Zimbabwe / Food safety
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Section 101 (extract) -
(1) No person shall sell meat or viscera obtained from animals and birds unless the animals and birds have been slaughtered in a registered abattoir and have been inspected by a meat inspector employed by a local authority and unconditionally passed as suitable for human consumption.
Section 102 (extract) -
(1) Subject to subsection (4), a local authority in co-ordination with the ministry of health and veterinary department may inspect any meat slaughtered at a slaughterhouse licensed by it or any meat intended for sale within its district[...]
Section 22 (extract) -
(2) As soon as practicable after the slaughter of any animal or bird, a meat inspector shall subject the carcass amd all its parts to a post mortem inspection.
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Section 102 (extract) -
(1) Subject to subsection (4), a local authority in co-ordination with the ministry of health and veterinary department may inspect any meat slaughtered at a slaughterhouse licensed by it or any meat intended for sale within its district and may charge fees at a rate approved by the Minister for such inspection.
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Section 22 (extract) -
(2) As soon as practicable after the slaughter of any animal or bird, a meat inspector shall subject the carcass amd all its parts to a post mortem inspection.
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Section 22 (extract) -
(6) The post mortem examination of a carcass shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Sixth Schedule and any other requirements which the Director may impose.
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Section 22 (extract) -
(6) The post mortem examination of a carcass shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Sixth Schedule and any other requirements which the Director may impose.
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Section 22 (extract) -
(1) All animals or birds submitted for slaughter at a slaughterhouse shall be dressed so that the carcass, head, meat, offal and all other parts of the animal or bird shall be identifiable from each other.
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Section 101 (extract) -
(1) No person shall sell meat or viscera obtained from animals and birds unless the animals and birds have been slaughtered in a registered abattoir and have been inspected by a meat inspector employed by a local authority and unconditionally passed as suitable for human consumption.
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Section 12 (extract) -
(3) Upon inquiry in terms of subsection (2) the court shall—
(a) subject to subsection (4), if satisfied that the food which is the subject of the inquiry
(i) is intended for sale or manufacture for sale; and
(ii) is prohibited from sale or manufacture for sale; order the owner or person in whose custody the food was found to destroy or dispose of the food within such period and on such conditions as it may deem fit;
Section 4 (extract)-
(2) If any butcher's meat which has not been graded and marked is found in a butcher's shop, food premises or vehicle, an authorised person may-
(a) seize and detain such meat by affixing thereto a label or Iabels bearing the words " SEIZED" and " DETAINED " ; and
(b) remoye such meat from the butcher's shop or food premises or vehicle; and
(c) arrange for the destruction of such meat or for its disposal in such manner as to prevent it from being used for human consumption[...]
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Section 101 (extract) -
(2) Any person who acts in contravention of a prohibition issued in terms of subsection ( 1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 4 (extract) -
(2) If any butcher's meat which has not been graded and
marked is found in a butcher's shop, food premises or vehicle, an authorised person may-
(a) seize and detain such meat by affixing thereto a label or Iabels bearing the words " SEIZED" and " DETAINED " ;
(b) remoye such meat from the butcher's shop or food premises or vehicle; and
(c) arrange for the destruction of such meat or for its disposal in such manner as to prevent it from being used for human consumption [...]
Section 10 (extract) -
Any person who- [...] contravenes section of these by-laws, shall be guilty of an offence and a fine not e xceeding level five or six months imprisonment or to both such fine and imprisonment.