Botswana / Animal health
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Regulation 3:
The following diseases are hereby specified for the purposes of these Regulations and shall be dealt with as hereinafter directed-
(a) anthrax;
(b) bacillary necrosis;
(c) breeding diseases, i.e. brucellosis, vibriosis, trichomoniasis and epidelymitis vaginitis;
(d) dourine;
(e) theileriosis or gonderiosis;
(f) epizootic lymphangitis;
(g) foot-and-mouth disease;
(h) glanders and farcy;
(i) mange in equines;
(j) pleuropneumonia, contagious (or lung-sickness);
(k) quarter evil;
(l) rabies;
(m) rinderpest;
(n) scab in sheep;
(o) sheep-pox;
(p) swine erysipelas;
(q) swine fever;
(r) trypanozoonosis;
(s) tuberculosis;
(t) ulcerative lymphangitis;
(u) lumpy skin disease;
(v) Johne's disease;
(w) mange in the bovine, goat and pig;
(x) Newcastle disease;
(y) Psittacosis;
(z) bovine spongiform encephalopathy;
(aa) transmissible spongiform encephalopathies;
(bb) avian influenza,
and any other disease to which stock are liable, and which may be prescribed under the Act to be a disease for the purposes of these Regulations.
Section 2 (extract):
"disease" means anthrax, brucellosis, dourine, East Coast fever, epizootic lymphangletla, foot and mouth disease, glanders and farcy, mange in equines, contagious bovine, pleuro-pneumonia, African swine fever, swine fever, rabies, rinderpest, sheep-pox and sheep scab, tuberculosis, African horse sickness, ulcerative lymphangitis, lumpy skin disease, Newcastle disease, blue tongue, psittacosis, Rift Valley fever, trypanosomiasis, and any other disease of animals prescribed as a disease for the purposes of this Act;
Section 3:
(1) Every owner or person in control of any animal affected or suspected of being affected by any disease shall-
(a) as soon as is reasonably practicable, give notice of the animal so affected or suspected of being so affected to the nearest departmental officer, administrative officer, or police officer; and
(b) as far as is practicable, keep such animal separated from other animals not so affected.
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Regulation 42:
When any farm or place which adjoins a public road has been declared an infected area, the District Officer of the district shall cause placards stating the disease on account of which the farm or place has been declared infected to be placed in a manner visible from the public road on the said farm or place at the two points where the road enters and leaves it.
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Regulation 25:
As soon as the owner of any place or any owner of stock or any veterinary surgeon who may be called in by the owner has reason to suspect that any stock in his charge or possession or in respect of which he has been called in is suffering or has died from a disease, he shall forthwith in the speediest manner possible report the same to the nearest official and shall obtain a written acknowledgement of such notice, which shall be prima facie evidence that the notice required by this regulation has been duly given.
Section 3 (extract):
(1) Every owner or person in control of any animal affected or suspected of being affected by any disease shall-
(a) as soon as is reasonably practicable, give notice of the animal so affected or suspected of being so affected to the nearest departmental officer, administrative officer, or police officer; and
(b) as far as is practicable, keep such animal separated from other animals not so affected.
(2) Every person, other than a departmental officer, receiving notice under subsection (1) shall forthwith notify the nearest departmental officer.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), any veterinary surgeon who has reason to believe that any animal is suffering from a disease shall forthwith give notice of that fact to the nearest departmental officer.
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Regulation 32:
On becoming aware of the occurrence of disease, the owner of the stock shall-
(a) cause all infected stock and stock which have been exposed to infection to be kept in a place separate from all other stock liable to be infected or to carry the disease;
(b) prevent such stock from leaving such place or being kept within 100 metres of any public road or of any adjoining farm or place unless confined in a stable or kraal;
(c) cause the stock actually infected to be tied up or put into a kraal or an enclosed camp;
(d) to the best of his ability carry out the instructions of the Director or any official; and
(e) on the direction of the Director or stock inspector cause any stock infected with disease or suspected of being so infected or any stock which may have been in
contact with such infected stock, to be moved to any other place or to be isolated or concentrated in accordance with such directions.
Section 3 (extract):
(1) Every owner or person in control of any animal affected or suspected of being affected by any disease shall-
(a) as soon as is reasonably practicable, give notice of the animal so affected or suspected of being so affected to the nearest departmental officer, administrative officer, or police officer; and
(b) as far as is practicable, keep such animal separated from other animals not so affected.
