Zambia / Animal production
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59(1); A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed without a permit from the Director. (2) A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed unless the animal feed conforms to the standards and specifications prescribed under this Act.
4(1); Applications under Part II of the Act for Registration, transfer of registration or renewal of registration of plant shall be made in Form FERT 4 in the First Schedule to the Agriculture (Fertilizers) Regulations, 1969, […] and such application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fees shown in the First and Second Schedules to the Act, and be given to the Registering Officer
2; Interpretations- "allied substances" includes acaricides, cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements […]
28(1); The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue a dispensing certificate to dispense medicines and allied substances to patients under their care in a health facility.(2) A person who dispenses medicines and allied susbtances without a dispensing certificate to a patient in a health facility commits an offense [...] (3) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Authority, by statutory instrument, provide for- [...] (d) any other matters that are necessary or incidental to the effective regulation of dispensing certificates under this Act.
2; Interpretations- "plant" means any premises used for the purpose of manufacturing, compounding or producing any fertilizer or farm feed, and shall include any sterilizing plant.
27(1); Any person who, by any process, in any plant not registered under this Act, purpots- (a) to produce, manufacture, compound or process any farming requisite, or (b) to sterilize for the purpose of this Act, any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, for use by any person in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite; shall be guilty of an offense.
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59(1); A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed without a permit from the Director. (2) A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed unless the animal feed conforms to the standards and specifications prescribed under this Act.
2; Interpretations- "plant" means any premises used for the purpose of manufacturing, compounding or producing any fertilizer or farm feed, and shall include any sterilizing plant.
27(1); Any person who, by any process, in any plant not registered under this Act, purpots- (a) to produce, manufacture, compound or process any farming requisite, or (b) to sterilize for the purpose of this Act, any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, for use by any person in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite; shall be guilty of an offense.
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"Allied substances" includes feed additives and supplements [under the Medicines and Allied Substances Act No.3 of 2013 - interpretations , section 2]
6(1); The Authority shall, where the applicants meet the requirements of the Act and the guidelines issued by the Authority, issue a permit in Form IV set out in the First Schedule.(3) A permit may be issued in respect of the following classes of agroveterinary shops: (a) class I, to stock for sell the veterinary medicines and allied susbstances specified in Part A of the Second Schedule.
2; Interpretations- "Allied Substances" includes acaricides , cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements […]
33(1); A person shall not manufacture, distribute or deal any medicines or allied substances without a pharmaceutical license.
34(1); A person who intends to manufacture, distribute or deal with in any medicines or allied substance shall apply to the Authority for a pharmaceutical license in a prescribed manner and form.
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3(1); A person who intends to place a medicine on the market shall to the Authority for marketing authorization in Form I set out in the Schedule on payment of fees set out in the Medicines and Allied Substances (Fees) Regulations, 2016.
2; Interpretations- "Allied Substances" includes acaricides , cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements […]
34(1); A person who intends to manufacture, distribute or deal with in any medicines or allied substance shall apply to the Authority for a pharmaceutical license in a prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee.(2) The Authority shall, within ninety days of the receipt of an application under subsection (1), issue a pharmaceutical license to the applicant id the applicant meets the requirements of this Act. (3) The Authority shall reject the application which does not meet the requirements of this Act and inform the applicant of the reasons for the rejection.(4) The Minister may, on recommendation of the Authority, by statutory instrument, provide for- (a) the criteria for licensing of persons under subsection (1); (b) the procedure for applying for a pharmaceutical license and the grant. amendment, renewal, transfer and revocation of pharmaceutical license; (c) terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant, amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer or revocation of a pharmaceutical license.
2; Interpretations- "plant" means any premises used for the purpose of manufacturing, compounding or producing any fertilizer or farm feed, and shall include any sterilizing plant.
5(1); Application for registration of plant shall be made to the Registering Officer in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
17(1); Subject to the provisions of this section, there shall be payable to the Registering Officer by any person- (a) who is the owner of any plant, on any provisional registration of the said plant and owner under this Act; (b) who is the owner of any plant, on first registration of the said plant and owner as registered plant and registered owner thereof, respectively ; (c) on the annual renewal of any registration of any plant and owner under this Act.
2; Interpretations- "feed" means any substance whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended for animal consumption; "ingredient" means any substance, including a food or feed additive or a component of a compound ingredient, used in the manufacture or preparation of a foodstuff or feed and present in the final product, whether or not in a modified form;
3; A person shall not a genetically modified organism for direct use as food or feed or for processing unless- (a) the importation is duly authorized by the Authority.
4; An application to import an genetically modified organism for direct use as food or feed or for processing shall be in Form I set out in the First Schedule.
27; the fees set out in the Second Schedule are payable for the matters set out therein.
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13; An action or other proceedings shall not lie or be instituted against the Director-General or a member of staff of the Authority for, or in respect of, any act or thing being done in good faith in the exercise of, or performance of, or purported exercise of, or performance of, any of the powers, functions or duties conferred under this Act.
34(3); The Authority shall reject the application which does not meet the requirements of this Act and inform the applicant of the reasons for the rejection.(4) The Minister may, on recommendation of the Authority, by statutory instrument, provide for- (a) the criteria for licensing of persons under subsection (1); (b) the procedure for applying for a pharmaceutical license and the grant. amendment, renewal, transfer and revocation of pharmaceutical license; (c) terms and conditions attaching to an application, grant, amendment, refusal, renewal, transfer or revocation of a pharmaceutical license.
2; Interpretations- "plant" means used for the purpose of manufacturing, compounding or producing any fertilizer or farm feed, and shall include any sterilizing plant.
13; If the Registering Officer is satisfied- (a) that any plant registered under this Act does not comply with provisions of this Act or with any conditions or requirements imposed or prescribed under this Act; (b) that any plant is not being used for the purpose for which it has been registered under this Act; (c) that the product of that plant does not conform to the standards prescribed for that product under this Act; or (d) that the registered owner of any of such plant has been convicted of an offense under this Act;- he may cancel the registration of such plant and the registered owner thereof.
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29(1); The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue an agroveterinary shop permit to sell a prescribed list of veterinary medicinal products, under the control and management of such persons as the Authority may authorize.
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18(1); The Authority shall, where it grants a marketing authorization, specify the appropriate category of distribution of the medicine which relates to the marketing authorization.(2) A person may sell or supply medicine for human use under the following categories- (a) prescription only medicine; (b) pharmacy medicine; and (c) general sale medicine. (3) A person may sell or supply veterinary medicine under the following categories; (a) prescription only medicine - veterinary; (b) pharmacy medicine veterinary; and (c) general sale medicine veterinary.
30(1); The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue a health shop permit to the person to handle a prescribed list of medicines and allied substances in designated areas under the control and management of such persons as the Authority may authorize.
42(1) A person shall not sell or supply medicine which is required to be sold by prescription only to any person without a prescription.(2) For the purpose of this section, an authorized prescriber shall prescribe medicines which under this Act are required to be dispensed only under prescription by issuing a prescription in the prescribed form.
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33(1); A person shall not manufacture, distribute or deal in any medicine or allied substances without a pharmaceutical license.
34(1); A person who intends to manufacture, distribute or deal in medicine or allied substances shall apply to the Authority for a pharmaceutical license in the prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee.
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69(1); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), regulations under that subsection make provisions for- […] (i) the disposal of obsolete, expired or unwanted medicines or allied susbstances, in consultation with the Zambia Environmental Management Agency;