Suriname / Consumption use
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Article 8:
It is prohibited:
b. to hunt for "game " or with the use of nets for birds belonging to the "cage animal species" other than in possession of a valid hunting license or special license;
c. to hunt with shotguns other than those suitable and intended to be hand-supported and shoulder-operated only and of a caliber not greater than 12;
d. to hunt by means other than those specified by State Order;
Article 9:
The Director or the Head as his designated deputy may issue and grant special licenses to persons designated by him to act on behalf of a scientific, educational or other useful purpose, to be set by him conditions, for a specific time and for a specific area to kill or to collect, without a hunting license (jachtacte), on animal species designated by him in particular, belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species", or collect eggs or nests of birds belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species". With regard to the animals and / or objects thus obtained, the license holder will be allowed to have them in his possession, to transport them or to export them.
Article 11
Rules can be laid down by State Order regarding:
b. the method by which the lawful hunt is to be carried out and the nature of the hunting means to be employed;
Article 2:
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4 and Article 5, under a and c, it is prohibited within Suriname to fish other than with a fishing rod or handline, unless a written license to be issued by or on behalf of the Director can be submitted.
Article 2a:
1. The following fishing license fees shall be levied for the authorization referred to in the previous Article, i.e.
(a) for trap and line fishing in river mouths: f 25,-
(b) for seine fishing in rivers: f 25,-
(c) for gillnet fishing in pans and swamps f 25,-
(d) for pair trawling from the riverbank: f 15,-
(e) for sport fishing (sports fishing subject to licence) and others: f 15,-
Article 6:
It is prohibited:
a. to hunt the animal species belonging to game with the use of:
1 ° set-gun, traps, clamps, explosives and poisonous substances or narcotics;
2 ° nets without a special license from the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, which can be provided after the conditions laid down by the Minister's Order have been met;
3 ° Nets which do not meet the relevant requirements to be determined by the Minister’s Ministerial Order;
b. to hunt the animal species belonging to the “cage animal species” with:
1 ° all types of firearms, gas guns, including wind rifles, catapults, clamps and poisonous substances or narcotics;
2 ° nets without a special license from the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, which can be provided after the conditions laid down by the Minister's Order have been met;
3 ° Nets which do not meet the relevant requirements to be determined by the Minister’s Ministerial Order;
c. to hunt predominantly harmful species of birds with poisonous substances or narcotics;
d. to hunt with a firearm equipped with a silencer;
f. to hunt with artificial light without a special license of the Director or Head as his designated replacement, which may be provided after the conditions to be laid down by the Minister's Ministerial Order have been fulfilled; the Minister may by Ministerial Order designate areas where hunting with artificial light is authorized or prohibited.
Article 45: He who catches fish by
intoxication shall be punished with detention of not more than one month or fine of not more than one hundred guilders.
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Article 5:
It is prohibited:
(a) to purchase fish below the size determined by or pursuant by State Order or exchange, accept as a gift, have present, sell, deliver or transport;
Article 2 [extract]:
1. For the fish species to be mentioned, the following size is prescribed:[…]
2. Size means the length of the fish, measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the caudal fin.
3. Undersized fish or fish below size means fish whose size is smaller than the dimensions prescribed in paragraph 1.
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Article 13 [extract]:
From the seventh day after the closure until the opening of the hunt is prohibited:
a. the transport, sale, trade, delivery, sale, offering as a gift or exchange, or having in their possession for these purposes animals, as well as parts or products thereof, including eggs, belonging to "game";
b. the sale, trade, delivery or possession or to have for these purposes animals belonging to the "cage animal species".
The import, landing from the sea, transit or export of animals belonging to the "game" and "caged animal species", as well as parts or products thereof, including eggs, is only authorized under the conditions and rules applicable to each species laid down by State Order. […]
Article 5: It is prohibited:
c. buy, exchange, accept as a gift, sell, deliver or transport fish during the closed time established by or pursuant by State Order, or during that time to have for sale or delivery or from four days after the commencing until the end of that time for any other reason.
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Article 16 : Violation of any of the articles of this Act or the decisions taken pursuant to this Act shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding ten thousand guilders.
Not punishable is he who violates this Act for immediate protection of their own or another's person or property.
Article 17: Investigating officers shall at all times have the power to confiscate susceptible objects. They may seek their extradition for that purpose.
Article 18: In the event of conviction for any act contrary to Article 8, Article 13 or in contracurt from any requirement given pursuant to Article 10, Article 11 and 12, the condemned person shall be revoked for a period of six months, starting with the date on which the judgment became irrevocable.
Extract of the judgment shall be forwarded to the District Commissioner for the residence of the condemned person, to the District Commissioner who has issued the hunting act or license and to the Nature Protection Commission.
Article 19: The offences punishable in or under this Act shall be considered as offences.
Article 6: Infringement of the rules laid down by or pursuant to any of these articles shall be punishable by imprisonment of not more than one month or a fine of not more than one hundred guilders.
Article 7: The offences punishable by or under this Act shall be considered as offences.