Zambia / Food safety
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6(1); A Veterinary Officer may- […] (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act.
5; Every owner of consignee of any butchers; meat or dead animal intended for the food of man which may be conveyed or transported into the District of the Local Authority for the purpose of sale shall submit such butchers' meat or dead animal for the purpose of examination and stamping or branding [...]
27; Every person bringing into the abattoir, either by himself or by his servants, any animal which is diseased or suspected of being diseased shall take the same to the place set apart for reception of such animals, and shall immedietely inform the responsible officer of the Local Authority.
28; A person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at the abattoir any animal which, after being slaughtered, is found or suspected of being diseased, shall take the carcass thereof to the place set apart for the reception of carcasses of diseased animals, and shall immedietely inform the responsible officer of the Local Authority
29; No person shall cut away or remove from any carcass any portion thereof, diseased or otherwise, before inspection of the carcass by the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer, Health Inspector, Livestock Officer or person authorized in writing by the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer to carry out inspections of carcasses or meat.
30; The carcasses of animals condemned on account of disease or other reasons as unfit for human consumption shall be dealt with and disposed of by the owner thereof, in such manner as Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer shall direct.
31; The carcass of animals submitted for examinations and rejected on account of non-compliance with the conditions laid down in regulation 5, shall be dealt with and disposed of by the owner [...].
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26; Notwithstanding any restrictions as to cutting any carcass or part of the carcass which may ordinarily be imposed by imposed upon the Meat Inspector, […] when inspecting carcasses or parts thereof and when protection of the public health demands such action, [...] no liability shall be incurred by reason of such cutting or by reason of anything which officers may lawfully do for the purpose of inspection and examination of meat.
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6(3); Where a veterinary officer detains, treats, disposes of or destroys an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed under sub-section (2), the veterinary officer shall within 14 days of detention, treatment, disposal, or destruction, of an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, notify, in writing, the owner of the animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed.
5; Every owner or consignee of any butchers; meat or dead animal intended for the food of man which may be conveyed or transported into the District of the Local Authority for the purpose of sale shall submit such butchers' meat or dead animal for the purpose of examination, stamping or branding, between the hours appointed for the purpose by the Local Authority [...]
31; The Meat Inspector shall , within six hours of seizing any carcass, part of a carcass, organ or viscera, notify in writing to the owner the fact of, and reason for, the seizure […]
33; If any carcass or meat seized by the Meat Inspector is not voluntarily surrendered by the owner, the Meat Inspector shall forthwith shall notify the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer who shall , within twenty four hours of receiving such notice, personally inspect the said carcass.
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25; In the examination of meat intended for sale for food of man, the meat inspector shall inspect the whole carcass with the internal organs and shall comply with the instructions contained in the Second Schedule.
27; In determining the action to be taken in the event of evidence of disease or abnormality found in any carcass or organs or viscera, the Meat Inspector shall comply with instructions in the Third Schedule
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8(1); Where a Veterinary Officer reasonably believes that it is not necessary to destroy an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, the Veterinary Officer shall - (a) release the animal, animal produc, animal by-product, article or animal feed or property to its owner; or (b) release the animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or property to its lawful owner on conditional payment of any charges incurred, in connection with impounding or other measures taken by the Veterinary Officer . (2) At the time of release, a veterinary officer shall , by order in writing, require an owner of an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article, animal feed to take measures to eliminate any risk associated with a notifiable disease.
8(1); Where an authorized officer reasonably believes that it is not necessary to destroy any fish of fish products seized, the authorized officer shall - (a) release the fish or fish product to its lawful owner; or (b) release the fish or fish product to its lawful owner on conditional payment of charges incurred in connection with impounding or other measures taken by the authorized officer. (2) An authorized officer shall , at the time of the release referred to in sub-section (1), by order in writing, require an owner of any fish product, to take measures to eliminate any risks associated with a disease.
28; The Meat Inspector having examined, in accordance with these Regulations, the carcass, organs or viscera of any animal intended for sale for the food of man shall brand, stamp or otherwise mark in a manner approved by the Local Authority all meat passed by him as free from disease, sound, wholesome and fit for the food of man.
29; The Meat Inspector having examined in accordance with these Regulations the carcass, organ or viscera of any animal intended for the food of man and finding or suspecting the same to be diseased or unsound or unwholesome or unfit for the food of man shall , when such action is directed in the Third Schedule, seize the said carcass, part of carcass, organ or viscera for examination by the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer.
