Zambia / Animal production
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59(1); A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed without a permit from the Director.(2) A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed unless the animal feed conforms to the standards and specifications prescribed under this Act.
60(1); A person shall not import without a permit from the Director- (a) any animal feed which contains bone or any other substance derived from an animal carcass, or (b) bone or any other substance derived from animal carcass for the purpose of manufacturing any animal feed.
38; The Minister may, from time to time, by regulation, restrict, limit or prohibit the importation of any particular farming requisite, or class of farming requisites, into Zambia, without the prior written consent of the Minister.
40(1); No person shall import into Zambia- (a) any fertilizer of farm feed which contains bone or any substance derived from animal carcass; or (b) any bone or other substance derived from animal carcass for use in the manufacture or processing of an ingredient in any farming requisite; unless he has submitted to the Minister a certificate issued and signed in the country of origin of such fertilizer, farm feed, bone or other substance by a person designated by the Minister [...]
3; A person shall not import a genetically modified organism for direct use as food or feed or for processing unless the importation is duly authorised by the Authority.
4; An application to import a genetically modified organism for direct use as food of feed or for processing shall be in Form I set out in the First Schedule.
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62; The Minister may, by statutory instrument make regulations for- (a) the form of register, application, permits, reports off sampling and analysis […]
5(1); The Authority shall, within fourteen days from the receipt of an application under regulation 4, examine the application to determine if it meets the requirements of the Act and these Regulations.(2) The Authority shall, where the application meets the requirements of the Act and these Regulations- (a) accept the application and inform the applicant in Form II set out in the First Schedule; and (b) forward a copy of the application to the Scientific Advisory Committee. (3) The Scientific Advisory Committee shall evaluate the application referred to it under subregulation (2), particularly the risk assessment studies conducted and actions taken by the relevant regulatory authorities in the country of origin, and submit its report to the Authority within thirty days from its receipt of the application.
27; The fees set out in the Second Schedule are payable for the matters set out therein.
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37(1); Save as provided by a proviso to subsection (1) of section thirty-six, any person who sells bone or any substance derived from animal carcass for use in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite, shall, upon request, produce for inspection by the purchaser or by an inspector or duly authorized officer, the certificate of sterization issued as prescribed in respect of the said bone or other substance.
13; A holder of a permit for genetically modified organisms for direct use as food or feed or for processing shall, within fifteen days from the date of arrival of every shipment of genetically modified organism, notify the Authority of such arrival in Form VII set out in the First Schedule.
14(1); A permit shall be revoked if- [...] (b) the permit holder refuses to allow for inspection of the physical containment facility or intermediate destination of the genetically modified organism.
24; An inspector may, subject to the provisions of the Act, conduct inspections, as may be appropriate, to ensure compliance with these Regulations.
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41(1); Any farming requisite brought to any part of Zambia for the purposes of importation in contravention of any provision of this Act, or of any condition thereupon prescribed for such importation, may be seized or detained, subject to the disposal thereof by the Minister under provisions of subsection (2). (2) if any such farming requisites is detained under the provisions of subsection (1), the Minister may- (a) order such farming requisite- (i) to be removed from Zambia within such time as may be prescribed in the order; (ii) with the consent of the person to whom the farming requisite was consigned, or his agent, or of the owner thereof, to be destroyed without compensation; or (b) bring proceedings in the manner prescribed by subsection (3), for its forfeiture and destruction
22(1); The Authority shall withdraw a genetically modified product where it has adverse effects on human and animal health, biological diversity, non genetically modified crops or the environment, including socio economic conditions; [...] (4) the Authority shall require the person who submitted an application for approval to import, store, transport, distribute or sell food or feed withdrawn or suspended under these Regulations, as the case may be, to withdraw the product from the market and such person shall immediately comply with the requirement.
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41(1); Any farming requisite brought to any part of Zambia for the purposes of importation in contravention of any provision of this Act, or of any condition thereupon prescribed for such importation, may be seized or detained, subject to the disposal thereof by the Minister under provisions of subsection (2). (2) if any such farming requisites is detained under the provisions of subsection (1), the Minister may- (a) order such farming requisite - (i) to be removed from Zambia within such time as may be prescribed in the order; (ii) with the consent of the person to whom the farming requisite was consigned, or his agent, or of the owner thereof, to be destroyed without compensation; or (b) bring proceedings in the manner prescribed by subsection (3), for its forfeiture and destruction