Botswana / Consumption use
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Section 20 (extract): (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an individual entitled to landholder's privileges or to enjoy landholder's privileges in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) or subsection (2) may, subject to such fees as may be prescribed, hunt and kill, without a licence or permit, any animals, other than protected and partially protected game animals, within the limits of the land in respect of which he is entitled to or to enjoy such privileges, but shall not kill any animal which is listed in the Eighth Schedule in excess of the number specified in relation to that animal in the second column of that Schedule within any one period such as is specified in the corresponding entry in the third column of that Schedule. Section 24 (extract) (6) Where the game farm or ranch is enclosed by a game proof fence to the satisfaction of the Director, there shall be no limit to the number of animals that are specified in Part II of the Seventh Schedule that may be killed or captured on the farm or ranch, unless the Director otherwise directs, but where the farm or ranch is not enclosed by a game proof fence to the
satisfaction of the Director, the culling of animals shall be subject to the written permission of the Director, who shall also, if satisfied that such culling is a sustainable form of game utilization, specify the number of animals that may be culled, and such culling shall be subject to the payment of such fees as may be prescribed. Section 32 (extract):
(2) The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.
Wildlife Hunting Quota 2022 (extract):
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, for public information, that in pursuance of section 32 (2) of the Wildlife Conservation and National Park Act, the Director, Wildlife and National Parks has determined the wildlife hunting quota for the year 2022 as listed below —
Regulation 13 (extract): (1)The Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorising the - [...] (b) issuance of fishing quotas;
5.9.2 Objective (extract) To promote sustainable utilisation of wildlife resources. 5.9.3 Strategies Facilitate a restricted and regulated wildlife-based industry that is premised on the principle of sustainable off-take, science-based quota setting, and efficient utilisation of the resource.
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Section 32 (extract):
(2) The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.
5.3.3 Objective (extract) To maintain wildlife resources and a diverse system of protected areas in order to conserve biodiversity. 5.3.4 Strategies Develop and periodically review management plans, strategies and policies to guide the management, conservation and utilization of wildlife resources and protected areas.
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Para 6.7 (extract): While ranchers will in general detemine their stocking rates and off take levels, CITES listed, protected and partially protected species will be subject to a quota. Para 6.16: Government may request ranchers to donate game animals for introduction into wild. Ranching of partially protected, protected and CITES listed species will be subject to specific agreemetns between DWNP and the ranchers and will make provision for possible reintroduction into the wild.
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Para 6.16: Government may request ranchers to donate game animals for introduction into wild. Ranching of partially protected, protected and CITES listed species will be subject to specific agreemetns between DWNP and the ranchers and will make provision for possible reintroduction into the wild.
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Section 24 (extract): (8)(a) The provisions of sections 21, 22, and 23 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, with respect
to the hunting or capture of animals on game farms and ranches and the keeping of records.
Section 22 (extract):
(1) Every owner or occupier of land in respect of which he is entitled to landholder's privileges, shall keep and maintain a record of every animal killed on that land by himself or by any other person hunting on that land with his permission or authority, and shall make that record available forthwith for inspection by any wildlife officer or any police officer who requires him so to do.
(2) The record maintained under this section shall contain, in respect of every animal killed, the following particulars-
(a) its species and sex;
(b) the date on which it was killed;
(c) the location where it was killed;
(d) the full name of the person who killed it.
(3) Every owner or occupier of land in respect of which he is entitled to landholder's privileges shall, not later than the 15th February in each year, produce to a licensing officer, the record kept by him under this section, or a true copy of every entry made therein, during the immediately preceding year commencing on the 1st January
Para 6.9: All ranchers will be required to keep a register of animals populations existing in their ranches as well as any off take, for the purpose of monitoring by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks.
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Section 32 (extract):
(2) The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.
Section 39 (extract):
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing
(d) the capturing of any fish for the breeding or farming of such fish subject to fishing quotas.
Para Facilitate a restricted and regulated wildlife-based industry that is premised on the principle of sustainable off-take, science-based quota setting, and efficient utilisation of the resource.
Para Participatory and decentralised quota setting for commercial, recreational and subsistence use based on stock assessments, local knowledge and the pre-cautionary principle.
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Para Participatory and decentralised quota setting for commercial, recreational and subsistence use based on stock assessments, local knowledge and the pre-cautionary principle.
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Section 11 (extract): (1) Any person who kills, hunts or captures any animal in a national park shall be guilty of an offence and without derogation from his liability under any other provision of this Act shall be liable to a fine of P10 000 and to imprisonment for 7 years.
Section 12 (extract):
(3) In any game reserve or sanctuary, no person shall hunt or capture any animal, or species or variety, specimen or sex of any animal specified in relation to such game reserve or sanctuary, except only under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit issued under section 39, and any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and, without derogation from his liability under any other provision of this Act, shall be liable to a fine of P5 000 and to imprisonment for 5 years.
Section 16 (extract):
(2) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, declare any area of land in Botswana to be a controlled hunting area, and may, in like manner, abolish declared controlled hunting areas or amend the boundaries of declared controlled hunting areas by adding other areas thereto or by deleting areas therefrom.
(3) Except for persons authorized therefor under sections 30, 39 and 40, and notwithstanding the issue of any licence to hunt under this Act, no person shall hunt or capture any animal in a controlled hunting area without such authority to hunt in that area as shall be endorsed on his licence, and without paying such fee, as may be prescribed.
Section 27 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a bird licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt such birds as are listed in Part III of the Seventh Schedule, in such areas, and in such numbers as shall be specified in the licence. Section 28 (extract): (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a single game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt on the land specified in the licence one animal only of such species and kind, listed in Parts I and II of the Seventh Schedule. Section 29 (extract): (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a small game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt within such area or areas as may be specified in the licence, animals of such species and kind, listed in Part II of the Seventh Schedule and of such numbers as may be specified in such licence.
Section 16A (extract):
(3) No person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in an order in terms of subsection (1) or in terms of a permit issued under the provisions of this Act for such waters.
(4) At he Minister may, by Order published in the Gazette, specify any waters for which a permit to fish, issued in section 39 shall not be required.
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Section 32 (extract):
(2) The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.
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Section 32 (extract):
(2) The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.
Para Participatory and decentralised quota setting for commercial, recreational and subsistence use based on stock assessments, local knowledge and the pre-cautionary principle.
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Section 20 (extract):
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an individual entitled to landholder's privileges or to enjoy landholder's privileges in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) or subsection (2) may, subject to such fees as may be prescribed, hunt and kill, without a licence or permit, any animals, other than protected and partially protected game animals,
within the limits of the land in respect of which he is entitled to or to enjoy such privileges, but shall not kill any animal which is listed in the Eighth Schedule in excess of the number specified in relation to that animal in the second column of that Schedule within any one period such as is specified in the corresponding entry in the third column of that Schedule.
(6) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (5) shall be guilty of an offence and, where no other penalty is provided under this Act in respect of the hunting of the animal concerned, shall be liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Section 24 (extract): (13) Any person who contravenes any provision of this section shall be guilty of an offence and, without derogation from his liability under any other provision of this Act or any other written law, shall be liable, in respect of an offence under subsections (4), (6), (8)(b) or (12) to a fine of P5 000 and to imprisonment for 5 years, and in respect of any offence under any other subsection, to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Regulation 14 (extract):
(2) Any person to whom a permit is issued under regulation 13 who contravenes any of its terms, conditions or requirements shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both.