Section 5 (extract):
(1) In the absence of any other provisions made by regulations under this Act, the following provisions shall apply to all infected areas -
(c) the Director or any person authorized by him may require the owner of any animal within the infected area to isolate such animal from other animals within the infected area or to remove such animal from such area;
(d) the Director may direct that any animal within an infected area be isolated, inoculated, dipped, treated or slaughtered for the purpose of disease control;
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Regulation 32:
On becoming aware of the occurrence of disease, the owner of the stock shall-
(a) cause all infected stock and stock which have been exposed to infection to be kept in a place separate from all other stock liable to be infected or to carry the disease;
(b) prevent such stock from leaving such place or being kept within 100 metres of any public road or of any adjoining farm or place unless confined in a stable or kraal;
(c) cause the stock actually infected to be tied up or put into a kraal or an enclosed camp;
(d) to the best of his ability carry out the instructions of the Director or any official; and
(e) on the direction of the Director or stock inspector cause any stock infected with disease or suspected of being so infected or any stock which may have been in
contact with such infected stock, to be moved to any other place or to be isolated or concentrated in accordance with such directions.
Regulationn 33:
Any stock in the vicinity of any place of isolation or in the vicinity of any place where an outbreak of disease has occurred shall be removed by the owner thereof to such place or places as any official may direct, and shall remain at such place or places until their removal shall be authorized by an official.
Regulation 76 (extract):
The following additional provisions will apply in the case of breeding diseases
(c) no person shall sell or otherwise dispose of stock which are infected or believed to be infected with a breeding disease unless the purchaser has received written
notification of the stock's condition at the time of sale and the seller has obtained written permission from the Director to sell the stock;
Regulation 98 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of swine fever and swine erysipelas-
(a) no swine shall be moved into or out of an area declared infected on account of swine fever or swine erysipelas unless the person in charge has written permission from the Director to do so;
(b) no person shall be allowed access to swine affected with or suspected of being affected with swine fever or swine erysipelas other than persons necessary for their proper care;
(c) no person who has been in contact with swine affected with or suspected of being affected with swine fever or swine erysipelas shall approach other swine or shall leave the place until their hands and boots or, in the case where boots were not worn, the feet have been properly disinfected;
(d) any swine which within a period of 30 days have been in contact with other swine suffering from swine fever or swine erysipelas shall be isolated for such a time and in such a manner as the Director may prescribe;
(e) any swine suffering from or suspected of suffering from swine fever or swine erysipelas may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
(f) no manure or litter from swine suffering from or suspected to be suffering from swine fever or swine erysipelas shall be transported outside the infected area unless it has been burned to the satisfaction of the Director;
(g) quarantine shall not be removed at an earlier date than 30 days after the slaughter or death of the last affected animal and only in case of disinfection having been carried out to the satisfaction of the Director.
Section 5:
(1) In the absence of any other provisions made by regulations under this Act, the following provisions shall apply to all infected areas-
(a) no person shall move any animal from or into any infected area, or from place to place within such area, without a written permit to do so from a veterinary officer or any officer authorized by the Director to give such permit;
(b) no person shall move any animal from an infected area unless previously disinfected and treated in such manner as may be directed by the Director or by any person authorized by him;
(c) the Director or any person authorized by him may require the owner of any animal within the infected area to isolate such animal from other animals within the infected area or to remove such animal from such area;
(d) the Director may direct that any animal within an infected area be isolated, inoculated, dipped, treated or slaughtered for the purpose of disease control;
(e) no person shall leave an infected area without having complied with such reasonable precautions for preventing the spread of disease as may be required by a departmental officer;
(f) the carcass of any animal infected with disease shall be disposed of in accordance with any general or specific instructions issued by the departmental officer.
(2) A permit issued under the provisions of subsection (1) may contain such conditions as the issuing officer may deem necessary, and the person to whom it is issued shall comply with such conditions.
(3) The holder of a permit issued under the provisions of subsection (1) shall produce the same for inspection on demand made by a departmental officer, a police officer of or above the rank of sergeant, or by any other person authorized by a departmental officer.
(4) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence.
Section 13 (extract):
(1) Whether or not an animal has been slaughtered under the provisions of this Act, its
carcass shall be disposed of by the owner in such a manner and subject to such conditions as
the Director shall direct.
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Regulation 73:
Any person contravening or failing to comply with or being guilty of an offence against any of these Regulations for which no penalty is specially provided shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P100.
Regulation 74:
Any person convicted of a second or subsequent offence under these Regulations, whether or not a penalty is specially provided for the contravention, may be sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine, for a term not exceeding six months.
Regulation 89:
Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of regulation 36, 86, or 87 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P50 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
Section 20:
Any person guilty of an offence under this Act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P5000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both and to corporal punishment.