Suriname / Consumption use
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Article 5 (b): The prohibitions set out in Articles 2, 3 and 4 do not apply:
designated persons identified by the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, who are authorized with a license under certain conditions to capture, kill or collect for a useful purpose. Before granting a license, the Director or the Head as his designated replacement shall hear the Nature Conservation Commission.
Article 8 (b): It is prohibited:
(b) to hunt for "game" or use nets for birds belonging to the "cage animals" other than in possession of a valid hunting license or special license;
Article 9: The Director or the Head as his designated deputy may issue and grant special licenses to persons designated by him to act on behalf of a scientific, educational or other useful purpose, to be set by him conditions, for a specific time and for a specific area to kill or to collect, without a hunting license (jachtacte), on animal species designated by him in particular, belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species", or collect eggs or nests of birds belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species". With regard to the animals and / or objects thus obtained, the license holder will be allowed to have them in his possession, to transport them or to export them.
Article 2: Without prejudice to Articles 4 and 5(a) and (c), it shall be prohibited to fish within Suriname other than with the rod or with the handline, unless a written license to be issued by or on behalf of the Director may be submitted.
Article 2a:
1. The following fishing license fees shall be levied for the authorization referred to in the previous Article, i.e.
(a) for trap and line fishing in river mouths: f 25,-
(b) for seine fishing in rivers: f 25,-
(c) for gillnet fishing in pans and swaths f 25,-
(d) for pair trawling from the riverbank: f 15,-
(e) for sport fishing (sports fishing subject to a license) and others: f 15,-
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Article 9: The Director or the Head as his designated deputy may issue and grant special licenses to persons designated by him to act on behalf of a scientific, educational or other useful purpose, to be set by him conditions, for a specific time and for a specific area to kill or to collect, without a hunting license (jachtacte), on animal species designated by him in particular, belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species", or collect eggs or nests of birds belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species". With regard to the animals and / or objects thus obtained, the license holder will be allowed to have them in his possession, to transport them or to export them.
Article 5:
a) In a nature reserve it is prohibited to: (a) deliberately or by negligence cause damage to the soil conditions, natural beauty, fauna, flora or perform actions, thereby detracting the value from the reserve as such;
b) to camp, make a fire, cut wood or burn charcoal, unless with written permission from the Head of Suriname Forest Service (LBB- Dutch abbreviation) and with due observance of the conditions set therein;
c) Hunting and fishing and having a firearm, a dog or any hunting and trapping device is prohibited unless a license has been granted to that effect.
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Article 12: Hunting is authorized:
a. on land and waters belonging to the public National Domain, insofar as not declared a nature reserve by State Decree pursuant to the Nature Conservation Act 1950 and with due observance of the provisions of paragraph 2 of this article;
b. on private grounds with written permission from the business and / or personally entitled.
Hunting within built-up areas is prohibited.
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Article 6
It is prohibited: hunt the animal species belonging to game birds with:
2 ° nets without a special license from the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, which can be provided after the conditions laid down by decision of the Minister have been met;
b. to hunt the animal species belonging to the cage animal species with:
2 ° nets without a special license from the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, which can be provided after the conditions laid down by decision of the Minister have been met;
f. to hunt with artificial light without a special license from the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, which can be provided after the conditions to be laid down by order of the Minister have been met; the Minister can designate areas by order where hunting with artificial light is authorized or prohibited.
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Article 9: The Director or the Head as his designated deputy may issue and grant special licenses to persons designated by him to act on behalf of a scientific, educational or other useful purpose, to be set by him conditions, for a specific time and for a specific area to kill or to collect, without a hunting license (jachtacte), on animal species designated by him in particular, belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species", or collect eggs or nests of birds belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species". With regard to the animals and / or objects thus obtained, the license holder will be allowed to have them in his possession, to transport them or to export them.
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Article 10 (3): The hunting fee is 5,000 guilders.
Article 2 a (1): The following fishing license licenses are charged for the license referred to in the previous article, namely:
(a) for trap and line fishing in river mouths: f 25,-
(b) for seine fishing in rivers: f 25,-
(c) for gillnet fishing in pans and swaths f 25,-
(d) for pair trawling from the riverbank: f 15,-
(e) for sport fishing (sports fishing subject to a license) and others: f 15,-
Article 9 (a): In the Game Act 1954 (G.B. 1954 no. 25 as last amended by S.B. 1997 No 33), Article 10 shall be amended as follows:
a. In paragraph 3, the phrase "five thousand guilders" is replaced by the following: twenty-five thousand guilders;
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Article 10:
1.The hunting licenses and licenses referred to in Article 8b are issued on written request, after the conditions laid down by State Order have been met, to:
(a) persons residing within Suriname by the District Commissioner of the administrative resort in which the place of residence of the applicant concerned is located;
(b) persons who are not domiciled within Suriname by the Director or the Head as his designated replacement.
