Botswana / Animal health
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Section 11 (extract):
(1) The Minister may, in the Order establishing a Council or a Subordinate Authority, and subject to the limitations and conditions as the Minister may consider appropriate, provide that the Council or the Subordinate Authority shall either be required to perform or may perform any of the functions set out in Schedule 1.
Section 44 (extract):
(1) A Council may after consultation with the community, make bye-laws for the area in respect
of which it has been established, or any part of that area, in respect of-
(a) all matters as it considers necessary or desirable for the maintenance of the health, environment, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of that area or that part;
Schedule 1 (extract):
2. Health and sanitation
To take steps in addition to those taken by any other authority to safe-guard and promote
public health and prevent the occurrence of, or to deal with, any outbreak or prevalence of any
Regulation 2:
The area which is bordereed to the west by the border between Botswana and Namibia, to the north by the border between Botswana and the Caprivi Strip, to the east by the cordon fence from Pepere Island to the Caprivi border, the Okavango swamp and the buffalo fence surrounding the Okavango swamp, to the south east by the Makalamabedi-Kute cordon fence, to the south by the cordon fence from Kuke Corner to the border between Botswana and Naminia, is hereby decalred to be infected with contagious bovine pleuropneumonia(lung sickness).
Section 4:
The Director may, by order published in the Gazette-
(a) declare any area to be an infected area as regards any disease named in such order;
(b) extend, diminish or otherwise alter the limits of an infected area;
(c) declare an infected area to be free from disease;
(d) for the purpose of preventing disease, prohibit the movement into or out of any infected area of any animal, carcass, litter, dung or fodder, except under a permit issued by a veterinary officer.
Regulation 2:
The area bounded by the cordon fence along the Botswana/Zimbabwe border in the east, in the south by the Shashe River, in the west and north by Francistown Freehold Ranches is hereby declared to be infected with foot and mouth disease.
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Regulation 28:
(1) It shall be lawful for an official to isolate in a place to be specified by him any stock amongst which an outbreak of disease has or is suspected to have occurred, or any other stock which have been or are suspected of having been in contact with infected stock.
(2) Such isolation shall not exceed a period of 30 days unless authorized by the Minister or Director, and the official isolating the stock shall within a reasonable time obtain the authority of the Director for such isolation.
Regulation 79:
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of foot-and-mouth disease-
(a) no animals shall be moved into or out of an area declared infected on account of foot-and-mouth disease unless the person in charge has written permission to do
so from the Director;
(b) no person shall be allowed access to the animals affected or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease other than persons necessary for their proper care;
(c) no person who has been in contact with the animals affected with or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease shall approach other stock or shall
leave the place until his hands and boots and, if boots were not worn, his feet have been thoroughly disinfected;
(d) no animals, other than horses, asses or mules, which have been in contact with any part of an animal which has died of foot-and-mouth disease, or with the excretions
of animals affected or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease, shall be removed from the farm or place except with permission from the Director and under conditions imposed by him;
(e) horses, asses, and mules shall not be allowed to leave any farm or place in which foot-and-mouth disease is known or suspected to exist, or in which foot-and-mouth
disease is known or suspected to have existed within the previous 15 days, unless all reasonable precautions have been taken to disinfect them;
(f) animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
(g) all sheep, cattle, and pigs which have been in contact with animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease, and all cattle, sheep, and pigs which are suspected of having been in contact with animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease, shall be isolated for such time and in such a manner as the Director may prescribe, or they may be slaughtered by order of the Minister.
Regulation 86:
No person shall move any dog or cat into or out of an infected area except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit issued by the Director or any one authorized by him in writing to issue permits.
Regulation 90:
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of rinderpest-
(a) no cattle shall be moved to, within, or out of an area declared infected on account of rinderpest unless the person in charge has written permission from the Director to do so;
(b) no person shall be allowed access to stock affected with or suspected of being affected with rinderpest other than the persons necessary for their proper care and officers authorized to carry out these Regulations;
(c) no persons who have been in contact with animals affected or suspected of being affected with rinderpest shall approach other cattle or shall leave the place until their hands and boots or, if boots are not worn, their feet have been properly disinfected;
(d) no farm stock (with the exception of horses, asses, or mules) which have been in contact with any part of an animal dead of rinderpest or with the excretions of animals affected with or suspected of being affected with rinderpest, shall be removed from the farm or place without permission from the Director and under conditions imposed by him;
(e) no horse, ass, or mule which has been in contact with any part of an animal which has died of rinderpest, or is suspected of having died of rinderpest, and no horse, ass, or mule which has been in contact with cattle suffering from this disease or with the excretions of such animals, shall be allowed to leave the infected area or place until the hooves have been properly washed for rinderpest with disinfectant;
(f) animals suffering from rinderpest or which have been in contact with animals suffering from or suspected of suffering from rinderpest may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
(g) all cattle which have been or which are suspected of having been in contact with animals suffering from or suspected of suffering from rinderpest shall be isolated and inoculated in a manner prescribed by the Director or such animals may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
(h) no person without permission from the Director shall knowingly bring the bile, blood, flesh, milk, hides, or excretions of animals suffering from or suspected to be suffering from rinderpest in contact with other cattle for any purpose whatever, or shall remove such substance out of the infected area or place of isolation;
(i) quarantine shall not be removed at any earlier date than 14 days after the death, slaughter, or recovery of all infected animals, and only if paragraph (g) has been complied with;
(j) no person shall use any material taken from any animal suffering from rinderpest for the purpose of inoculation of any stock unless he has previously obtained authority
to do so from the Director.
