Zambia / Animal health
3 answers
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26(1); A person shall not import, export manufacture, sell or expose for sale in Zambia a virus, vaccine, serum or an analogous product used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any animal disease except under a permit, in writing, issued by the Director.
3(1); A person who intends to manufacture, distribute or deal in any medicine or allied substances shall apply to the Authority for a license in Form I set out in the Schedule, on payment of the prescribed fee.(2) A person who intends to manufacture, distribute or deal in any medicine or allied substance at more than one premises shall apply for a license in respect of each premises.
29(1); The Authority may, upon application by a person, issue an agro-veterinary shop permit to the person to sell a prescribed list of veterinary medicinal products, under the control and management of such persons as the Authority may authorise.
2 answers
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26(1); A person shall not import, export manufacture, sell or expose for sale in Zambia a virus, vaccine, serum or an analogous product used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any animal disease except under a permit, in writing, issued by the Director.(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits and offense and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.
11(1); The Authority shall suspend a license if the licensee- (a) operates the business in respect of which it is issued under insanitary conditions; (b) obtains or sells medicine from an unauthorized supplier or stock or sells an authorized product; (c ) fails to maintain the required records on medicines and or allied substances; or (d) contravenes the terms and conditions of a license or the provisions of the Act or any other written law.
12(1); The Authority shall revoke the license if the licensee- (a) contravenes the provisions of the Act or breaches the terms and conditions of the license; (b) fails to take corrective measures following the suspension of the license; (c ) changes the business premises without authorization; (d) fails to comply with any other written law; or (e ) obtained the license by fraud or deliberate negligent submission of false information or statements.
19; A person who contravenes a provision of these Regulations for which a penalty is not provided; ...commits and offense and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred penalty units, an in a case of a continuing offense, to a fine not exceeding twenty penalty units for each day that the offense continues.