2.The hunting license is issued after deposit of a hunting fee.
3.The hunting fee is 5000 guilders.
4.The same applicant is only granted a hunting license once per calendar year.
5. Hunting licenses and licenses are denied to:
persons under the age of 18 years and those who are punishable for acts
under the statutory regulations on the protection of wild animals, have been sentenced to imprisonment of one week or more or to a fine of two thousand guilders or more, if less than two years have elapsed after the judgment has become final; those who have been denied the power to hunt under the provisions of Article 18.
6. A hunting license or license, in the possession of those who, pursuant to the provisions of art.18 in which the compotence to hunt has been denied, is being revoked.
7. Hunting licenses and licenses are valid from the 1st of January of any year until and on the thirtieth of December of that same year.
Article 18 [extract]: In case of conviction for any act contrary to the provisions of article 8, article 13 or contrary to any regulation given pursuant to article 10, article 11 and 12, a period of 6 months commencing on the day on which the judgment is final the convicted person will have no authority to hunt and the convict's hunting license (jachtacte) will be revoked.[...]
Article 5:
(1) The following documents are required to obtain a hunting license (jachtacte):
a.) a health certificate from the applicant;
b.) a certificate stating the successful completion of a test, which test is established by the Director or the Head as his designated replacement, after consultation with the Nature Conservation Commission.
(2)The granting of a special license shall require:
(a) be in possession of a valid hunting licence (jachtacte);
(b) comply with conditions laid down by the Director whether the Head as his designated replacement, after consultation with the Nature Conservation Committee.The documents required in paragraph 1 under a and b of this article are enclosed every five years with the application for a hunting license.
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Article 10:
4.The same applicant is only granted a hunting license (jachtacte) once per calendar year.
7. Hunting licenses(jachtacten) and licenses are valid from the 1st of January of any year until on the thirtieth of December of that same year.
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Article 8 (b): It is prohibited:
to hunt "game" or to place nets for birds belonging to the "caged species" other than having a valid hunting license (jactacte) or special license in possession;
Article 18: In case of conviction for any act contrary to the provisions of Article 8, Article 13 or in violation of any regulation given pursuant to Article 10, Articles 11 and 12, the convicted person shall have no authority to hunt for a period of 6 months, commencing on the day on which the sentence has become final, and the convict's hunting license will be revoked.
Extract of the sentence shall be sent to the District Commissioner at the place of residence and abode of the convicted person, to the District Commissioner who issued the hunting license (ajctacte) or license and to the Conservation Commission.
Article 2:Without prejudice to Articles 4 and 5(a) and (c), it shall be prohibited to fish within Suriname other than with the rod or with the handline, unless a written authorization to be issued by or on behalf of the Director may be submitted.
Article 6: Violation of the regulations given by or pursuant to one of the articles of this law is punished with imprisonment of no more than one month or a fine of no more than one hundred guilders.
Article 7: The offenses made punishable by or pursuant to this Act are considered violations
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Article 10 (6): A hunting license (jactacte) or license, in the possession of those who, pursuant to the provisions of art.18 in which the power to hunt has been denied, is being revoked.
Article 16: Violation of any of the articles of this Act or the decisions taken pursuant to this Act shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding ten thousand guilders.
Not punishable is he who violates this Act for immediate protection of their own or another's person or property.
Article 17: The investigators are at all times entitled to seize susceptible objects.
They can do request their delivery.
Article 18: In case of conviction for any act contrary to the provisions of Article 8, Article 13 or contrary to any regulation given pursuant to Article 10, Articles 11 and 12, will be held for a period of 6 months, commencing on the day of the judgment has become irrevocable, the convicted have no authority to hunt and the convict's hunting license will be revoked.
Extract of the sentence is sent to the District Commissioner at the place of residence and abode of the convicted person, to the District Commissioner who has issued a hunting act or license and to the Nature Conservation Commission.
Article 19: The offenses made punishable in or pursuant to this Act are considered to be violations.
Article 21: The prosecution of an offense made punishable by or pursuant to this Act, which, in the opinion of the Director or a forest management officer authorized by him, has been committed under circumstances that justify a fine, can be prevented by voluntary payment of a transaction fine to be determined by the Director or official, and the costs arising from the discovery of the criminal offense.
The official authorized to impose a transaction fine will thereby issue a receipt signed by him, stating the name and address of the offender, as well as the nature, time and place of the offense.
The payment relieves the offender from any further criminal prosecution for the act committed, without prejudice to his liability for any damage.
Article 6: Violation of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one month or a fine not exceeding one hundred guilders.
Article 9: Investigating officers shall at all times have the power to confiscate susceptible items.
They can do request their delivery (surrender).
The seized fish shall be released, where it regards living fish, are released into the by the Attorney General designated fishing waters. Where it regards dead fish, it can be made available by him to establishments of charity."