Guyana / Animal production
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5. Do I need an Environmental Authorisation?
Regarding swine rearing operations, the Environmental Protection Agency requires an Environmental Permit for large scale operations; this means over 70 total head of swine.
Regulation 7. (1) An approval procedure shall be established by the Competent Authority for fishing vessels in accordance with Regulation 6 and resulting in registration and the provision of a registration number for these vessels complying with the requirements for fishing vessels laid down in Regulations 36 to 42 of Part DC. (2) An approval procedure shall be established by the Competent Authority for the approval of official and Private landing sites, and - if applicable - for auctions, resulting in a registration and the provision of a registration number for these installations complying with the requirements for landing and unloading of fishery products laid down in Part X of these Regulations.
(3) An approval procedure shall be established by the Competent Authority for the approval of the sea port and airport facilities for offloading, transport and storage of fishery products resulting in registration and the provision of a registration number for these facilities complying with the requirements:
Section 19. (3) Any person who wishes to keep an animal for production purposes shall register with the Authority.
5. Do I need an Environmental Authorisation?
Regarding poultry rearing operations, the Environmental Protection Agency requires an Environmental Permit for medium/large scale operations; this means over 500 poultry.
Section 8 (2) The Clerk of Markets shall cause all the market stalls to be numbered in plain and legible characters and to
be registered in a book to be kept for that purpose.
Section 8 (2) The Clerk of Markets shall cause all the market
stalls to be numbered in plain and legible characters and to be registered in a book to be kept for that purpose.
Section 16. (1) (a) Any person who proposes to engage in an operation which involves activities related to the captive breeding of live animals shall, before commencing such activities, (c) All operations licensed shall be registered as a Captive Breeding Operation by the Commission.
Section 24. (1) Any person who proposes to engage in an operation which involves activities related to the ranching of live animals shall, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a licence to operate a wildlife ranching facility, called a Wildlife Ranching Operation Licence, accompanied by the appropriate fee prescribed in the Fourth Schedule and such information or document, if any, as the Commission may require. (5) All operations licensed shall be registered as a Wildlife Ranching Operation by the Commission.
Section 54. (1) The owner or occupier of any premises who desires to keep animals referred to in section 53 shall before doing so apply to the Commission for a Holding Premises Licence in respect of those premises. (2) Every application for a Holding Premises Licence shall specify – (a) the full name, address and contact details of the applicant; (b) the address of the proposed holding premises; (c) the basis of the applicant’s occupation of the premises; (d) the species and the maximum number of specimens of that species which can be kept on the premises; (e) the number of persons employed by the applicant at the premises; (f) the arrangements for the transport of the wildlife prior to export or other dealing; and (g) such further information or document as the Commission may require. (2) All premises licensed shall be registered as a Holding Premises by the Commission.
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Section 16. (1) (a) Any person who proposes to engage in an operation which involves activities related to the captive breeding of live animals shall, before commencing such activities, (c) All operations licensed shall be registered as a Captive Breeding Operation by the Commission.5