Zambia / Preconditions
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5(1); A planning authority shall, as far as is reasonably practicable, for purposes of securing an efficient planning framework and discharge of functions under this Act, liaise with appropriate regulatory authorities and take into account the requirements specified under the relevant laws. (2) A planning authority shall, for the efficient issue of planning permission and other authorisations under this Act, establish an integrated decision-making process or conform with a regulatory clearance system established under the Business Regulatory Act, 2014
Section 4 (extract)-"The following principles shall apply to wildlife conservation and management— [...](c) wildlife conservation and management shall be integrated, because all the elements of the environment are linked and inter-related; (d) the equitable and effective participation of local communities and traditional leaders shall be promoted taking into account their interest and needs;[...] "
Section 5 (extract)-(2) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the functions of the Department are to —(b) in partnership with local communities, share the responsibilities of management in Community Partnership Parks and Game Management Areas; (j) in partnership with local communities, grant hunting concessions to hunting outfitters and non-consumptive tourism operators in Game Management Areas; (r) co-operate with persons and organisations with an interest in the activities of the Department and are prepared to assist the Department on a voluntary basis and comply with the requirements set by the Ministry;
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section 18; of the Local Government Act, no. 2 of 2019, the Minister, subject to the Constitution, may by statutory order, confer on a local authority power not otherwise conferred on the local authority by this Act or any other written law, which the Minister considers necessary in the interests or for the well being of the inhabitants in, or for the good rule and governance of, the area of that local authority.
Section 31; prescribes the list of circumstances and cases in which the National Government shall coordinate its work with the local authorities.
Section 33; prescribes that, Subject to the Constitution, a Ministry shall for the purpose of ensuring implementation of national policies and adherence to performance standards on the part of a local authority, provide technical advice, support and training within that Ministry’s respective sector.
Section 11 (extract)- "Whenever the President considers that the conservation or protection and enhancement of wildlife, eco-systems, biological diversity and natural beauty so demands, the President may, after consultation with the Minister and the local community in the area, by statutory order, declare an area of land within the Republic to be a National Park for the purposes of this Act and may, in like manner, declare that a National Park shall cease to be a National Park or that the boundaries of a National Park shall be altered or extended."
Section 12 (extract)- "(1) The Minister may, on the application of a local community, a person, institution or organisation declare, by statutory instrument, an area that has an environmental, ecological or scientific value or significance to be a Community Partnership Park for environmental education and recreation or for the purpose of conserving, preserving and restoring genes, species or biological diversity and natural amenities and their underlying ecological structure, and may, in like manner, declare that any Community Partnership Park shall cease to be a Community Partnership Park or that the boundaries of a Community Partnership Park shall be altered or extended"
Section 17 (extract)-"(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the Director and after consultation with the Minister responsible for transport, provide for— (a) the control and regulation of traffic on or over public roads within a National Park or Community Partnership Park, and such regulations may specify the speed limits to be
observed over any specified part of the public roads;
and (b) the points on public roads at which persons or vehicles may enter or leave a National Park or Community Partnership Park and the routes along the public roads which they may follow in passing through or over the National Park or community Partnership Park."
Section 27 (extract)- "(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, in consultation with the Director, make regulations for—[....]"
Section 28 (extract)- "(1) The President may, after consultation with the Minister and the local community, by statutory order, declare an area of land within the Republic to be a Game Management Area for the sustainable utilisation of wildlife and for the purposes of this Act, and may, in like manner, define or alter or extend the limits of the area or order the area to cease to be a Game Management Area."
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Section 11 (extract)- "Whenever the President considers that the conservation or protection and enhancement of wildlife, eco-systems, biological diversity and natural beauty so demands, the President may, after consultation with the Minister and the local community in the area, [....] "
Section 12 (extract)- "(1) The Minister may, on the application of a local community, a person, institution or organisation declare, by statutory instrument, an area that has an environmental, ecological or scientific value or significance to be a Community Partnership Park [...]"
Section 17 (extract)-"(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the Director and after consultation with the Minister responsible for transport, provide for— [...]"
Section 27 (extract)- "(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, in consultation with the Director, make regulations for—[....]"
Section 28 (extract)- "(1) The President may, after consultation with the Minister and the local community, by statutory order, declare an area of land within the Republic to be a Game Management Area [...]"
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According to section 10 of the third schedule attached to the Local Government Act, no. 2 of 2019, A council may establish standing and occasional committees consisting of a number of members that the council may determine, for the purpose of examining and reporting on any matter and of discharging any functions of the council delegated to them under this Act. A council consisting of more than six councilorsshall in the exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1), establish a standing committee for the purpose of (a) advising the council on financial matters; (b) discharging functions of the council relating to finance that may be delegated to it under this Act or as may be conferred or imposed on it by or under any other written law. According to section 16 of the third schedule attached to the Local Government Act, no. 2 of 2019, A committee may, from among its members, appoint sub-committees for the purpose of examining and reporting on any matter. Subject to the provisions of the standing orders of a council, a sub-committee shall determine its own procedure. A sub-committee shall not discharge any functions of the council which have been delegated to the committee by which it was appointed.
According to section 5 of the fourth Schedule attached to the Local Government Act, no. 2 of 2019, concerning the Ward Development Committee, A committee may, from among its members, appoint sub-committees for the purpose of examining and reporting on any matter. Subject to the provisions of the standing orders of a council, a sub-committee shall determine its own procedure. A sub-committee shall not perform any functions of the council which have been delegated to the committee by which it was appointed.