Guyana / Animal health
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Section 4. The principal functions of the Authority under this Act shall be to -(p) regulate and control the manufacture, import, export, use, quality, suitability, packaging, labelling, transport, storage, sale and advertising of any veterinary biological and veterinary medicine
Section 45. (1) The Minister may, on the advice of the Authority, make subsidiary legislation for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (I), the Minister may make regulations providing for any of the following - (d) the registration, importation, manufacture, distribution and sale of any veterinary biological, veterinary medicine or animal feed;
Section 117. (1) No drug manufacturer shall sell a drug in the finished pharmaceutical form in which it is sold to the general public unless the drug has been manufactured, packaged, preserved, stored, labelled and tested under suitable conditions as provided in this Part, and a Certificate to this effect has been issued by the Giverment Analyst, on the advice of the Drug Advisory Committee.
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Regulation 77. (1) (extract) The Government Analyst may require the manufacturer of a drug recommended for administration to animals which may be consumed as food- (a) to file with him in respect of that drug a submission ([…]) describing in detail, tests carried out to determine that no residues of the drug, except residues within the limits prescribed by these regulations remain in meat, meat byproducts, eggs or milk from animals to which the drug has been administered.
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Section 4. The principal functions of the Authority under this Act shall be to -(p) regulate and control the manufacture, import, export, use, quality, suitability, packaging, labelling, transport, storage, sale and advertising of any veterinary biological and veterinary medicine
Regulation 47. (extract) No person shall sell a drug unless a label is applied to the drug in compliance with these regulations.
Regulation 48. (1) (extract) Except as otherwise provided by this part, the label applied to a drug shall carry on the main panel of both the inner and outer labels - (a) the proper name and the standard under which the drug was manufactured ([...]) (b) if there is no proper name, the common name (2) in addition (a)the inner and outer labels of a drug shall show- (i) the name of the manufacturer ([...]) (ii) the adress ([...]) (iii) the lot number or batch number([...]) (iv) adequate directions for use in the English Language (v) A quantitative list of the medicinal ingredients ([...]) (vi) an expiry date ([...]) (vii) directions as to the type of storage, eficacy, safety or properties ([...]) (b) the outer label shall show- (i) a correct statement of net contents ([...]).
Regulation 49. (extract) The label on a bulk package shall contain ([...])
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Section 9. Any person who sells any drug that - (a) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packed or stored under insanitary conditions (b) is adultered or (c ) is stale, is guilty of an offence.
Section 10. (extract) Any person who labels , packages, treats, processess, sells or advertises any drug in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive ([...]) is guilty of an offense. (2) A drug that is not labelled or packaged contrary to the regulations, shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection 1.
Section 12. Any person who manufactures, prepares, preserves, packages or stores for sale any drug under insanitary conditions is guilty of an offence.
Section 33. Every person who commits and offence against this Act is liable - (a) on summary conviction for a first offence to a fine not less than six thousan five hundred dollars, nor more than thirthy two thousand five hundred dollars and to imprisonment for not less than 1 month, no more than three months, and for a subsequent offence to a fine of not less than thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars, no more than sixty-five thousand dollars and imprisonment for not less than three months, no more than six months. (b) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of not less than sixty-five thousand dollars nor more than three hundred and twenty-five thousan dollars and to imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than three years.