Guyana / Animal production
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Section 2. In this Act- “in transit” includes any occasion on which a specimen remains on board an aircraft, ship or other form of transport and is in the process of being
transported to a named consignee; “IATA Regulations” means the International Air Transport Association Live Animals Regulations; “transshipment” means, after goods have been unloaded or in any way removed from the means of transportation by which they came
into Guyana, their loading, placing on board or
within or upon the same or any other means of
transportation without having been recorded as
having been landed in Guyana;
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Section 12. A person shall not transport animals in a way that causes the animals' pain, suffering, injury or death
Section 34. (1) Subject to section 36, where, with regard to an application for an Export Permit or a Re-Export Certificate, the Commission on the advice of the Wildlife Scientific Committee, is satisfied that –(e) the transportation arrangements for any living specimen are adequate and minimise the risk of injury or damage to health of the wildlife;
Section 36. The Commission may refuse to grant an Import Permit, Export Permit, a Re-Export Certificate or a Certificate of Introduction from the Sea where it has reason to believe –(f) the transportation arrangements, whether by land, sea or by air, for any living plant or animal are inadequate and present a serious risk of injury, or damage to the plant or animal;
Section 52. (1) Every person who exports, imports or re-exports a live animal or plant shall, where it is transported by land, sea or air, prepare it for transportation and transport it in accordance with the IATA Regulations. (2) A person who fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an
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Section 11. (1) No person shall transport any animal without the permission of the competent authority and without a certificate of approval of means of transport issued by the competent authority
Section 16(2) A Captive Wildlife Liccnce shall -(f) authorise the transporting, keeping or confining of animals for
the purpose of captive breeding or ranching and set out conditions under which such animals shall be transported, kept or confined for the purpose of farming; and (g) authorise the transporting, keeping or confining of animals for the purpose ofranching and set out conditions under which sucb animals shall be transported, kept or con.fined for the purpose of ranching.
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Regulation 20 (1). The movement and transfer shall conform to all other laws governing the transfer and movement of animals.
(2)Without prejudice to the provisions in subsection ( l ) animals transported for the purposes of these Regulations shall be:
(a)Transported under conditions and facilities specifically designed and properly secured for the animal being transported;
(b)Free of projections, fittings or structures that might pose a risk of injury to the animals being transported;
(c)Suitably ventilated to allow the animals being transported appropriate airflow and optimal wellbeing;
(d)Equipped with secure and appropriate flooring; (e) Equipped with an appropriate and adequate supply of
food and drinking water;and (t)Accompanied by appropriate records.
Section 11. (3) (extract) A transporter when transporting animals shall comply with the following conditions- (c ) The means of transport must be designed, constructed, mantained and operated so as to avoid injury and suffering and to ensure the safety of the animals ([...])