Zambia / Non-consumption use
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24(1); A person shall not operate a tourism enterprise without registering the business as a tourism enterprise in accordance with the Companies Act, the Registration of Business Names Act, 2011 or any other relevant written law. (2) A registered tourism enterprise shall not offer tourism related services, tour or travel services except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued by the Board. (3) A registered tourism enterprise shall commence business as a tourism enterprise within the period specified in the licence.
37. (1) A registered tourism enterprise that qualifies as a micro or small tourism enterprise shall register with the Board.
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Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven—
(a) the licensee shall allow the inspection of the premises, records and enterprise by an inspector, assessor or a committee of the Board;
(b) the licensee shall facilitate an investigation undertaken by the Board or committee on any matter relating to the operations of the tourism enterprise;
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
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21; A micro or small tourism enterprise registered under section thirty-seven, shall be entitled to the privileges and services relating to micro and small business enterprises specified in the Zambia Development Agency Act, 2006, and tax related laws.
Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven—
(a) the licensee shall allow the inspection of the premises, records and enterprise by an inspector, assessor or a committee of the Board;
(b) the licensee shall facilitate an investigation undertaken by the Board or committee on any matter relating to the operations of the tourism enterprise;
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
45(2); Subject to other provisions of this Act, and to the terms and conditions prescribed for the professional guide's permit, a professional guide's permit shall be in the form and shall authorize the holder of the permit to- (a) conduct or offer to conduct for reward, a photographic or viewing safari; and (b) take clients for game drives and walks as may be specified in the permit.
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Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven—
(a) the licensee shall allow the inspection of the premises, records and enterprise by an inspector, assessor or a committee of the Board;
(b) the licensee shall facilitate an investigation undertaken by the Board or committee on any matter relating to the operations of the tourism enterprise;
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
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Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven—
(a) the licensee shall allow the inspection of the premises, records and enterprise by an inspector, assessor or a committee of the Board;
(b) the licensee shall facilitate an investigation undertaken by the Board or committee on any matter relating to the operations of the tourism enterprise;
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
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Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven—
(a) the licensee shall allow the inspection of the premises, records and enterprise by an inspector, assessor or a committee of the Board;
(b) the licensee shall facilitate an investigation undertaken by the Board or committee on any matter relating to the operations of the tourism enterprise;
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
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24(3) A registered tourism enterprise shall commence business as a tourism enterprise within the period stipulated in the in the license; (4); The Board may, in accordance with section forty, suspend or revoke the license of a registered tourism enterprise which fails to commence business as specified in subsection (3)
Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven— [...]
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
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26. (1) A registered tourism enterprise shall apply to the Board for a licence in the prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee
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23(1); Subject to this Act, the Agency shall operate a single licensing system for the tourism industry in accordance with the Business Regulatory Agency Act, 2014
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23(2); Where a permit is obtained in accordance with the procedures specified under the Business Regulatory Act, 2014, the Agency shall endorse on the license or certificate- [...] (b) the nature and scope of the activity authorized under the permit; (c) the conditions attached to the permit.
24(1); A person shall not operate a tourism enterprise without registering the business as a tourism enterprise in accordance with the Companies Act, the Registration of Business Names Act, 2011 or any other relevant written law. (2) A registered tourism enterprise shall not offer tourism related services, tour or travel services except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued by the Board. (3) A registered tourism enterprise shall commence business as a tourism enterprise within the period specified in the licence (4) The Board may, in accordance with section forty, suspend or revoke the license of a registered tourism enterprise which fails to commense business as specified in subsection (3).
25(1) The Board shall grant a license in respect of an accommodation establishement if- (a) it determines that the premises in respect of which the application is made are structurally adapted for use as accommodation establishement and comply with the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2015 and any standards for construction of such premises as may be prescribed under any other written law; (b) proper provision has been made for the preservation, storage, preparation, cooking and serving of food in or by the accommodation establishment; (c) the applicant meets the prescribed minimum standards for the category of operation of tourism enterprise, as may be prescribed; (d) the applicant meets the prescribed minimum standards for the category of the tourism enterprise as may be prescribed; (e) the premises in respect of which the application is made complies with the Public Health Act, and (f) the applicant meets the requirements relating to the welfare and safety of guests as provided under this Act.
