Zimbabwe / Food safety
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Section 3
(1) - No person shall operate premises in Zimbabwe for the sale, manufacture, production, processing or treatment of foods without a sanitary certificate for the premises issued in terms of these regulations. This inspection and certification shall also apply to food businesses for the purpose of importation and exportation of food.
(2) The minimum requirements for the certification of premises are set out in the First Schedule.
Section 31 -
Carcasses and meat kept for more than 2 hours at a slaughter house shall be chilled immediately after post mortem inspection and reduced to and kept at a bone temeprature not exceeding seven degrees Celsius, except that carcasses and meat which have been frozen shall be stored at a temperarture not exceeding minus 12 degrees Celsius.
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Section 9 (extract) -
(2) Every producer, manufacturer or processor of food must ensure that any water used in the production, manufacture or processing of any food at their premises meets the safety and quality standards prescribed in the WHO Guidelines for drinking water or any standards as may be set in Zimbabwe.
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Section 4 (extract) -
Prepared fish or prepared fish products shall be whole or comminuted food prepared from fresh or preserved fish or fish products, which may be canned, cooked or frozen and may contain-
(a) in the case of lobster paste and fish caviar, food colour as permitted by the Food and Food Standards (Preservatives, Additives and Prohibited Substances) Regulations, 1972;
(b) in the case of canned shellfish, canned mackerel and frozen cooked prawn (shrimps), citric acid or lemon juice;
(c) in the case of canned tune, ascorbic acid;
(d) in the case of canned cod livers, canned sardines and canned kipper snacks, liquid smoke flavour;[...]
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Section 30 -
Material used for the wrapping, packaging or containing of carcasses, meat, offals or entrails or other products shall- (a) not alter the organoleptic nature of the product; and (b) not be capable of transmitting substances harmful to human health, (c) ensure effective protection of the contents during handling and transportation; (d) not be reused unless it is made of non corrodible materials which are easy to clean and have been cleaned and disinfected immediately prior to use; and (e) be stored and prepared for use in a separate room provided for the purpose, which shall be kept clean and free from insects, rodents and vermin.
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Section 10 -
Any person who
(a) contravenes section 4; or
(b) provides false information in connection with these regulations; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.