Zambia / Consumption use
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3(1); The Public Service Commission shall appoint, as public officers, a Director, a Deputy Director, fisheries officers and such other staff, for the Department within the Ministry responsible for fisheries development, as shall be necessary for the administration of this Act.
5(1); The Minister may, in consultation with the Director, by notice in the Gazette, on such terms and conditions as the Minister may specify in the notice, appoint any person to be an honorary fisheries officer.
29(1); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, appoint a committee for a fisheries management area declared under section twenty-six; provided that the fisheries management area is in a game management area, the Ministershall appoint the committee in consultation with the community resource board for that area.(2) A committee appointed under subsection (1) shall comprise- (a) six representative of the local riparian fishing community who shall be elected by the local community; (b) a representative of the local authority in the fisheries management area; (c) a represnetative of the chief; (c) one representative of a non-governmental organization operating in the fisheries management area.
33(1); The Director may, under a fisheries management committee, appoint a zone and village management committee for the purpose of fisheries and aquaculture development in the area.
5. (1) There is established in the Ministry responsible for tourism the Department of National Parks and Wildlife which shall be responsible for the administration of this Act under the general direction of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry.
98. Except with the written permission of the Director or as is otherwise provided by this Act, a person commits an offence who possesses, buys or sells a live game or protected animal or meat of th game or protected animal, or who is found in circumstances showing that it is that person’s intention to buy or
sell a live game or protected animal or meat of the game or protected animal.
99. (1) The Director may, in the prescribed form, issue to a person who is in lawful possession of a game animal or protected animal or who intends to sell the meat of a game animal or protected animal a certificate of ownership of the meat, game animal or protected animal.
104. (1) A person may apply to the Committee in the prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee for a permit to import or export a wild animal or meat of a wild animal