equal opportunities in political, economic, cultural and social spheres.
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Section 62 (extract)- Every Zimbabwean citizen or permanent resident, including juristic persons and the Zimbabwean media, has the right of access to any information held by the State or by any institution or agency of government at every level, in so far as the information is required in the interests of public accountability [...]
Section 68 (extract)- 1. Every person has a right to administrative conduct that is lawful, prompt, efficient, reasonable, proportionate, impartial and both substantively and procedurally fair.
2. Any person whose right, freedom, interest or legitimate expectation has beenadversely affected by administrative conduct has the right to be given promptly and in writing the reasons for the conduct