Guyana / Animal production
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Section 2. "slaughter" means any procedure which intentionally causes the death of an animal by bleeding;
Section 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires "slaughter" means causing the death of an animal by bleeding. "slaughter according to religious rite" means the slaughter of animals without stunning, carried out by a person authorised by a religious community. "stunning" means an obligatory procedure to be carried out prior to slaughter or humane killing whereby an animal is put into a state of reduced consciousness
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Section 14. (1) Except in the case of poultry and rabbits slaughtered for private domestic consumption, a person shall stun all animals before slaughtering. (2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a person may slaughter an animal without prior stunning in cases of emergency or according to religious rites. (3) Stunning equipment or methods that cause or are likely to cause pain, suffering or fear to animals shall be not used
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Section 13. Except with the express permission of an
inspector no person shall slaughter any animal in the abattoir such animal has been effectually stunned with a
mechanically-operated instrument provided by the Council: Provided that this by-law shall not apply to the slaughter of any animal without the infliction of unnecessary suffering by the Mohammedan method and by a Mohammedan.
Section 14. (1) Except in the case of poultry and rabbits slaughtered for private domestic consumption, a person shall stun all animals before slaughtering. (2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a person may slaughter an animal without prior stunning in cases of emergency or according to religious rites.
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Section 13. Except with the express permission of an
inspector no person shall slaughter any animal in the abattoir such animal has been effectually stunned with a
mechanically-operated instrument provided by the Council: Provided that this by-law shall not apply to the slaughter of any animal without the infliction of unnecessary suffering by the Mohammedan method and by a Mohammedan.
Section 14. (3) Stunning equipment or methods that cause or are likely to cause pain, suffering or fear to animals shall be not used
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Section 13. Except with the express permission of an
inspector no person shall slaughter any animal in the abattoir such animal has been effectually stunned with a
mechanically-operated instrument provided by the Council: Provided that this by-law shall not apply to the slaughter of any animal without the infliction of unnecessary suffering by the Mohammedan method and by a Mohammedan.
Section 14. (1) Except in the case of poultry and rabbits slaughtered for private domestic consumption, a person shall stun all animals before slaughtering. (2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a person may slaughter an animal without prior stunning in cases of emergency or according to religious rites.
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Section 16(1) A person conducting the humane killing of an animal shall do so in a way as to avoid unnecessary pain, suffering, injury, or fear to the animal
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Section 16(1) (extract) A person conducting the humane killing of an animal shall do so in a way as to avoid unnecessary pain, suffering, injury, or fear to the animal. (2) animals may be moved, lairaged and cared for in the slaughterhouse, restrained, stunned, slaughtered or humanely killed only by persons who are trained to perform these tasks. ([...])
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Section 16(2) (Extract) animals may be moved, lairaged and cared for in the slaughterhouse, restrained, stunned, slaughtered or humanely killed only by persons who are trained to perform these tasks. ([...])