Botswana / Animal health
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Section 21 (extract):
(1) After making a public health emergency declaration under section 23, the Director may take any action or, in writing, give directions to
(e) control the movement of any vehicle, animal or person to any area.
Regulation 75:
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of anthrax-
(a) no person shall be allowed access to animals suffering from anthrax other than those necessary for their proper care;
(b) when an animal has died or is suspected of having died of anthrax, the carcass shall be properly burned, and where burning is impossible, the carcass shall be buried intact;
(c) notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (b) the Director or official authorized by him shall have the power to dissect the carcass of, or to remove portions of, any animal which has died of anthrax should he consider this action necessary;
(d) any person who has been in contact with the excreta, discharges, or any portions of an animal which has died, or is suspected of having died, of anthrax shall use all
reasonable means of disinfecting his person and apparel;
(e) no person, other than the Director or official authorized by him, shall knowingly withdraw blood for any purpose whatsoever from an animal suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from, anthrax;
(f) all excreta, litter, and discharges whatsoever from an animal suffering from anthrax shall be buried or burned, and the place where such excretions or discharges have
lain shall be properly disinfected;
(g) all in-contact animals shall be inoculated with a reliable vaccine and quarantined for 14 days following the inoculation, or such longer period as the Director may in writing determine.
Regulation 76:
The following additional provisions will apply in the case of breeding diseases-
(a) in the case of an outbreak of breeding disease occurring amongst stock, all animals infected or suspected of being infected shall be isolated and dealt with in a manner prescribed by the Director;
(b) no person shall be allowed access to the animals affected or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease other than persons necessary for their proper care;
(c) no person shall sell or otherwise dispose of stock which are infected or believed to be infected with a breeding disease unless the purchaser has received written notification of the stock's condition at the time of sale and the seller has obtained written permission from the Director to sell the stock;
Regulation 79 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of foot-and-mouth disease-
(a) no animals shall be moved into or out of an area declared infected on account of foot-and-mouth disease unless the person in charge has written permission to do
so from the Director;
(b) no person shall be allowed access to the animals affected or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease other than persons necessary for their proper care;
(c) no person who has been in contact with the animals affected with or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease shall approach other stock or shall
leave the place until his hands and boots and, if boots were not worn, his feet have been thoroughly disinfected;
(d) no animals, other than horses, asses or mules, which have been in contact with any part of an animal which has died of foot-and-mouth disease, or with the excretions
of animals affected or suspected of being affected with foot-and-mouth disease, shall be removed from the farm or place except with permission from the Director and under conditions imposed by him;
(e) horses, asses, and mules shall not be allowed to leave any farm or place in which foot-and-mouth disease is known or suspected to exist, or in which foot-and-mouth
disease is known or suspected to have existed within the previous 15 days, unless all reasonable precautions have been taken to disinfect them;
(f) animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
(g) all sheep, cattle, and pigs which have been in contact with animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease, and all cattle, sheep, and pigs which are suspected of having been in contact with animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease, shall be isolated for such time and in such a manner as the Director may prescribe, or they may be slaughtered by order of the Minister.
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Regulation 42:
When any farm or place which adjoins a public road has been declared an infected area, the District Officer of the district shall cause placards stating the disease on account of which the farm or place has been declared infected to be placed in a manner visible from the public road on the said farm or place at the two points where the road enters and leaves it.
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Regulation 20 (extract):
(1) The Director or other official authorized in writing by him, may order any stock within Botswana to be dipped, washed, sprayed, or otherwise disinfected if he considers it necessary for the prevention of the spread of disease and for that purpose or for the purpose of inspection may order any stock to be collected at a specified place and time subject to at least 48 hours' notice in writing to that effect and the Minister may prescribe a scale of fees for such dipping, washing, spraying, or disinfecting.
Regulation 84:
(1) The Director and anyone acting with his authority may in an area declared to be an infected area under section 4 of the Act destroy-
(a) any dog or cat suspected of being infected with rabies;
(b) any uncontrolled dog or cat; or
(c) any dog or cat over the age of four months which three months after the order declaring the area to be a diseased area has been made has not been vaccinated within the previous 12 months or such lesser period as the Minister may prescribe.
(2) For the purposes of this regulation a dog or cat shall be deemed to be uncontrolled which is not secured on a leash or which is not confined to private premises.
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Regulation 91 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply to scab in sheep-
(k) for the purposes of this regulation, where the tribesman owner of sheep cannot be traced, service of any order, notice or demand on the chief or headman of the area in which the sheep are found shall be deemed to be service of such order, notice or demand on such absent owner;
(l) upon receipt of a notice from a scab inspector or official of his intention to visit any tribal territory, mission station, location, kraal or farm, occupied by tribesmen, for the purpose of examination or dipping of sheep, it shall be the duty of the chief or headman, or other person in charge of such territory, mission station, location, kraal or farm to warn all owners or persons in charge of sheep within such territory, mission station, location, kraal or farm of the date on which such examination or dipping is to take place, and of the place where such sheep are to be assembled, and it shall be the duty of all such owners or persons in charge to bring such sheep to the place appointed by the inspector or official in order that such sheep may be examined or dipped, and any owner or person in charge of sheep failing to attend with his sheep at the time and place appointed shall be guilty of an offence and liable to the penalties provided in regulation 73.