33(1); Where a license decides not to continue operating the tourism enterprise, the licensee shall notify the Board, in writing, and surrender the license to the Board.
34(1); Subject to subsection (2), the Board may suspend or revoke the license if the licensee- (a) obtained the license on the basis of fraud, negligence or misrepresentation; (b) assigns, cedes or otherwise transfers the license without the prior approval of the Board; (c) fails to comply with any term or condition of the license, or (d) operates the tourism enterprise in contravention of this Act.
37. (1) A registered tourism enterprise that qualifies as a micro or small tourism enterprise shall register with the Board.
40(1); The Board may, if the certificate holder fails to comply with the terms and conditions of registration, this Act or any other relevant written law, vary, suspend, or revoke the certificate, after giving the micro or small tourism enterprise fourteen days' notice to that effect and an opportunity to take measures, within the period specified by the Board...
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41. (1) A certificate holder who decides not to continue operating the micro or small tourism enterprise shall notify the Board, in writing, and surrender the certificate to the Board
42; A certificate shall not be transfered, ceded or assigned to another person.
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Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven— [...]
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
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Section 29. (1) The Board may impose any or all of the following conditions on a licence issued under section twenty-seven— [...]
(c) the licensee shall adhere to—
(i) the period specified in the licence for the
commencement of business;
(ii) the minimum prescribed standards for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and
(iii) any plans, programmes, projects or other reports submitted by the licensee to the Agency for the operation of the tourism enterprise; and (d) the licensee shall provide an environmental assessment report and adhere to an environmental management plan or monitoring arrangements as approved under the Environmental Management Act, 2011. (2) A licensee shall comply with the conditions that the Board endorses on the licence with respect to a permit issued under the single licensing system.
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21; A micro or small tourism enterprise, registered under section thirty-seven, shall be entitled to privileges and services relating to micro or small tourism enterprises specified in the Zambia Development Agency Act, 2006 and tax related laws.
22(1); Notwithstanding sections twenty and twenty-one, the Minister responsible for finance may, in liaison with the Minister, develop specific fiscal and non-fiscal interventions for the development of the tourism sector and grant specific fiscal and non-fiscal benefits to a licensee or certificate holder.
35. (1) A licensee may, sixty days prior to the expiration of the period of validity of the licence, apply to the Board for the renewal of the licence in the prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee.
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23(1); Subject to this Act, the Agency shall operate a single licensing system for the tourism industry in accordance with the Business Regulatory Act, 2014.
24(1); A person shall not operate a tourism enterprise without registering the business as a tourism enterprise in accordance with the Companies Act, the Registration of Business Names Act, 2011 or any other relevant written law. (2) A registered tourism enterprise shall not offer tourism related services, tour or travel services except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued by the Board. (3) A registered tourism enterprise shall commence business as a tourism enterprise within the period specified in the licence.
37. (1) A registered tourism enterprise that qualifies as a micro or small tourism enterprise shall register with the Board.
39(2); The following permits shall be issued under this Part- […] (c ) professional guide's permit; (d) photographic tour operator's permit, and (e ) commercial photographic permit.
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71. (1) A person aggrieved by a decision of the Board or Council may appeal to the Minister in the prescribed manner and form. (2) The Minister may, in considering an appeal, set aside, vary or uphold the Council’s or Board’s decision and shall, in writing, communicate the decision to the appellant. (3) A person aggrieved by a decision of the Minister may, within thirty days of the date of receipt of the Minister’s decision, appeal to the High Court.
78. A person who— (a) willfully publishes, causes or allows to be published, in any manner, false or misleading information relating to any tourism enterprise or amenity; (b) being the person responsible for that tourism enterprise, fails or refuses to pay any fee or to collect and remit the fee in terms of this Act; (c) hinders or obstructs the Board in the performance of its functions under this Act; or (d) gives false or misleading information to the Board, Council, committee or the Director; commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both.
79. A person who contravenes a provision of this Act for which a specific penalty is not provided for shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both.