Botswana / Animal production
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(3) The Director shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded-
(c) in relation to a stock movement permit-
(i) the name, address, national identity card number and owner registration number of the owner,
(ii) the origin holding and destination holding,
(iii) the territory, disease control zone, district, extension area, crush and holding,
(iv) the individual animal identification number reflected on an animal identification device of an animal that has been moved,
(v) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vi) the registered brand of an animal that has been moved,
(vii) the validity of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,and
(viii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.
Regulation 13 (extract):
(2) While at the ports of entry-
(a) in the case of cattle, every imported cattle shall be branded by the owner with a NOEU brand on the right shoulder and with the importing owner’s brand before being inserted with bolus or any other animal identification device; and
(b) the Director shall issue the owner of an animal being imported with a stock movement permit for the owner to move the animal from the port of entry to the animal’s next destination.
Section 12 (extract):
(1) Every holder of a licence under this Part shall within 15 days after the end of each month render to the Director of Veterinary Services a return, in the form set out in the Schedule, showing all purchases, acquisitions, sales, exchange or other disposals of livestock; where no transactions are effected during the month a nil return shall be rendered, and any such holder who neglects or refuses to render such return or who renders a return which is false in any material particular shall be guilty of an offence: Provided that the President may if he thinks fit, by order published in the Gazette, suspend or vary the operation of this subsection, and may, in his discretion, exempt certain licence holders from its requirements.
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(3) The Director shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded-
(c) in relation to a stock movement permit-
(i) the name, address, national identity card number and owner registration number of the owner,
(ii) the origin holding and destination holding,
(iii) the territory, disease control zone, district, extension area, crush and holding,
(iv) the individual animal identification number reflected on an animal identification device of an animal that has been moved,
(v) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vi) the registered brand of an animal that has been moved,
(vii) the validity of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations, and
(viii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.
Regulation 13 (extract):
(2) While at the ports of entry-
(b) the Director shall issue the owner of an animal being imported with a stock movement permit for the owner to move the animal from the port of entry to the animal’s next destination.
Section 12 (extract):
(1) Every holder of a licence under this Part shall within 15 days after the end of each month render to the Director of Veterinary Services a return, in the form set out in the Schedule, showing all purchases, acquisitions, sales, exchange or other disposals of livestock; where no transactions are effected during the month a nil return shall be rendered, and any such holder who neglects or refuses to render such return or who renders a return which is false in any material particular shall be guilty of an offence: Provided that the President may if he thinks fit, by order published in the Gazette, suspend or vary the operation of this subsection, and may, in his discretion, exempt certain licence holders from its requirements.
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Regulation 7:
Any person purchasing livestock whose sale is authorized by a permit shall at the time of purchase endorse on such permit the type and number of livestock he has purchased, his name and address, the date of purchase and the fees payable by him and shall within seven days of such purchase send to the revenue officer of the District Council within whose area of jurisdiction the permit was issued a return in the Form set out in the Third Schedule
together with the fees due in respect of the livestock he has purchased.
Regulation 5 (extract):
(3) The Director shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded-
(c) in relation to a stock movement permit-
(i) the name, address, national identity card number and owner registration number of the owner,
(ii) the origin holding and destination holding,
(iii) the territory, disease control zone, district, extension area, crush and holding,
(iv) the individual animal identification number reflected on an animal identification device of an animal that has been moved,
(v) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vi) the registered brand of an animal that has been moved,
(vii) the validity of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations, and
(viii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.
Regulation 16:
An owner of an export slaughter house or abattoir shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded, the details of animals slaughtered in the export slaughter houses or abattoir, and in relation to cattle the following shall be abattoirs recorded-
(a) the name, address and identity card number of the owner;
(b) the individual animal identification number of the cattle;
(c) the number of the cattle removal permits issued under the Act;
(d) the brand of the cattle; and
(e) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.
