Guyana / Animal health
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Section 21 (1) (extract) A registered Animal Health Assistant may perform any or all of the following functions (a) the preparation and esterilization of equipment (b) The preparation of simple solutions (c ) the collection of ([...]) samples (d) the collection of postmortem samples ([...]) (e)the handling of vaccines and the maintenance of biological products (f) the vaccination of animals (g) the restraint of all types of animals (h) the preparation of records (i) the performance of minor surgical procedures([...]) (j) the performance of laboratory techniques ([...]) (k) the giving of advise to farmers (l) The performance of any veterinary duty , other than diagnosis , prescription or surgery, which may be requested by the registered veterinarian under whose supervision he works
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Section 19.(1) Any person who possesses the necessary qualifications and who is desirous being registered as an animal health assistant for the purpose of practising as such in Guyana, shall submit an application to the Board in the prescribed form accompanied by the prescribed fee.
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Section 26 (extract)
(1) Any person who - (...)
(c) advertises or holds himself out as a person authorised or qualified to practise veterinary medicine when he is not qualified, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term of two years.
(2) Any person who, not being registered as a veterinarian under this Act-
(a) takes or uses any title, addition or description implying or calculated to lead persons to believe that he is registered as a veterinarian, or that he is recognized by law as a person authorised or qualified to practise 'veterinary medicine;
(b) assumes or uses any affix Indicative of any occupational designation relating to the practise of veterinary medicine; or
(c) advertises or holds himself out as a person authorised or qualified to practise veterinary commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonmentfor a term of two years.
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Section 19 (2) A person shall not be registered as an animal health assistant unless he- (a) holds a certificate of proficiency from an approved training institution (b) holds a certificate of profeciency in respect of a programme appoved by the Board (c) passes the examination referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection 4 and (c) pays the prescribed registration fee.
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Section 21 (2) An animal health assistant shall at all times perform his functions under the supervision of a registered veterinarian
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Section 26.
(1) Any person who -
(a) procures or attempts to procure registration for himself or for any other person by knowingly - (i) making or causing to be made, any misleading, false or fraudulent represetation or declaration either orally or in writing or otherwise or (ii) producing, or causing to be produced, any false fraudulent document certificate:
(b) willfuffy makes, or causes to be made, any falsification in any matter relating to any of the Registers;
(c) advertises or holds himself out as a person authorised or qualified to practise veterinary medicine when he is not qualfied, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundrad thousand
dollars and to imprisonment for a term of two years.
(2) Any person who, not being registered as a veterinarian under this Act-
(a) takes or uses any title, addition or description implying or calculated to lead persons to believe that he is registered as a veterinarian, or that he is recognized by law as a person authorised or qualified to practise 'veterinary medicine;
(b) assumes or uses any affix Indicative of any occupational designation
relating to the practise of veterinary medicine; or
(c) advertises or holds himself out as a person authorised or qualified to practise veterinary commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonmentfor a term of two years.
(3) Any person who, during a period when his registration asa veterinarian under this Act is suspended, or who, not being registered as a veterinarian under this Act-
(a)practises veterinary medicine;
(b)for reward, diagnoses or offers to diagnose or attempts to diagnose any animal disease, ailment, deformity, defect or injury, or examines or advises upon any physical condition of a y anima;l
(c)prescribes or administers any drug, serum or any other substance or remedy; appliesany apparatu, osr rlonnsanyoperationormanipulaiot n for the cure, treatment or prevention of any animal diseaseailmen,t deformity, defect or injury; or
(d)acts as the assistant or associate of any person who performs any of the acts specified in this subsection, commits a,1offence andisliable on summary conviction to a fine of three hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term of two years.
Section 29. Every person guilty of a breach of any of the provisions of this Act for which no other penalty is provided shall be liable on summary conviction, to a fine of one hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment for a term of one year.