Zambia / Animal production
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5; The functions of the Authority are to- [...] (e) register and regulate pharmacies, health shops and agroveterinary shops.
31(1); The Authority shall keep and maintain a register of the pharmacies, agro-veterinary shops and health shops registered under this Act in which shall be entered the names and other details relating to the pharmacies, agro-veterinary shops and health shops.(2) The register referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the offices of the Authority and shall be open for inspection by the public at such times and on such conditions, including the payment of a fee for inspection, as the board may determine.
47; The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority, by statutory instrument, make regulations for monitoring the safety of medicines and allied substances.
48(1); The Authority shall keep and maintain a register of Marketing Authorizations issued under this Act. (2) The register referred to under subsection (1) shall be kep at the offices of the Authority and shall be open to inspection by the public [...]
69(1); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), regulations under that subsection make provisions for- […] (e ) the records to be kept by pharmacies, health shops and agroveterinary shops; (k) the periods for which any books or registers required to be kept for the purpose of this Act are to be preserved;
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69(1); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), regulations under that subsection make provisions for- […] (e ) the records to be kept by pharmacies, health shops and agroveterinary shops; (k) the periods for which any books or registers required to be kept for the purpose of this Act are to be preserved;
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8(1); The Authority shall, within thirty days from the acceptance of an application, approve the application if the use of a genetically modified organism for food or feed, or for processing, does not pose any significant risks to human health or animal health, biological diversity, non-genetically modified crops or the environment.
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46(1); The Authority may, where it determines that it is not in the public interest that any medicine or allied substance should be made available to the public, by notice, in writing, served on any person or in the Gazette, direct that person to return the medicine or allied substance which the person has in that person’s possession to— (a) the manufacturer of the medicine or allied substance; (b) in the case of any imported medicine or allied substance, to the importer concerned; (c) deliver it or send it to the Authority or such other person as the Authority may designate.(2) The Authority may, by notice, in writing, direct the manufacturer or importer of the medicine or allied substance referred to in subsection (1) or the person referred to in paragraph (c) of subsection (1), who has in their possession any quantity of medicine or allied substance, including the returned quantity to deal with or dispose of that quantity in such a manner as the Authority may determine.
10(g); The permit holder shall- (i) in the event of any accidental or unauthorized release of the genetically modified organism, report to the authority verbally, immediately upon recovery, or in writing, within twenty four hours; (ii) notify the authority in writing, as soon as possible, but not exceeding three working days, if the genetically modified organism or the associated host organism is found to have characteristics substantially different from those listed in the application for permit, or suffers from any excessive morbidity or mortality, unanticipated effects on non-target organisms or other unusual occurrence. (h) if new information becomes available indicating that the genetically modified organism could pose significant risk to human health, animal health, biological diversity, non-genetically modified crop or the environment, the applicant shall report to the Authority who shall immediately take measures to protect human health, animal health, biological diversity, non-genetically modified crop or the environment;
42. (1) If any sample, taken in the manner prescribed, of any farming requisite is, upon test in the manner prescribed, found and certified to Disposal of substandard vary beyond the limits of variation of analysis prescribed for such farming requisites- (a) the Minister may, if the said farming requisite has been seized and is detained under the provisions of this Act- (i) subject to such conditions as to its sale and use and to such other conditions as he may impose, direct its return either to the owner thereof or to the persons from whose custody and control it was taken; or (ii) with the consent of the owner thereof, order it to be destroyed without compensation;
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46(1); The Authority may, where it determines that it is not in the public interest that any medicine or allied substance should be made available to the public, by notice, in writing, served on any person or in the Gazette, direct that person to return the medicine or allied substance which the person has in that person’s possession to— (a) the manufacturer of the medicine or allied substance; (b) in the case of any imported medicine or allied substance, to the importer concerned; (c) deliver it or send it to the Authority or such other person as the Authority may designate.(2) The Authority may, by notice, in writing, direct the manufacturer or importer of the medicine or allied substance referred to in subsection (1) or the person referred to in paragraph (c) of subsection (1), who has in their possession any quantity of medicine or allied substance, including the returned quantity to deal with or dispose of that quantity in such a manner as the Authority may determine.
22(1); The Authority shall withdraw a genetically modified product where it has adverse effects on human and animal health, biological diversity, non genetically modified crops or the environment, including socio economic conditions.(4) the Authority shall require the person who submitted the application for approval to import, store, transport, distribute or sell food or feed withdrawn or suspended under this regulations, as the case may be, to withdraw the product from the market and such person shall immediately comply with the requirement.