Zambia / Food safety
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5(3); An officer may, in the performance of any functions under this section, be accompnaied and assisted by a Police Officer. (4) An officer may detain an animal, animal product, animal by-product , article or animal feed for a period not exceeding two weeks.
6(1); A veterinary office may- (a) apply or order the application of measures necessary or prescribed for the control of prevention of the spread of disease; (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act; (c) seize or order the seizure of a conveyance carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed in contravention of this Act or any other written law. (2) a Veterinary Officer may, in the course of inspections carried out under this Act- (a) seize, re-call, destroy, detain, treat or otherwise dispose of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, or order that any such action be taken at the cost of the owner.
6(1); Subject to, and for the purpose of this Act, an authorized officer may- […] (h) seize any fish, fish product, net, trap, line, poison, explosives, appliance, equipment, device or material in connection with which an offense appears to have been committed; (i) apply or order the application of measures are necessary or prescribed for the control or prevention of the spread of a disease; (j) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any fish or fish product which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act; (l) seize or order the seizure of any conveyance carrying any fish or fish products in contravention of this Act or any written law. (6) Where- (a) at any place within Zambia, fish or fish product or conveyance is infected or is suspected of being infected with any disease (b) any fish, fish product or conveyance has been introduced into any place in Zambia without the permit required for such introduction, or having been introduced under a permit is moved or dealt with otherwise than in accordance with such permit; authorized officer may take such orders as the authorized officer considers necessary for all or any of the following purposes; (i) to direct that such fish, fish product or conveyance be detained or seized; (ii) to direct that such fish, fish product or conveyance be destroyed or disposed as the case may be; (iii) to direct that such fish, fish product or conveyance be dealt with in such a manner as is considered necessary to prevent the spread of any disease. (7) A person who contravenes an order made pursuant to this section commits and an offense and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years, or both
20; Every person bringing into any abattoir either by himself or by his servants any animal which is diseased or suspected of being diseased shall take the same to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of such animals and, if no special place shall have been set apart, shall inform the Meat Inspector of having taken to the abattoir an animal diseased or suspected of being diseased and shall immedietely take such animal to such place in or part of the abattoir as the Meat Inspector may direct.
21; Any person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at any abattoir any animal which after slaughter is found or suspected to be diseased or abnormal shall take the carcass of such animal to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of the carcassess of diseased animals and shall immedietely inform the Meat Inspector of having done so. If no special shall have been set apart as aforesaid, any person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at any abattoir any animal which after slaughter is found or suspected to be diseased or abnormal shall immedietely inform the Meat Inspector of such findings or suspicions and shall take the carcass of such animal to such place in or part of the abattoir as the Meat Inspector may direct.
35(1); The court may, on conviction of a person of an offense under this Act, in addition to any other penalty which it may impose, order the cancellation of a certificate of compliance or health clearance permit issued to a person under this Act. (2) The court may, on conviction of a person of an offense under this Act, order the forfeiture or disposal of an artcle in relation to which the offense was committed.
43(1); An authorized officer may- [...] (d) require a person found within any premises who has an article in that person's possession to give an account of the manner in which the person came in possession of the article and where the account is not satisfactory- (i) arrest that person without warrant [...] (ii) without undue delay, have the person so arrested brought before a court of competent jurisdiction; [...] (k) seize, destroy, detain or dispose of an article manufactured, distributed , sold, stored, imported or exported contrary to the provisions of this Act or likely to cause harm or have adverse effects on human health or life; (l) seize and detain an article found on any person or premises without a health clearance permit [...]
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6(1); A veterinary office may- (a) apply or order the application of measures necessary or prescribed for the control of prevention of the spread of disease; (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act; (c) seize or order the seizure of a conveyance carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed in contravention of this Act or any other written law. (2) a Veterinary Officer may, in the course of inspections carried out under this Act- (a) seize, re-call, destroy, detain, treat or otherwise dispose of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed, or order that any such action be taken at the cost of the owner.
6(1); Subject to, and for the purpose of this Act, an authorized officer may- […] (i) apply or order the application of measures are necessary or prescribed for the control or prevention of the spread of a disease; (j) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any fish or fish product which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act; (l) seize or order the seizure of any conveyance carrying any fish or fish products in contravention of this Act or any written law.
20; Every person bringing into any abattoir either by himself or by his servants any animal which is diseased or suspected of being diseased shall take the same to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of such animals and, if no special place shall have been set apart, shall inform the Meat Inspector of having taken to the abattoir an animal diseased or suspected of being diseased and shall immedietely take such animal to such place in or part of the abattoir as the Meat Inspector may direct.
21; Any person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at any abattoir any animal which after slaughter is found or suspected to be diseased or abnormal shall take the carcass of such animal to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of the carcassess of diseased animals and shall immedietely inform the Meat Inspector of having done so. If no special shall have been set apart as aforesaid, any person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at any abattoir any animal which after slaughter is found or suspected to be diseased or abnormal shall immedietely inform the Meat Inspector of such findings or suspicions and shall take the carcass of such animal to such place in or part of the abattoir as the Meat Inspector may direct.