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Section 7:
(1) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, establish quarantine stations.
(2) The Director may direct that any animal imported or to be exported under section 6, or any animal infected or suspected to be infected with any disease, shall be
(a) held in a quarantine station for such time; and
(b) subjected to such test, inoculation, treatment or dipping, as he may direct.
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Regulation 75 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of anthrax
(g) all in-contact animals shall be inoculated with a reliable vaccine and quarantined for 14 days following the inoculation, or such longer period as the Director may in writing determine.
Regulation 90 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of rinderpest-
(g) all cattle which have been or which are suspected of having been in contact with animals suffering from or suspected of suffering from rinderpest shall be isolated
and inoculated in a manner prescribed by the Director or such animals may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
(i) quarantine shall not be removed at any earlier date than 14 days after the death, slaughter, or recovery of all infected animals, and only if paragraph (g) has been complied with;
Regulation 98 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of swine fever and swine erysipelas-
(d) any swine which within a period of 30 days have been in contact with other swine suffering from swine fever or swine erysipelas shall be isolated for such a time and
in such a manner as the Director may prescribe;
(g) quarantine shall not be removed at an earlier date than 30 days after the slaughter or death of the last affected animal and only in case of disinfection having been carried out to the satisfaction of the Director.
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Regulation 91 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply to scab in sheep-
(k) for the purposes of this regulation, where the tribesman owner of sheep cannot be traced, service of any order, notice or demand on the chief or headman of the area in which the sheep are found shall be deemed to be service of such order, notice or demand on such absent owner;
(l) upon receipt of a notice from a scab inspector or official of his intention to visit any tribal territory, mission station, location, kraal or farm, occupied by tribesmen, for the purpose of examination or dipping of sheep, it shall be the duty of the chief or headman, or other person in charge of such territory, mission station, location, kraal or farm to warn all owners or persons in charge of sheep within such territory, mission station, location, kraal or farm of the date on which such examination or dipping is to take place, and of the place where such sheep are to be assembled, and it shall be the duty of all such owners or persons in charge to bring such sheep to the place appointed by the inspector or official in order that such sheep may be examined or dipped, and any owner or person in charge of sheep failing to attend with his sheep at the time and place appointed shall be guilty of an offence and liable to the penalties provided in regulation 73.
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Regulation 76 (extract):
The following additional provisions will apply in the case of breeding diseases-
(d) all heifer calves and heifers between the ages of six months and 18 months shall be vaccinated by or under the direction of the Director of Veterinary Services and,
having been so vaccinated, shall be identified by way of a punch hole in the right ear.
Regulation 90 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of rinderpest -
(g) all cattle which have been or which are suspected of having been in contact with animals suffering from or suspected of suffering from rinderpest shall be isolated
and inoculated in a manner prescribed by the Director or such animals may be slaughtered by order of the Minister;
Regulation 98 (extract):
(d) any swine which within a period of 30 days have been in contact with other swine suffering from swine fever or swine erysipelas shall be isolated for such a time and
in such a manner as the Director may prescribe;
(g) quarantine shall not be removed at an earlier date than 30 days after the slaughter or death of the last affected animal and only in case of disinfection having been carried out to the satisfaction of the Director.
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Section 21 (extract):
(1) After making a public health emergency declaration under section 23, the Director may take any action or, in writing, give directions to
(a) reduce, remove or destroy any threat to public health;
(2) The Director may, in writing, give any one or more of the following directions that any
(d) substance or thing be destroyed; or
(e) other action the Director considers appropriate be taken.
Regulation 11 :
The Council shall destroy without offering compensation any detained livestock suffering from a contagious disease or which is likely to prove dangerous to human life or destructive to other animals on detention on satisfactory receipt of a report from the veterinary officer.
Regulation 23 (extract):
(1) Any veterinary surgeon authorized by the Minister to inspect stock for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are infected with disease shall have the right to slaughter one or more animals and to make a post-mortem examination
Regulation 24 (extract):
(1) It shall be lawful for the Minister to cause to be destroyed any stock-
(a) which are found to be infected with disease;
(b) which have been in contact with any stock infected with disease or have been in any infected area or place;
(c) which are found in any stock-free zone, or to prohibit the removal from any place of any forage, grass, hay, grass rushes or any article or living thing likely to convey or spread any disease.
Section 5:
Any veterinary officer, police officer of or above the rank of Inspector, or any person authorized by the Director may seize and detain, shoot or otherwise destroy any stray animal in a rabies control area or any animal within a rabies control area which is known or suspected of having been in contact with an infected or suspected animal.