Regulation 98 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of swine fever and swine
(a) no swine shall be moved into or out of an area declared infected on account of swine fever or swine erysipelas unless the person in charge has written permission
from the Director to do so.
f) no manure or litter from swine suffering from or suspected to be suffering from swine fever or swine erysipelas shall be transported outside the infected area
unless it has been burned to the satisfaction of the Director;
Regulation 99:
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of animal trypanozoonosis-
(a) no person shall permit to be moved or to stray from or into or within a trypanozoonosis area any stock, whether the same are or are not infected with disease;
(b) stock not affected with disease may be removed from or introduced into or moved within any such area upon written permission previously obtained from the Director
and in accordance with any conditions imposed by him.
Regulation 3:
Until further notice, no person shall move cattle from or into the infected area or from palce to place for a distance of more than eight kilometres (8km) within he said infecetd area without a written permit to do sofrom a vetrinary officer or any other officer authorised by the Directorto give such a permit.
Section 4 (extract):
The Director may, by order published in the Gazette-
(d) for the purpose of preventing disease, prohibit the movement into or out of any infected area of any animal, carcass, litter, dung or fodder, except under a permit issued by a veterinary officer.
Section 5 (extract):
(1) In the absence of any other provisions made by regulations under this Act, the following provisions shall apply to all infected areas-
(a) no person shall move any animal from or into any infected area, or from place to place within such area, without a written permit to do so from a veterinary officer or any officer authorized by the Director to give such permit;
(b) no person shall move any animal from an infected area unless previously disinfected and treated in such manner as may be directed by the Director or by any person authorized by him;
(c) the Director or any person authorized by him may require the owner of any animal within the infected area to isolate such animal from other animals within the infected area or to remove such animal from such area;
(d) the Director may direct that any animal within an infected area be isolated, inoculated, dipped, treated or slaughtered for the purpose of disease control;
(e) no person shall leave an infected area without having complied with such reasonable precautions for preventing the spread of disease as may be required by a departmental officer;
(f) the carcass of any animal infected with disease shall be disposed of in accordance with any general or specific instructions issued by the departmental officer.
Regulation 3:
Until further notice, the movement of cloven hoofed animals and their products into or out of the area defined under paragraph 2, is prohibited except under and in accordance with a permit issued by a veterinary officer
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Regulation 3:
Until further notice, no person shall move cattle from or into the infected area or from palce to place for a distance of more than eight kilometres (8km) within he said infecetd area without a written permit to do sofrom a vetrinary officer or any other officer authorised by the Director to give such a permit.
Regulation 3:
Until further notice, the movement of cloven hoofed animals and their products into or out of the area defined under paragraph 2, is prohibited except under and in accordance with a permit issued by a veterinary officer
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Regulation 8:
(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make an order declaring such areas as may be specified in such order to be stock-free zones for the purpose of the control of disease.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1), the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette-
(a) direct that stock should be removed from a stock-free zone;
(b) direct the erection of dipping tanks, spray races, smudge houses and such other structures as he may consider necessary for the purpose of the control of disease;
(c) direct the erection and maintenance of fences on any land for the purpose of the control of disease;
(d) declare specified routes or modes of transport along which cattle are moved from place to place within Botswana to be stock routes; and
(e) prohibit the sinking of boreholes within 8 km of any fence erected under paragraph (c).
(3) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the Director may, where he
deems it necessary to do so, by written permit, allow any person to move stock into or through
a stock-free zone on such conditions as may be specified in the permit.
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Section 4 (extract):
The Director may, by order published in the Gazette-
(c) declare an infected area to be free from disease;
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Regulation 18:
(1) The President may for the purpose of preventing the introduction or spread of any disease order any stock to be moved to any place from any other place, or isolated in such manner and under such conditions as he may prescribe in consultation with the Director.
(2) He may also prohibit in any district or portion thereof the holding of exhibitions of stock and the sale of stock on public markets and in private saleyards.