Guyana / Food safety
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Section 3. (1) The primary responsibility for the administration of this Act lies with the Minister.
(2) The Authority shall be responsible for the implementation of this Act.
Functions of" Authority.
Section 4. The principal functions of the Authority under this Act shall be to -
(a) prevent and control the introduction, establishment or spread of prescribed diseases and national pathogens into Guyana and for that purpose carry out surveillance, monitoring, official control and stamping-out programmes;
(b) undertake emergency action for emergmg diseases and pathogens and in outbreaks of the same;
(c) develop and implement an animal identification system, an animal traceability system and a pennit system for animal movement;
(d) designate infected zones, buffer zones, free zones, zones of low disease prevalence and surveillance zones;
(e) distribute information received from the OIE or other international or regional standard-setting entities and coordinate the circulation of draft standards within Guyana and the collection of comments thereon from interested governmental and non-governmental entities;
(f) advise on Guyana's participation in the work of the OIE and its subsidiary bodies, and other international and regional entities, including representation at meetings;
(g) supply information on animal health matters according to international reporting requirements;
(h) develop and update a list of prescribed diseases and a list of national pathogens and establish import requirements accordingly;
(i) carry out risk analysis for the purposes of paragraph (h);
U) carry out veterinary inspections of commodities for export and issue international veterinary certificates and international aquatic animal health certificates.
Section 5. (1) There shall be established a Committee to be known as the National Advisory Committee on Animal Health.
(2) There shall be established a Committee to be known as the National Committee on Aquatic Animal Health Management.
(3) The committees established in this section shall advise and provide assistance to the Authority in their respective fields of competence, regarding policies, strategies and measures concerning zones, animal health or aquatic animal health, trade in animals and aquatic animals and their products and disease prevention; control and eradication.
Section 6.(1)The National Advisory Committee on Animal Health shall be made up of the following permanent members - (a)a representative of the Ministry, appointed by the Minister; (b) the Head of Animal Health Unit of the Authority; and (c) the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority; (2) The National Committee on Aquatic Animal Health Management shall be made up of the following permanent members -(a) a representative of the Ministry, appointed by the Minister; (b) the Head of Animal Health Unit of the Authority; (c) the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority; and (d) the Chief Fisheries Officer. (3) Additional members selected according to their qualifications and appointed by the Minister and may include representatives from - (a) the livestock, fisheries and aquaculture industry; (b) food producers; (c) consumers; (d) international organizations; (e) other concerned Ministries or authorities; or (f) one or more ad hoe representatives appointed by the Minister.
Section 8. (1) The Authority may from time to time appoint or designate, with the concurrence of any Minister or other public authority as may be necessary, any person with the prescribed qualifications as - (a) an authorised officer to carry out the functions assigned to such officers under this Act; (b)an official analyst for purposes of enforcement of this Act.
Section 42. Customs, port, airport, airline, postal, shipping, police, and local authorities shall assist authorised officers in the performance of their functions and exercise of their powers wider this Act by providing such facilities and assistance as the Authority may request from time to time.
Regulation 3.(1) Every authorised officer of the "Veterinary Public Health Unit" within the Ministry of Health is empowered to enforce these regulations.
Section 16. (2) (extract) The Authority shall be responsible for- (a) preparing plans…to determine the economic , technical or other feasibility of projects to be undertaken (b) presenting any schemes to the government for approval © Implementing and executing any approved schemes (d) participating in national fairs and exhibitions ([...])
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Section 7. (5) Except where the Chairperson specifically calls for a closed meeting, members of the public may attend meetings of a committee, although they may only participate where so authorised by the Chairperson, and in no case may they vote.