Zambia- International treaties – RAMSAR

Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar)
The legal framework provides for the designation of suitable wetlands within the national territory for inclusion in a List of Wetlands of International Importance, which is maintained by the bureau of the Convention, with the boundaries of each wetland precisely described and also delimited on a map.
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Wildlife Act [No.14] 20150814
Section 146(1). The Minister may, after consultation with the Director, by regulation, prescribe anything required to be presrcibed under this Act and for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act. |
The legal framework provides for:
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology.
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl at any season.
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology.
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl at any season.
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The Environemtal Manaenet Act [No.12] 20110412
Section 24(1). Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, by statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the Agency and relevant appropriate authority, declare an area of land which is ecologically fragile or sensitive to be an Environmentally Protected Area. (2) The powers conferred on the Minister under this section shall not extend to areas declared, or which may be declared, as protected areas under any other written law. (3) The following areas shall be environmentally sensitive areas for the purposes of this Act: (a) wetlands. Section 25(1). The Minister may, in consultation with the local community and relevant appropriate and conservancy authorities, declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around the area. (2) A person shall not, except in accordance with the written authorisation of the Agency, given after consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources management— (a) reclaim or drain a wetland; (b) disturb a wetland by drilling or tunneling in a manner that has, or is likely to have, an adverse impact on the wetland or adversely affect the ecosystem; (c) introduce in a wetland an exotic animal or plant; or (d) plant species in a wetland." |
The legal framework provides for:
a) the right to add to the List further wetlands situated within its territory, to extend the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) the right to delete or restrict the boundaries of wetlands already included by it in the List;
c) informing the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
a) the right to add to the List further wetlands situated within its territory, to extend the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) the right to delete or restrict the boundaries of wetlands already included by it in the List;
c) informing the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
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The legal framework provides that planning:
- promote the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promote, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
- promote the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promote, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
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The Water Resources Management Act [No.21] of 20110415
Section 2. In this Act, unless context otherwise requires, […], water resource includes water, any river, spring, pan, lake, lagoon, swamp, marsh, stream, watercourse, estuary, acquifer, artesian basin or tother body of naturally flowing or standing water. Section 6. The management of water resources in Zambia shall be governed by the following principles- (a) water resources shall be managed in an integrated and sustaibale manner, [...], (j) the State shall be the trustee of the nation's water resources and shall ensure that water is allocated equitably, protected, protected, used, developed, conserved, managed and controlled in a sustainable manner, in public interest [...]. |
The Environemtal Manaenet Act [No.12] 20110412
Section 24(1). Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, by statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the Agency and relevant appropriate authority, declare an area of land which is ecologically fragile or sensitive to be an Environmentally Protected Area. (2) The powers conferred on the Minister under this section shall not extend to areas declared, or which may be declared, as protected areas under any other written law. (3) The following areas shall be environmentally sensitive areas for the purposes of this Act: (a) wetlands. Section 25(1). The Minister may, in consultation with the local community and relevant appropriate and conservancy authorities, declare any wetland to be an ecologically sensitive area and may impose limitations on development in or around the area. (2) A person shall not, except in accordance with the written authorisation of the Agency, given after consultation with the Board and the Minister responsible for water resources management— (a) reclaim or drain a wetland; (b) disturb a wetland by drilling or tunneling in a manner that has, or is likely to have, an adverse impact on the wetland or adversely affect the ecosystem; (c) introduce in a wetland an exotic animal or plant; or (d) plant species in a wetland. |
The legal framework provides:
- measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible of the changes in the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference.
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
- measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible of the changes in the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference.
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
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The legal framework provides for the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether included in the List or not, and for their wardening.
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Zambia Wildlife Act [No14] 20150814
Section 2. In this Act, unless context otherwise requires […], animal means, "a veterbrate animal, and includes a mammal, bird, fish, reptile an amphibian and the egg of a bird […]; wildlife means, "wild animals or species if birds [...]. Section 14. The Minister may, by statutory instrument, after consultation with the Director, declare an area of bird or wildlife sanctuary and provide for the control of entry into, and regulate the activities of persons within, the bird or wildlife sanctuary. |
The National Parks and Wildlife (Birds Santuaries) Regulations [No.63] 19930101
Regulation 3. Any person who normally resides or intentds to reside in an area covered by a bird sanctuary may apply to the Director for a residence permit. [...] (3) A resdience permit shall be free of charge, but may be issued subject to conditions as the Director may endorse thereon. |
The legal framework provides that, whenever a wetland is exceptionally deleted or restricted, any loss of wetland resources is compensated, in particular by creating additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.
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The legal framework provides for the promotion of research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.
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The legal framework provides for increase of waterfowl populations through management on appropriate wetlands.
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The National Parks and Wildlife (Birds Santuaries) Regulations [No.64] 19930101
Regulation 3. Any person who normally resides or intentds to reside in an area covered by a bird sanctuary may apply to the Director for a residence permit. [...] (3) A resdience permit shall be free of charge, but may be issued subject to conditions as the Director may endorse thereon. |
The legal framework provides for the training of personnel in wetland research, management and wardening.
No relevant elements identified/documented |
The legal framework provides for:
- inter-States consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins;
- inter-States coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
- inter-States consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins;
- inter-States coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
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The Environmental Management Act [No.12] 20110412
Section 85(1). The Minister may, in consultation with the appropriate authorities and other relevant ministries, collaborate with the relevant authorities of neighbouring countries on environmental management programmes and measures to avoid and minimise trans-boundary environmental impacts. (2) The Minister shall, in cooperation with sector ministries or government agencies, initiate and implement transboundary environmental management programmes with neighbouring countries." |