Zimbabwe / Animal production
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Cattle identification
Section 4. Subject to section 9; every owner or keeper of cattle kept on holding on or before they attained the age of six months of age, shall identify with a brand specified in the second column of the Schedule which is appropriate to the prescribed area or zone where the
holding is situated on which the owner or keeper has his cattle.
Section 4 Registers
The Registrar shall keep separate registers for the registration of brands of—
(a) horses;
(b) cattle;
(c) sheep and goats.
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Location of brand or ear tag
Section 9. ( I ) Cattle which are required to be branded in terms of section 4 or 5 shall be branded on the left neck area, or if that area is already branded, on the left shoulder area.
(2) Cattle which are identified by ear tags in terms of section 5 shall be tagged on the left ear. (3) Cattle which are identified by ear tags in terms of section 6 shall be tagged on both the left and right ears with tags approved by the director.
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Section 4 - Subject to section 9; every owner or keeper of cattle kept on
holding on or before they attained the age of six months of age, shall
identify them with a brand specified in the second column of the
Schedule which is appropriate to the prescribed area or zone where the holding is situated on which the owner or keeper has his cattle.
Section 5- ( I ) Cattle shall be identified to their farm or dip-tank of origin
by either-
(a) brand approved and registered by the Director of Veterinary Services and applied within 180 days of the cattle having been born; or
(b) ear tags approved and prescribed by the Director of Veterinary Services and which shall be applied to the left ear of the cattle within 20 days of the cattle having been born; or (c) both (a) and (b)
Section 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5, cattle that are intended to be slaughtered at abattoirs approved for export to the European Union shall be identified only by ear tags, applied within 20 days of birth, so that they can be traceable from their holding of birth to the abattoir of slaughter in compliance with the Zimbabwe Cattle Traceability Scheme as authorised by the director.
Section 7. (1) Subject to section 9 an authorised person may order any owner or keeper of cattle which is six months of age or more to produce such cattle at a place and within such period as he may specify for the purpose of identifying them with a brand specified in the second column of the schedule which is appropriate to the prescribed area or zone where such owner or keeper keeps his cattle.
(2) Where an owner of cattle has been given an order in terms Of section (1) he shall produce the cattle concerned at the place and within the period specified in the order and shall permit them to be branded by the authorised person.