35; Any carcass or meat seized by the Meat Inspector which is voluntarily surrendered by the owner or which, in the opinion of the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer, is diseased, unsound or unwholesome and unfit for use as food for man, shall be condemned and shall be destroyed or rendered unsaleable as food of man or disposed off in such a manner as the Medical Officer of Health may direct.
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8(1); Where a Veterinary Officer reasonably believes that it is not necessary to destroy an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, the Veterinary Officer shall- (a) release the animal, animal produc, animal by-product, article or animal feed or property to its owner; or (b) release the animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or property to its lawful owner on conditional payment of any charges incurred, in connection with impounding or other measures taken by the Veterinary Officer . (2) At the time of release, a veterinary officer shall , by order in writing, require an owner of an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article, animal feed to take measures to eliminate any risk associated with a notifiable disease.
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7(1); An authorized officer may, for the purpose of this Act- (a) take or cause to be taken from any fish or fish product, any sample or specimen; (b) take or cause to be taken from a building, place or conveyance, any sample or specimen; and (c ) apply such other tests as the authorized officer considers necessary. (2) An authorized officer may, for the purpose of obtaining fish statistics, weigh, measure and check any fish, and any person in charge of the fish shall , on demand being made to that person by the authorised officer produce such fish to the authorized officer for that purpose.
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30; No person save the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer or a person acting under the instruction of either of them shall remove, cut in any way or interfere with any carcass or part of a carcass, organ or viscera which may have been seized by the Meat Inspector unless and until the same shall have been passed by the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer.
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2; Interpretations- "officer" means a veterinary officer, livestock officer, veterinary assistant or animal scientist employed by the Government.
6(4); Where- (a) at any place within Zambia, any animal, animal product, animal by-product , article or conveyance is suspected to be infected with a disease; […] a veterinary officer may take make such orders as the veterinary officer considers necessary for all or any of the following purposes; (i) to direct that such animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or conveyance be seized or detained; (ii) to direct that such animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or conveyance slaughtered, disposed of or destroyed, as the case may be; or (iii) to direct that such an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or conveyance be dealt with in such a manner as is considered necessary to prevent the spread of any disease
3; Interpretations- "Meat Inspector" means any suitably qualified person employed by any Local Authority to act as Meat Inspector or any other suitably qualified person authorized in writing by the Director of Medical Services to act as such.
28; The Meat Inspector having examined, in accordance with these Regulations, the carcass, organs or viscera of any animal intended for sale for the food of man shall brand, stamp or otherwise mark in a manner approved by the Local Authority all meat passed by him as free from disease, sound, wholesome and fit for the food of man.
29; The Meat Inspector having examined in accordance with these Regulations the carcass, organ or viscera of any animal intended for the food of man and finding or suspecting the same to be diseased or unsound or unwholesome or unfit for the food of man shall , when such action is directed in the Third Schedule, seize the said carcass, part of carcass, organ or viscera for examination by the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer.
34; Any carcass or meat seized by the Meat Inspector which, in the opinion of the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer, is fit for the food of man shall be forthwith passed, stamped or branded or otherwise marked as provided for in Regulation 28.
35; Any carcass or meat seized by the Meat Inspector which is voluntarily surrendered by the owner or which, in the opinion of the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer, is diseased, unsound or unwholesome and unfit for use as food for man, shall be condemned and shall be destroyed or rendered unsaleable as food of man or disposed off in such a manner as the Medical Officer of Health may direct.
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6; A veterinary officer may- […] (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act.
8(1); Where a Veterinary Officer reasonably believes that it is not necessary to destroy an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, the Veterinary Officer shall - (a) release the animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or property to its owner; or (b) release the animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or property to its lawful owner on conditional payment of any charges incurred, in connection with impounding or other measures taken by the Veterinary Officer . (2) At the time of release, a veterinary officer shall , by order in writing, require an owner of an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article, animal feed to take measures to eliminate any risk associated with a notifiable disease.
30; The carcasses of animals condemned on account of disease or other reason as unfit for human consumption shall be dealt with and disposed of by the owner thereof, in such manner as the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer shall direct.
6(1); Subject to, and for the purpose of this Act, an authorized officer may- […] (j) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any fish or fish product which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act.
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74; Except where otherwise expressly provided in this Act, any person who is convicted of an offense under this Act for which no penalty is provided, is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or both.
34; Any person guilty of an offence against or contravention of, or default in complying with, any provision of these Regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units, and, if the offence, contravention or default is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during which the offence, contravention or default continues
54; Any person found guilty of an offence against or contravention of or default in complying with any provision of these Regulations shall be liable on conviction to a fine [...]