Section11 (extract):
(1) No person shall, without lawful authority, drive, convey or transport any stock or produce unless he is the owner or he has in his possession a certificate (hereinafter called a "removal certificate") issued to him by the owner of such stock or produce or the duly authorised agent of such owner, in which is stated-
(a) the name and address of the person who issued the certificate;
(b) the name and address of the owner of such stock or produce;
(c) the place from which and the place to which such stock or produce is being driven, conveyed or transported;
(d) the name of the driver, conveyor or transporter;
(e) the date of issue thereof; and
(f) if applicable, the registration number, model and make of the vehicle with which the stock or produce is being conveyed or transported.
Section 12 (extract):
(1) Every holder of a licence under this Part shall within 15 days after the end of each month render to the Director of Veterinary Services a return, in the form set out in the Schedule, showing all purchases, acquisitions, sales, exchange or other disposals of livestock; where no transactions are effected during the month a nil return shall be rendered, and any such holder who neglects or refuses to render such return or who renders a return which is false in any material particular shall be guilty of an offence: Provided that the President may if he thinks fit, by order published in the Gazette, suspend or vary the operation of this subsection, and may, in his discretion, exempt certain licence holders from its requirements.
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Regulation 13:
(1) No stock shall be moved from any one place to any other place in Botswana until sufficient efficient herds are provided by the owner to keep such stock under proper control and to prevent any such stock from straying.
(2) Any owner of stock who fails to comply with this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 14:
(1) No owner of stock or any person shall introduce or move or cause or allow to be introduced or moved any stock into or within any area declared under section 8 of the Act to be a stock-free zone without the written permission of the Director or his representative.
(2) Any person who introduces or moves stock in contravention of this regulation or whose stock is found to have come into such area without such permission shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P1000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.
Regulation 18:
(1) The President may for the purpose of preventing the introduction or spread of any disease order any stock to be moved to any place from any other place, or isolated in such manner and under such conditions as he may prescribe in consultation with the Director.
(2) He may also prohibit in any district or portion thereof the holding of exhibitions of stock and the sale of stock on public markets and in private saleyards.
Regulation 57:
(1) No person shall move or cause or allow to be removed any stock from any of the areas defined in the Schedule except under a permit granted by an official of the Veterinary Department or such other person as may be authorized by the Director to issue such permits, and such official or person may impose such conditions as he may consider necessary: Provided that in respect of any area or areas or part thereof, and in respect of any stock or class of stock, the Director may in his discretion and in such manner and on such conditions as he may deem fit declare that a permit as aforesaid shall be unnecessary or he may otherwise grant exemption to any person or persons.
(2) No person shall move, or cause, or allow to be moved any stock or class of stock within any area or areas or part thereof after the Minister has, by order published in the Gazette, prohibited the movement of such stock or class of stock within the area or areas or part thereof as defined in the order, except under permit which may be issued in respect of each removal by a person authorized by the Director to issue such permits.
Section 69:
(1) Any permit for the removal of stock issued by an official under these Regulations shall state the number and class of stock to be moved and the route to be followed.
(2) The person in whose name the permit is made out shall be entirely responsible for all the conditions and restrictions of such permit being carried out.
(3) Such permit may be withdrawn at any time.
Regulation 5 (extract):
(5) The information under subregulations (3) and (4) shall be provided to the Director by the owner or custodian of an animal.
Regulation 14:
An owner or custodian an animal shall not submit any animal to an export slaughter house or abattoir for slaughter, unless he has obtained a cattle removal permit from the Director in accordance with the Act.
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(5) The information under subregulations (3) and (4) shall be provided to the Director by the owner or custodian of an animal.
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(3) The Director shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, a register in which shall be recorded-
(c) in relation to a stock movement permit-
(i) the name, address, national identity card number and owner registration number of the owner,
(ii) the origin holding and destination holding,
(iii) the territory, disease control zone, district, extension area, crush and holding,
(iv) the individual animal identification number reflected on an animal identification device of an animal that has been moved,
(v) the number of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations,
(vi) the registered brand of an animal that has been moved,
(vii) the validity of the stock movement permits issued in terms of these Regulations, and
(viii) such other information as the Director may from time to time find necessary to record.