Guyana / Animal production
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Section 2. In this Act- "commodity" means animals, animal products intended for human consumption, for animal feeding, for pharmaceutical or surgical use or for agricultural or industrial use, animal genetic material, feedstuffs, biological products and pathological material;
Section 4. The principal functions of the Authority under this Act shall be to -(o) regulate and control the importation and exportation of animal feed;
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Section 2. "animal feed" means a mixture of nutrients that are produced under hygienic conditions that comply with the requirements of each species, age and type of production, either as the only source of feed or as a supplement;
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Poisonous substances in food (…)
Regulation 22. (1)A monitoring system shall be established by the Competent Authority to check the level of contamination of fishery products by industrial chemicals, heavy metals, medicinal products, food additives, animal feed additives and pesticides. Without prejudice to the laws to be proclaimed concerning water protection and management, and in particular those concerning pollution of the aquatic environment, fishery products shall not contain in their edible parts—
(a) intentional contaminants present in the aquatic environment such as residues of antibiotics and drugs; and (b) accidental contaminants present the aquatic environment such as heavy metals, organo-chlorinate substances and pesticides, at such level that the calculated dietary intake exceeds the acceptable daily or weekly intake for humans.
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Regulation 77. (1) The Government Analyst may require the manufacturer of a drug recommended for administration to animals which may be consumed as food- (b) To print on the main panel of the outer label of a drug recommended for animals which may be consumed as food and either the inner label or a packaging insert describing the drug, a warning that meat, meat products, eggs, or milk from the animal to which the drug has been administered cannot be sold for consumption as food if they are obtained within such time after administration as may be specified by the Government Specialyst