Guyana / Animal health
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Section 32. (2) (extract) Except as provided by regulations, no articles of ([...]) drug shall be imported into Guyana unless the article wholly conforms to the law of the country in which it was manufactured or produced and is accompanied by a certificate in prescribed form and manner that the article does not contravene any known requirement of the law of that country and that its sale therein would not constitute a contravention of the law thereof.
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Regulation 90. (1) The Minister may, uppon application thereof- (b) issue a permit in the form set out as form D in the Third Schedule to any licensed dealer to import or export a controlled drug subject to such terms and conditions as he may think fit (5) A permit issued under paragraph 1 (b) is valid only for the particular importation or exportation in respect of which it was issued.
Regulation 78. (1) No person shall import, sell or advertise for sell new drugs unless- (a) he has a licence, that is in force, issued by the Minister in respect of the importation or sale, as the case may be, of that new drug
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Section 22. (1) (extract) An inspector has the right to examine any customs entries of([…]) drugs imported into Guyana and to take samples thereof and to submit the samples to an analyst for analysis or examination
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Section 22. (3) If it appears from the report of the inspector…that the sale of the drug-(a) would be in contravention of this Act if sold in Guyana shall not be admitted in Guyana for use as drug.
Section 23. (2) Where an inspector has seized an article under this Act and the owner or the person in whose possesion the article was at the time of the seizure consents the destruction thereof the article shall there upon be forfeited to the State and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Minister may direct. (3) Where a person has been convicted of an offence against this Act, the Court may order that all articles in respect of which the offence was committed be forfeited, and upon the order being made, the article shall be forfeited to the State and may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Minister may direct.
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Section 21. Any person who (b) obstructs an inspector in the carrying out of his duties under this Act. Commits an offence (d) removes, alters or interferes in any way with an article seized under this Act without the authority of the inspector. Commits an offecen.