Botswana / Food safety
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Seventeenth Schedule (extract):
1. No fresh meat or fresh meat product from an abattoir, intended for sale for human consumption, shall be conveyed in any vehicle or aircraft, other than in refrigerated trucks, unless the use of the vehicle or aircraft has been approved in writing by the VO or OVS.
2. Subject to paragraph 1(q) of the Tenth Schedule, fresh meat shall be loaded at a temperature of not more than 7ºC for carcasses and cuts, 3ºC for offal and -12ºC for frozen fresh meat, and shall be transported in vehicles so designed and equipped that such meat is maintained at those temperatures throughout the period of transport.
3. The interior surfaces of vehicles used for the transport of fresh meat and any other parts of the vehicles which may come into contact with such meat shall be so finished as to enable them effectively to be kept clean and disinfected and shall be constructed of material resistant to corrosion which does not cause a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics of the meat or render it harmful to human health.
4. (1) Vehicles used for the transport of fresh meat shall be provided with efficient devices for protecting the meat against the entry of insects and dust and shall be watertight.
(2) Where such vehicles are used for the transport of carcasses, half carcasses, quarter carcasses and unpackaged cut fresh meat, they shall be equipped with fittings of material resistant to corrosion for hanging the meat fixed at such a height that fresh meat cannot come into contact with the floor: Provided that fittings for hanging such meat shall not be required where the meat is transported by aircraft. These must have suitable facilities resistant to corrosion, provided for hygienically loading, holding and unloading the meat and the meat must be suitably packaged.
5. Vehicles used for conveying live animals or any substance which may be detrimental to, or contaminate fresh meat, shall not be used for the transport of such meat.
Regulation 92:
Any vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat or edible offal to or from a butchery shall be of a type which has an entirely enclosed load compartment and the name and address of the owner or controller shall appear on the outside in a conspicuous place.
The load compartment of any vehicle shall be entirely separate from the driver's cab and shall be-
(a) continuously lined with non-corrosive metal or any other suitable impervious material covered at all corners, connections and intersections;
(b) as far as possible, free from joints and so constructed as to be easily and thoroughly cleaned;
(c) insulated in such a way that the temperature of the meat does not rise by more than 50°C per hour;
(d) properly clean inside and outside and kept in good condition mechanically and otherwise;
(e) provided with a sufficient number of outlets and so constructed that all liquids may be drained therefrom and such outlets provided with tight-fitting plugs.
Regulation 94:
(1) Any vehicle used for the transport of unfrozen carcasses, sides or quarters, shall be fitted with hanging rails and stainless steel hooks for the purpose of hanging such carcasses, side or quarters so that they do not touch the floor.
(2) Frozen carcasses, sides or quarters need not be transported hanging, but shall not be stacked direct on the floor.
(3) All chains and rods required for stabilizing the load shall be of non-corrosive metal and so installed as to be easily removed for cleaning purposes.
Regulation 95:
(1) A vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and edible offal to or from a butchery shall be kept clean to the satisfaction of the local authority.
(2) A local authority may require that provision be made for adequate facilities for the disinfecting and sluicing of a vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and animal products.
(3) Meat in a vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and edible offal shall be properly covered and protected against dust and flies.
Regulation 96:
Covering in vehicles No tarpaulin, mat or floor covering shall be left in or on a vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat and edible offal except during loading; such tarpaulin, mat or floor covering shall be of nylon, plastic or other smooth-surfaced material, impervious, capable of being easily and effectively cleaned and kept free from stains and shall at all times be kept clean and whole.
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Seventeenth Schedule (extract):
6. Fresh meat shall not be transported in the same vehicle at the same time as any other product likely to affect the hygiene of such meat or to contaminate it unless it is transported in such a manner that it will not contaminate the meat; and packaged meat shall not be transported in the same vehicle and at the same time as unpackaged meat unless an adequate physical separation is provided so as to protect unpackaged meat from packaged meat.
Regulation 97:
A vehicle used for the transport of carcasses, meat or edible offal shall not be used for the transport of hides, skins, inedible or rejected material or offal, refuse, manure, live animals or offensive material.
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Seventeenth Schedule (extract):
6. Fresh meat shall not be transported in the same vehicle at the same time as any other product likely to affect the hygiene of such meat or to contaminate it unless it is transported in such a manner that it will not contaminate the meat; and packaged meat shall not be transported in the same vehicle and at the same time as unpackaged meat unless an adequate physical separation is provided so as to protect unpackaged meat from packaged meat.
Regulation 99:
No person shall-
(a) place or transport any carcass or part thereof and any offal in the same vehicle unless such offal is placed in an impervious, non-corrosive container with a tight-fitting lid;
(b) place or transport cleaned and uncleaned offal at the same time in the same vehicle unless such offal is an in separate and impervious, non-corrosive containers with
tight-fitting lids.
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Regulation 27:
(1) A person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and liable-
(a) for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding P1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, and where the offence is a continuing offence, to an additional fine of P500 for each day on which the offence continues; and
(b) for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine of P2,000 or imprisonment for a term of six months and, where the offence is a continuing offence, to an additional fine of P500 for each day on which the offence continues.
(2) On the conviction of any person for any offence under these Regulations, the court may, in addition to any other penalty which it may lawfully impose, cancel or suspend any licence issued to such person which is relevant to the offence committed.
Regulation 128:
Any person contravening or failing to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both.