Zambia / Animal production
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3(1); Any person who- (a) shall cruelly beat, kick, ill-treat, over-ride, over-load or torture any animal, or shall cause any animal to be so used, or shall drive or use any animal which is so diseased or so injured, or in such a physical conditions that it is unfit to do any work, or shall by wantonly or unreasonably doing or omitting to do any act, or causing or procuring the commission or omission of any act, cause any unnecessary suffering, or, being the owner, permit in manner aforesaid any unnecessary suffering to be caused to an animal- [...] shall be guilty of cruelty and an offense under this Act [...] (2); For the purposes of this section, an owner shall be deemed to have permitted cruelty if he shall have failed to exercise reasonable care and supervision in respect of the protection of such cruelty of an animal which is his property or is in his charge.
11; All animals brought into the abattoir shall be fed, watered and treated with due and proper care by the owner or his representative, and such owner or his representative shall not suffer or cause such animals to be without food for more than twenty-four hours nor to be at any time without a sufficient quantity of wholesome water.
13; Every person bringing or causing any animal to be brought to the abattoir shall cause the same to be slaughtered and the carcass thereof, if passed, to be removed with the least possible delay, and in no case, and in no case may an animal be kept in the abattoir for a longer period than thirty-six hours.
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Section 18 (4); A person in charge of a livestock market or fair who suspects that an animal infected with a disease is being sold or exposed or offered for sale or disposal, shall seize and isolate the animal and forthwith notify the nearest officer or veterinary inspector.
7; If a police officer find any animal so diseased or so severely injured or in such a physical condition that in his opinion it ought to be destroyed, he shall, if the owner be absent or refuse to consent to the destruction of the animal, at once summon a veterinary surgeon, if any veterinary surgeon be within reasonable distance, or two landowners, and if such veterinary surgeon or such landowners, after having duly examined such animal, shall give a certificate that the animal is mortally injured or so severely injured or so diseased or in such physical condition that it is cruel to keep it alive, it shall be lawful for the police officer, without the consent of the owner, to slaughter the animal, or cause or procure it to be slaughtered with such instruments or appliances and with such precautions and in such manner as to inflict as little suffering as practicable, and if the slaughter takes place on any public road, to remove the carcass or cause it to be removed therefrom.
20; Every person bringing into any abattoir either by himself or by his servants any animal which is diseased or suspected of being diseased shall take the same to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of such animals and, if no special place shall have been so set apart, shall inform the Meat Inspector of having taken to the abattoir an animal diseased or suspected of being diseased and shall immediately take such animal to such place in or part of the abattoir as the Meat Inspector may direct.
21; Any person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at any abattoir any animal which after slaughter is found or suspected to be diseased or abnormal shall take the carcass of such animal to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of the carcasses of diseased animals and shall immediately inform the Meat Inspector of having done so. If no special place shall have been set apart as aforesaid, any person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at any abattoir any animal which after slaughter is found or suspected to be diseased or abnormal shall immediately inform the Meat Inspector of such finding or suspicion and shall take the carcass of such animal to such place in or part of the abattoir as the Meat Inspector may direct.
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14; An owner of land on which livestock are kept shall provide facilities for the handling and housing of livestock and disease control facilities for the humane maintenance of such livestock.
3(1); A person shall not keep any wild animal in captivity or on a ranch, zoo, or any other place without a permit authorizing the keeping of such wild animal, issued by the Director under these Regulations.(3) The Director shall not approve an application for a permit under subregulation (2) unless- (a) the applicant has adequate land and space where animals are to be kept; [...] (d) a team of wildlife police officers or honorary wildlife police officers authorized by the Director in that behalf has inspected the proposed premises and are satisfied that- [...] (ii) adequate safety precautions are required such premises where wild animals are ranched to prevent the escape of wild animals or injury to persons; (iii) the proposed pens, enclosures, rate at which stock may be increased, food supply, hygiene and facilities for shade are adequate for the health and well-being of wild animals; and (iv) an adequate water supply is available all year round.