
Guyana / Preconditions
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Section 4 (1) The functions of the Commission are- (g) to receive and evaluate offers to purchase or let public lands and to issue, for and on behalf of the president, grants, leases and permits to occupy such lands, in accordance with any law regulating the administration and disposition of public lands (r) to prepare lands use plans for Guyana or any part of Guyana, expect any municipality which is subject to a planning scheme under the Town and Country Planning Act
Section 13 (1) (extract): The functions of a Village Council are to - [...] (c) provide for the planning and development of the Village; (d) hold for the benefit and use of the Village all rights. titles and interests in or over Village lands: (e)manage and regulate the use and occupation of Village lands; (f) promote the sustainable use, protection and conservation of Village lands and the resources on those lands. [...]
Section 14 (1) (extract): Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may, in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing [...] (b) the occupation and use of Village lands; [...] (d) the management, use, preservation, protection and conservation of Village lands and resources or any part thereof; (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife.
Section 15. A rule, and any amendment to a rule, made by a Village Council comes into effect when -
(a) the Village Council has consulted the Village in general meeting and two-thirds of the members of the Village general meeting have given their approval; and
(b) the rule has been approved by the Minister and published in the Gazette.
Section 38. There is hereby established a National Toshaos Council which is a body corporate comprising all Toshaos.
Section 85. The Minister may by order recognise :is a Community Council, a council which was established by an Amerindian Community no later than 31st December 2003.
Section 87. A Community Council has authority over the members of the Amerindian Community and may regulate the exercise of their traditional rights over State lands.
CHAPTER VII- LOCAL DEMOCRACY- Local Democratic Organs. Section 72. Parliament might provide for the division of Guyana into ten regions and into such sub-regions and other subdivisions as it may deem fit for the purpose of organising local democratic organs.
Section 74 (1) (extract): It shall be the duty of local democratic organs to ensure in accordance with law the efficient management and development of their areas [...]
Section 77 The development programme of each region shall be integrated into the national development plans, and the Government shall allocate funds to each region to enable it to implement its development programmes.
Section 2 (2) (extract): A scheme may be made under this Act with respect to any land, in any rural or urban area [...]with the general objective of controlling the development of the land comprised in the area to which the scheme applies [...]
Section 4 (extract): [...] the Central Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, make regulations for regulating generally the procedure to be followed in connection with the preparation and adoption of schemes [...]
Section 6 (1) (extract): A local authority (Councils) or a joint committee duly authorised in that behalf may by resolution- (a) decide to prepare a scheme with respect to any land within the area specified in the resolution and within the jurisdiction of the authority [...] (b) adopt, with or without modifications, a scheme proposed by all or any of the owners of any such land (4) the scheme shall be forwarded to the central authority.
Section 7 (1) The Central Authority may by resolution decide to (a) prepare a scheme with respect to any land within the area specified in the resolution, or (b) to adopt with or without variations a scheme proposed by all or any of the owners of such land, or (c) to adopt with or without variations, a scheme forwarded to the central authority under section 6.
Section 8 (1) When the Central Authority have decided to prepare or adopt a scheme, the Central Authority shall make a draft scheme and submit it to the Ministry for approval.
Section 10 (1) In case where a regional scheme is in operation, the Central Authority may by resolution decide to prepare a scheme with respect to any land to which the regional scheme applies, or to adopt with or without modifications a scheme proposed by all or any of the owners of such land.
Section 6 (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to - (a) take such steps as are necessary for the effective management of wildlife so as to ensure its conservation and sustainable use (i) grant, amend and cancel licences, permits and certificates in respect of activities related to species of wildlife (y) Promote cooperation with any agency of any country, international organisation, regional, national or other person or entity in matter related to conservation, management and sustainable use of wildlife. (aa) Facilitate, promote and support mechanisms, whereby local indigenous villages may participate in the effective protection, conservation, management and sustainable use of wildlife in their titled lands.