Zambia / Food safety
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27(1); A person shall not import an animal, animal product or article without an import permit issued by the Director.
23(1); A person shall not import any fish or fish product without an import permit issued by the Director
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27(1); A person shall not import an animal, animal product or article without an import permit issued by the Director.
23(1); A person shall not import any fish or fish product without an import permit issued by the Director
36; A person shall not import, export, manufacture, label, store, promote, transport, advertise, pack, package, sell, distribute or dispose of any article or material or substance used for the manufacture of an article except under, and in accordance with, a health clearance certificate issued by the Committee in the prescribed manner and form.
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20(1); Subject to subsection (2), a person shall not import an article which does not comply with the provisions of this Act. (2) Where an article sought to be imported into the Republic would, if sold in the Republic, constitute a contravention of this Act, the article may be imported into the Republic for the purposes of satisfactorily re-labelling or reconditioning it so that the provisions of this Act are complied with. (3) Where the relabelling or reconditioning of an article referred to in subsection (1) is not carried out within ninety days of its importation, the article shall be exported by the importer within a further period of thirty days or other period that the Minister may determine and, where it is not so exported, it shall be forfeited and disposed of as the Committee may direct.
22; An appropriate enforcement authority may— (a) direct a manufacturer, an importer, exporter, distributor or seller of an article to comply with the provisions of this Act and the terms and conditions of the licence, permit, certificate or regulatory health requirement; (b) require a manufacturer, an importer, exporter, distributor or seller of an article to submit that information, records or articles that may be necessary to enable the enforcement authority to monitor compliance with this Act; (c) collect samples of an article from a manufacturer, an importer, exporter, distributor or seller for the purpose of laboratory analysis; (d) declare any food unsafe and order the manufacturer, distributor and seller to recall the unsafe food for purposes of disposal or reconditioning; and (e) take the necessary steps to ensure compliance with standards issued under this Act and codes of practice aimed at ensuring standards of food safety and quality.
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27(2); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, provide for the prohibition, restriction and regulation of the importation of any animal, animal product, animal by-product or article.(3) Without derogating from the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may, by regulation:
(a) provide for the disinfection or treatment of any imported animal, animal product, animal by-product or article or their containers;
(b) designate ports of entry, routes and methods of transportation;
(c) provide for the detention of any animal, animal product, animal by-product or article which is imported and the measures to be taken during the detention.
4(1); Functions of the Committee are to- [...] (b) coordinate the regulation of importation, exportation, production, manufacturing, labelling, storage, promotion, transportation, advertising, packaging, packing, sale, distribution and disposal of articles [...] (c) facilitate consumer protection in collaboration with to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission; (e) advise the Minister on policy matters related to food policy.
36; A person shall not import, export, manufacture, label, store, promote, transport, advertise, package, pack, sell, distribute or dispose of an article or any material or substance used for manufacture of an article except under, and in accordance with, a health clearance certificate.
37(1); The Minister may, on recommendation of the Committee, prescribe- (a) the criteria, terms and conditions for issuance of health inspection reports; the procedure for making an application for a regulatory health clearance certificate; [...] (h) good manufacturing practices, good hygiene practices and hazard analysis critical control points; (i) any other matter that may be necessary to ensure an efficient and fair regulatory health clearance system and process.
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5; Every owner of consignee of any butchers; meat or dead animal intended for the food of man which may be conveyed or transported into the District of the Local Authority for the purpose of sale shall submit such butchers' meat or dead animal for the purpose of examination, stamping or branding [...]
43(1); An authorized officer may- […] (f) inspect articles destined for import into, or export from, the Republic to determine whether the consignment is compliant with the provisions of this Act; (g) stop, inspect and examine any conveyance which the authorized officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an article to ensure compliance with this Act.
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5(1); An officer may- (a) at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect any land, building or premises where animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed may be found or processed for the purposes of inspection and data collection;
(b) open and examine any container, conveyance, package or wrapping suspected to contain an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance;
(c) inspect any animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed destined for import into or export from Zambia to determine whether the consignment is sanitary compliant; (d) inspect and examine any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance; and
(e) search any person whom the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or carrying out activities contrary to this Act.
(2) An owner of any land, building or premises or of any conveyance shall afford an officer access thereto and shall give such information and provide such reasonable assistance as the officer may require for the purposes of data collection and carrying out an inspection.
(3) An officer may, in the performance of any functions under this section, be accompanied and assisted by a police officer.
(4) An officer may detain an animal, animal product, animal byproduct, article or animal feed for a period not exceeding two weeks.
43(1); An authorized officer may- […] (f) inspect articles destined for import into, or export from, the Republic to determine whether the consignment is compliant with the provisions of this Act; (g) stop, inspect and examine any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an article to ensure compliance with this Act; (h) require the person in charge of a conveyance entering the Republic to furnish a list of articles in the conveyance and other prescribed information which is within the power of that person to furnish for the purpose of the Act; (k) seize, destroy, detain or dispose of an article manufactured, distributed, sold, stored, imported or exported contrary to the provisions of this Act or likely to cause harm or have adverse effects on human health or life; (o) destroy or order the destruction at any time of an article that is adulterated, contaminated, unsafe or unsuitable or moved contrary to the provisions of this Act;
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(5); A person who contravenes an order made pursuant to this section commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years, or to both.
109; Any person guilty of an offense or contravention of, or defaults in complying with, any provisions of this Act, if no penalty is expressly provided for such offense, contravention or default, be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units, and if the offense, contravention or default is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during which he shall make default [...]
62; A person who commits an offense under this Act for which a specific penalty is not provided for, is on conviction, liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.