Section 15 (extract):
(a) any stock or carcass is found infected or is suspected of being infected with any disease; or
(b) any stock, carcass, article or vehicle has been introduced into any place in Botswana without such permit as may be required for such introduction, or having been introduced under a permit is moved or dealt with otherwise than in accordance with such permit,
the Director or any departmental officer authorized by him may make such order as he thinks fit for all or any of the following purposes-
(ii) directing that such stock, carcass, article or vehicle be slaughtered or destroyed;
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Regulation 2:
Where cattle among an infected or in-contact herd break back after the commencement of the journey to the lung-sickness quarantine camp and are destroyed and the numbers exceed five, the case will be judged on its merits by the veterinary officer in charge and such compensation as can justly be allowed shall be paid to the owner; but he shall have the right of appeal to the District Officer of the district, but where the number is five or less than five the owner shall only be entitled to the value of the hides should the cattle be destroyed.
Regulation 4:
(1) In cases where cattle from cattle posts en route to the lung-sickness quarantine camp join the infected herd through no fault of the owner or his servants, the owner will be paid full compensation in cash, but when the fault lies with the owner or his servants, only half of the
full cash value of such cattle, as assessed by the Director or his appointed representative, will be paid.
(2) In such cases the owner has the right of appeal to the District Officer of the district.
Regulation 11:
The Council shall destroy without offering compensation any detained livestock suffering from a contagious disease or which is likely to prove dangerous to human life or destructive to other animals on detention on satisfactory receipt of a report from the veterinary officer.
Regulation 23 (extract):
(2) Compensation to the owner will be paid to the amount of the current market value (not exceeding P40 per head) of such stock which on being slaughtered and examined are found to be free from the disease which was suspected.
Regulation 24 (extract):
(2) Except as mentioned in these Regulations no compensation shall be payable in respect of any loss or damage caused by the exercise of the powers of these Regulations.
Regulation 77 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of theileriosis or gonderiosis-
(g) compensation may be paid by the Minister to the owner of any cattle destroyed under this regulation.
Regulation 80 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of glanders or farcy-
(e) compensation may be paid for visibly healthy equines which, when the mallein test is applied to them by the Director, react to such test, and are afterwards destroyed by order of the Director in consequence of their having reacted: Provided that-
(i) such reacting equines were tested and found to react for the first time subsequent to the date of publication of these Regulations;
(ii) such reacting animals are not found amongst newly imported equines when these animals are tested by an authorized official at the border of Botswana or on arrival at their destination;
(iii) no compensation will be paid on a greater scale than two-thirds of the value of the animal destroyed, and in no case shall a greater sum than P40 be paid for any animal destroyed as aforesaid, and the value of any animal destroyed will be determined by the Director;
(iv) compensation will not be paid for any animals showing any clinical indication of glanders or farcy which are ordered to be destroyed by the Director
Regulation 82 (extract):
The following additional provisions shall apply in the case of lung-sickness-
(b) compensation shall be paid to the owner of any animal so destroyed to the amount of one-third of the market value of the animal before infection; such compensation shall be assessed by the Director, Government veterinary officer, or stock inspector by whom or by whose orders such animal was destroyed, and shall in no case exceed P8.
(f) no compensation whatever shall be paid to the owner of animals so destroyed who has failed to report immediately that his stock had become or was suspected of being infected with the disease of lung-sickness, but in the case of any animal being destroyed as being suspected to be suffering from the disease of
lung-sickness which is found on post-mortem examination not to have been suffering from the said disease, the amount of compensation to be paid to the
owner shall be two-thirds of the market value of the animal at the time of its destruction, such amount not to exceed P16.
Regulation 92:
Whenever any sheep are dipped by or under the orders of a scab inspector, compensation may be paid by the Minister at rates to be determined by him, not exceeding
P1 per head for full-grown animals, and 25 thebe per head for lambs and kids in respect of any such animals as may die within 48 hours of such dipping, and as the direct result thereof: Provided that no compensation shall be paid-
(i) if the number of animals so dying does not exceed two per cent of the number of animals dipped for or on behalf of the same owner; or
(ii) if the owner fails forthwith to report the death of any such animals to the nearest scab inspector or police officer, and to afford a reasonable opportunity for an
examination to be made of the body of any such animal in order to ascertain the cause of death.
Regulation 2:
The value of compensation for slaughtered cattle in the areas of Zone 6 and Zone 7 infected with foot and mouth disease shall be P1 700 per animal, irrespective of the age, condition or breed of the animal.
Section 14 (extract):
(2) No compensation shall be payable in respect of any animal slaughtered for the purpose of the control of disease except-
(a) in the case of an animal which, when slaughtered, is found not to be infected or likely to spread infection of any disease; and
(b) when animals which may be infected with disease are slaughtered in order to prevent the further spread of such disease.
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Regulation 73:
Any person contravening or failing to comply with or being guilty of an offence against any of these Regulations for which no penalty is specially provided shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P100.
Regulation 74:
Any person convicted of a second or subsequent offence under these Regulations, whether or not a penalty is specially provided for the contravention, may be sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine, for a term not exceeding six months.
Regulation 89:
Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of regulation 36, 86, or 87 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P50 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
Section 20:
Any person guilty of an offence under this Act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P5000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both and to corporal punishment