Zambia / Food safety
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33(1); A transporter of an animal shall be in possession of a movement permit authorizing the conveyance of such animals.(2) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for the purpose of regulating and controlling the mode and manner in which animals shall be transported.
3; Interpretations- "animal" means bull, bullock, ox, cow, heifer, steer, calf, sheep, lamb, goat, pig or other quadruped commonly used for food of man.
6(1); All meat conveyed within the District of the Local Authority as aforesaid shall be carried in suitable vehicles, and completely and efficiently protected from dust by means of a clean and suitable covering, which shall be thoroughly cleaned on each occasion mmediately before use. (2) All vehicles used for the transportation of meat shall have the owner's name and address painted on the a conspicuous part of the vehicle in letters not less than two inches deep. (3) No vehicle used for the transportation of meat may be used for any other purpose without the approval of the Local Authority.
421(4)…(f) All food processing, including packaging and storage, shall be conducted under such conditions and controls as are necessary to minimise the potential for undesirable bacteria or other micro -biological growth, toxin formation, or deterioration or contamination of the processed product or ingredients and this may require careful monitoring of such physical factors as time, temperature, humidity, pressure, flow-rate and such processing operations as freezing, dehydration, heat-processing and refrigeration as to ensure that mechanical breakdowns, time delays, temperature fluctuations and other factors shall not contribute to the decomposition or contamination of the processed food.
16; A person responsible for a factory or premises used for processing fish or fish products shall — (a) keep a register of the processing of fish and fish products carried out at the factory or premises; (b) indicate the conditions of storage for the fish or fish products, on the packaging for the fish or fish products; (c) preserve fish and fish products by salting, smoking or drying; and (d) avail the expected storage life of the fish and fish products to the Department on demand.
17(1); The fish products shall , during production and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites.
(2) A person shall not place on the market for human consumption, any fish or fish products which are infested with parasites or moulds.
(3) Microbiological criteria, including sampling plans and methods of analysis shall be complied with to protect human health.
18(1); Fish packaging materials and products shall comply with the rules of hygiene.
(2) Unused packaging materials for fish and fish products shall be protected from dust and contamination and be stored in premises away from the production area.
2; Interpretations- "animal" has the meaning assigned to the word under Animal Health Act, 2010; "animal produce" means a product of live animal such as milk, eggs and honey and their products and other products of animal origin intended for human or animal consumption; "animal product" has the meaning assigned to the word in the Animal Health Act, 2010; "food" means any substance, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended for human consumption, and includes water, drinks, chewing gum and any other substance which has been used in the manufacture, preparation or treatment of food.
9(1); A person shall not prepare, treat, pack, process, manufacture, sell, transport or store any food under insanitary conditions; (2) A person shall not sell, import, manufacture or store any food which has been manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under insanitary conditions.
10; A person shall not label, package, sell or advertize in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive as regards its character, nature, value, substance, quality, composition, merit or safety or in contravention of this Act.
11(1); Without prejudice to Part VII of the Competition and Consumer Protection Act, where a standard is prescribed for any food, a person who labels, packages, sells or advertizes the food in contravention of that standard, or in a manner that is likely to be mistaken for food of the prescribed standard commits an offence. (2) Where a standard is not prescribed for a food but a standard for the food is contained in any of the publication specified in the Third Schedule, a person who labels, packs, packages, sells or advertizes any other substance or article in a manner that is likely to be mistaken for that food commits an offense. (3) A person who labels, packages, sells or advertizes any food for which no standards have been prescribed or for which no standard is contained in the publications specified in Third Schedule commits an offense unless the food is- (a) is in accordance with the prescribed standard under which it is labelled, packaged, sold or advertized, and; (b) does not resemble, in a manner likely to deceive, any food for which a standard has been prescribed or which is contained in any of the publications specified in the Third Schedule.
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3; Interpretations- "animal" means bull, bullock, ox, cow, heifer, steer, calf, sheep, lamb, goat, pig or other quadruped commonly used for food of man.
6(3); No vehicle used for the transportation of meat may be used for any other purpose without the approval of the Local Authority.
421(1); All operations in receiving, inspecting, handling, segregating, preparing, processing, packaging, storing and transporting of food shall be conducted in such a manner and environment as not to expose the food to risk of contamination from dust, dirt or any other material objectionable to the processed product. (3) All reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure that production procedures shall not contribute to contamination, such as filth, harmful chemicals, undesirable micro-organisms, or any other any other material objectionable to the processed product. (4) The precautions referred to in subsection (3) shall include the following- (a) raw materials and ingredients shall be inspected, segregated as necessary to ensure they are clean [...] (e) ...(i) processing equipment shall be maintained in a sanitary condition through frequent cleaning [...] (ii) in so far as necessary, equipment shall be taken apart for thorough cleaning and sanitizing.
