Suriname / Preconditions
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Art. 7 (1c) [extract]:On the maps of a national development program, the following can be indicated, among other things: special management areas, i.e. areas for which a special form of management is considered desirable by or on behalf of the government [...]
Art. 1A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the eastern district boundary of the Saramacca district and the Coppename river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Article 20
1. By State Order, during a certain period with regard to certain minerals, areas or sites can be reserved:
a. in the public interest;
b. for granting mining rights under special conditions.
2. The mining rights existing before the date of the State Order referred to in the first paragraph of this article in the area to be reserved are respected
Art. 1 A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the Coppename River and the Burnside Canal […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. I A [extract]: From now on the Bigi Pan area between Burnside and the mouth of the Corantijn River […] will be made available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 1 [extract]: To make the coastal strip between the Suriname and the Marowijne river, north of the Commewijne and Cottica river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 4: The forest can be divided into permanent forest, coversion forest and forest to be preserved for the time being.
Art. 5:
(1) By State Order, areas are designated as permanent forest. This includes, in any case, those areas, which are or will be reforested or where forest improvement measures have been or will be taken.
(2) When designating permanent forest, a distinction can be made between permanent production forest, forest shelter belt and specially protected forest.
Art. 7:
(1)The Minister designates the areas, as conversion forest. Such designation shall not be contrary to a valid national or regional development programme.
Article 41:
(2) After consultation with the Minister in charge of regional development, the Minister designates certain forest areas as communal forest on behalf of the inhabitants of the interior who live in villages and settlements and also for the tribal communities. The utilization and the control of the communal forest will be further regulated by State Order.
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Art. 4: The forest can be divided into permanent forest, coversion forest and forest to be preserved for the time being.
Art. 5:
(1) By State Order, areas are designated as permanent forest. This includes, in any case, those areas, which are or will be reforested or where forest improvement measures have been or will be taken.
(2) When designating permanent forest, a distinction can be made between permanent production forest, forest shelter belt and specially protected forest.
Art. 7:
(1)The Minister designates the areas, as conversion forest. Such designation shall not be contrary to a valid national or regional development programme.
Article 41:
(2) After consultation with the Minister in charge of regional development, the Minister designates certain forest areas as communal forest on behalf of the inhabitants of the interior who live in villages and settlements and also for the tribal communities. The utilization and the control of the communal forest will be further regulated by State Order.
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Article 8 (2): No one shall be discriminated against on the basis of birth, sex, race, language, religion, origin, education, political opinion, economic position or social circumstances or any other status.
Article 35 (2): Man and Woman are equal before the law.
Article 45: In principle, the social order rests on a society in which all Surinamese have the same rights and obligations.
Article 46: The State creates the conditions underlying the formation of citizens who are able to participate democratically and effectively in the development process of the nation.
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Article 12: Hunting is permitted:
(a) on land and waters belonging to the public land domain in so far as not declared a nature reserve by State Order by the Nature Conservation Act 1950 and having regard to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article;
(b) on private land with the written consent of the business and/or personally entitled.
Hunting within built-up areas is prohibited.
Article 625: Ownership is the right to enjoy a property freely and to have it in the most complete way, provided that it is not used in conflict with the laws, provided by such power, which, according to the Law on the State Establishment of Suriname, has the power to do so, and provided that the rights of others are not impeded; except for the expropriation for general benefit against prior compensation, under the Law on the Constitution of Suriname.
Article 34:
1.Property, both of the community and of the individual, fulfils a social function. Everyone has the right to undisturbed enjoyment of his property subject to the restrictions resulting from the law.
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Article 34:
2. Expropriation may only be carried out in the public interest in accordance with rules laid down by law and against pre-insured compensation.
3. Compensation need not be guaranteed in advance where, in the event of an emergency, immediate expropriation is required.
4. In cases provided for in or under the law, the right to compensation shall be incurred if the property is destroyed or rendered inoperable by the competent authority in the public interest or the exercise of property rights is restricted.
Article 1 [extract]: Expropriation is understood to mean the removal by the government, against compensation, from someone's property for the benefit of a work of public benefit or from measures as referred to in Article 13 [...]
Article 13 [extract]: In the event of fire, flooding, war or danger of war and riots, the highest civil or military authority, present on the spot, is authorized to take immediate possession, if it deems this absolutely necessary. Ownership of [...]
Article 2: Subject to the provisions of article 3 and 13, expropriation can only take place when it has been declared by law that the public interest requires it. This law indicates the nature and scope as well as the main points for determining the general direction of the work.
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Article 22
(1)The activities that may have adverse effects on the environment and for which the NMA (National Environmental Authority) is authorized to require an environmental impact analysis (EIA) are established by State Order.
(5) If an EIA is required for an activity as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the activity will start after the environmental impact report containing the results of the EIA has been approved by the NMA.
Article 24 (2): The NMA is authorized to conduct or commission a strategic environmental impact analysis (SEA) with regard to a proposed government policy plan or government program.
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Article 35
3) Every child has the right to protection without discrimination of any kind.
5) The State recognizes the exceptional value of motherhood.
6) Working women are entitled to maternity leave with full pay or salary.
Article 36 (1): Everyone has the right to health.
Article 37:
(1) Young people enjoy special protection for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, including:
a. access to education, culture and work;
b. vocational training;
c. physical education, sports and leisure activities.
(2) The main objective of youth policy is the development of the young person's personality and sense of community service.
Article 38 (1): Everyone has the right to education and cultural experience.
Article 39 (1): The State recognizes and guarantees the right of all citizens to education and offers them equal opportunities for training
Article 45:In principle, the social order rests on a society in which all Surinamese have the same rights and obligations.
Article 46: The State creates the conditions underlying the formation of citizens who are able to participate democratically and effectively in the development process of the nation.
Article 50:The social security policy for widows, orphans, the elderly, invalids and incapacitated for work is specified by law
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Article 48:
3) The intentional violation of one of the statutory regulations referred to in Article 47, paragraph 1, as well as committing an environmental offence as referred to in Articles 59, 60 and 68, or the deliberate non-compliance of the regulations established by the NMA in the interest of the sustainable development of the environment or the regulations regarding environmental hygiene, is punished with imprisonment of maximally six years and a fine of the fifth category
of Article 40 of the Criminal Code.
4) Non-intentional violation of one of the statutory provisions referred to in Article 47, paragraph 1, or non-compliance with the regulations established by the NMA in the interest of the sustainable development of the environment or the regulations with regard to environmental hygiene, is punished with a fine of the fifth category of Article 40 of the Criminal Code.