Zambia / Animal production
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2; Interpretations: "animal" means any vertebrate, other than a human being, which is a member of the phylum chordata and includes a bee, butterfly, and other insects used in the production of animal products, including carcasses of such animals.
21; The Director shall, for the purpose of disease control and animal and animal product traceability, use an animal and animal product identification system that allows for the tracing of animals and animal products from origin to end-user for the purpose of disease control
4; The Public Service Commission shall appoint, as public officers, a Registrar of Animal Identification, Deputy Registrar of Animal Identification and other such other staff within the Ministry for livestock development, as shall be necessary for the proper administration of this Act.
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2; Interpretations: "animal" means any vertebrate, other than a human being, which is a member of the phylum chordata and includes a bee, butterfly, and other insects used in the production of animal products, including carcasses of such animals; "Owner" means- (a) in relation to an animal, includes the person for the time being, for the time being the management, custody or control of such animal, and (b) in relation to land or place, includes any person who, whether lessee or licensee, has the charge, control and management or occupation of such land or place;
3; Interpretations- "animal" means bull, bullock, ox, cow, heifer, steer, calf, lamb, goat, pig or other quadruped commonly used for the food of man;
2; Interpretations- "animal" has the meaning assigned to the word in the Animal Health Act, 2010
2; Interpretations- "animal" means any mammal, other than a human being, bird fish or reptile or amphibian which is a member of the phylum vertebrates, including the carcass of such animals;
2; Interpretations- "animal" means any animal declared by the Minister in terms of section (3).
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2 answers
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21; The Director shall, for the purpose of disease control and animal and animal product traceability, use an animal and animal product identification system that allows for the tracing of animals and animal products from origin to end-user for the purpose of disease control.
34(1); A transporter of animals shall maintain a record of the animals conveyed in the prescribed manner and form. (2) A transporter referred to in subsection (1) shall, at the request of an officer, make available to the officer any record kept in accordance with subsection (1).
4; The Public Service Commission shall appoint, as public officers, a Registrar of Animal Identification, Deputy Registrar of Animal Identification and other such other staff within the Ministry for livestock development, as shall be necessary for the proper administration of this Act.
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75(1); A person shall not, without the consent in writing given by, or on behalf of, the Department, publish or disclose to any person otherwise than in the course of duties, the contents of any document, communication or information which relates to, and which has come to that person's knowledge, in the course of that person's duty under this Act.(3) A person who, having information which to the knowledge of that person has been published or disclosed in contravention of subsection (1), unlawfully publishes or communicates the information to any other person, commits and offense [...]