Guyana / Animal health
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Regulation 83. Where a person receives any report of any unexpected side-effects, injury, toxicity or sensitive reaction associated with the clinical uses, studies, investigations, and tests respecting a new drug, he shall inmediately inform the government analyst thereof.
Regulation 128. Where any manufacturer receives any report of any unexpected side effects injury, toxicity or sensitive reaction associated with the clinical uses, studies, investigations, and tests respecting a drug manufactured in Guyana , he shall inmediately inform the government analyst thereof.
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Section 3 (1). (extract) ([…])The Minister may by order require every person who at the date of the order or at any subsequent times carries on a business which includes the production, importation or use of substances of any class specified in the order to furnish to the Government Analyst, within such time as may be so specified in the order, such particulars as may be so specified, of the composition and use of any such substances which in the course of that business are use, or sold for use, in the preparation of food, drugs and cosmetics (2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), an order made thereunder may require the following particulars to be furnished in respect of any substance, that is to say (c) particulars of any investigations ([...]) for the purpose of determining whether ([...]) the substance or any product ([...]) is injurious to, or in any other way affects health.
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Section 3. (3) Any person who, without the previous consent in writing of the person carrying on the business in question, discloses particulars furnished in accordance with an order under this section, or information relating to any individual business obtained by means of such particulars, except- (a) in accordance with directions of the Minister (b) for the purpose of any proceeding for an offence under this act or of any report of such offences- is guilty of an offence.
Section 21. Any person who (b) obstructs an inspector in the carrying out of his duties under this Act. Commits an offence (d) removes, alters or interferes in any way with an article seized under this Act without the authority of the inspector. Commits an offecen.
Section 33. Every person who commits and offence against this Act is liable - (a) on summary conviction for a first offence to a fine not less than six thousan five hundred dollars, nor more than thirthy two thousand five hundred dollars and to imprisonment for not less than 1 month, no more than three months, and for a subsequent offence to a fine of not less than thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars, no more than sixty-five thousand dollars and imprisonment for not less than three months, no more than six months. (b) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of not less than sixty-five thousand dollars nor more than three hundred and twenty-five thousan dollars and to imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than three years.