83; The Minister, on the advise of the Board, may make orders- […] c) requiring the closing of any stock-shed or yard, dairy or milk shop or the exclusion from any stock-shed or dairy premises of any animal the milk from which is believed to have conveyed or to be liable to convey any infectious disease;
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421(4); The precautions referred to in subregulation (3) shall include the following- (a) …(ii) raw materials shall be washed or cleaned as required to remove soil or other contamination; (ii) water used for washing, rinsing or conveying food products shall be of adequate quality, and shall not be re-used for washing, rinsing or conveying products in a manner that may result in contamination of food products; (c) when ice is used in contact with food products, it shall be made from portable water of adequate quality and shall be manufactured, handled, stored and transported, so as to protect it from contamination.
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22; Where a standard for food is prescribed in this part- (a) the food shall contain only the ingredients included for the standard of that food; (b) each ingredient shall be incorporated in the food in the quantity within any limits prescribed for that food; (c) If the standard permits an ingredient to be used as food additive for a specific purpose, that ingredient shall be a food set out in one of the parts of the Nineteenth Schedule for use as an additive to that food for that purpose.
23; Where a standard for food is not prescribed in this part- (a) food shall contain only the ingredients in the standards for that food; (b) each ingredient shall be incorporated in the food in the quantity within any limits prescribed for that ingredient; and (c) if standards permit an ingredient to be used as food additive for a specified purpose, that ingredient shall be a food as set out in one of the parts of the Nineteenth Schedule for use as an additive to that food for that purspose.
24; Where an ingredient is permitted to be used as food additive in or upon food, no person shall use that additive unless- (a) where specifications are set out for that additive in this part, it meets those specifications; and (b) where no specifications are set out for that additive in publication 1406, "Food Chemical Codex", published by the national academy of sciences Natural Research Council of the United States of America, it meets those specifications.
64(2); Despite the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations under subsection (1) to provide for- [...] (f) the use of any susbtance as an ingredient in an article.
5(1); Functions of the Commission- (2) The Commission may- (a) require any person dealing with food supplements or any agent, employee, servant or authorized representative of that person to furnish the Commission with information, records and samples that are necessary to enable the Commission monitor food and nutrition matters under this Act.
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16(1); A person shall not permit to be anchored a fish processing and storage vessel which does not conform to sanitary standards for vessels for such purposes in any commercial fishing area. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offense and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine nit exceeding two hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or to both.
16; A person responsible for a factory or premises used for processing fish or fish products shall — (a) keep a register of the processing of fish and fish products carried out at the factory or premises; (b) indicate the conditions of storage for the fish or fish products, on the packaging for the fish or fish products; (c) preserve fish and fish products by salting, smoking or drying; and (d) avail the expected storage life of the fish and fish products to the Department on demand.
17(1); The fish products shall , during production and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites.
(2) A person shall not place on the market for human consumption, any fish or fish products which are infested with parasites or moulds.
(3) Microbiological criteria, including sampling plans and methods of analysis shall be complied with to protect human health.
18(1); Fish packaging materials and products shall comply with the rules of hygiene.
(2) Unused packaging materials for fish and fish products shall be protected from dust and contamination and be stored in premises away from the production area.
7(2); A person shall not sell, import, manufacture or store any unsuitable food. (3) Food shall be stored and transported in a manner that preserves its composition, quality and purity and minimizes the dissipation of its nutritive properties from climate and other deteriorating conditions.
8; A person shall not sell, import, manufacture or store an article that is not of the nature, substance or quality of the article required by the purchaser.
9(1); A person shall not prepare, treat, pack, process, manufacture, sell, transport or store any food under insanitary conditions.(2) A person shall not sell, import, manufacture or store any food which was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under insanitary conditions
10; A person shall not label, package, sell or advertize any food in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive as regards its character, nature, value, substance, quality, composition, merit or safety or in contravention of this Act.
64(2); Despite the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations under subsection (1) to provide for- [...] (c) labelling, packaging, offering, exposing and advertizing for sale of an article, [...] (h) the manner of preparation, preserving, packaging, storing, conveying and testing of an article for the prevention of health hazards or injury to the health of the consumer.
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16; A person responsible for a factory or premises used for processing fish of fish products shall - (a) keep a register of the processing of fish and fish products carried out at the factory or premises
64(1); The Minister may, on recommendation of the Committee, and in consultation with other relevant public institutions, by statutory instrument, make regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act. (2) Despite the generality of subsection (1), regulations made under subsection (1) may provide for- [...] (j) the books and records to be kept and maintained by the persons and businesses regulated under this Act for the proper administration of this Act.
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74; Except where otherwise expressly provided in this Act, any person who is convicted of an offense under this Act for which no penalty is provided, is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or to both.
34; Any person guilty of an offence against or contravention of, or default in complying with, any provision of these Regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units, and, if the offence, contravention or default is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during which the offense, contravention or default continues.
57; Any person who contravenes these Regulations commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction— (a) to a fine not exceeding two thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or to both; (b) in the case of a continuing offence, to an additional penalty not exceeding twenty five penalty units in respect of each day on which the offence continues; and (c) in respect of a second or subsequent contravention, to a penalty not exceeding two thousand five hundred penalty units.
62; A person who commits an offense under this Act for which a specific penalty is not provided for is, on conviction, liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.