Zambia / Food safety
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3; The Public Service Commission shall appoint, as public officers, a Director responsible for veterinary services, a Deputy Director responsible for veterinary services, veterinary officers, tsetse control biologists, animal scientists and other staff for the Department, within the Ministry responsible for livestock development as shall be necessary for the administration of this Act.
4(1); The functions of the Department are to- inter alia; (a) prevent and control animal diseases .
3(1); The Public Service Commission shall appoint, as public officers, a Director, a Deputy Director, Fisheries Officers and such other staff, for the Department within the Ministry responsible for fisheries development, as shall be necessary for the proper administration of this Act.(5) The Minister may, by statutory order, confer any power any duties of an authorized officer under this Act, on any public officer or class of public officers.
4(1); The functions of the Department are to- inter alia; (a) conserve, manage and develop fishery resources and waters in a sustainable manner [...]
29(1); The Minister may, by statutory instrument, appoint a committee for a fisheries management area declared under section twenty six. (2) A Committee appointed under subsection (1) shall comprise- (a) six representatives from the local riparian fishing community who shall be elected by the local community; (b) a representative of the local authority in the fisheries management areas; (c) one representative of the chief.
3(1); There is established the Food Safety Coordinating Committee which is responsible for the implementation of this Act.(3) The Committee consists of the following members appointed by the Minister: (a) representative of the Ministry responsible for Health; (b) one representative of each of the Ministries responsible for- (i) animal health, (ii) commerce, (iii) higher education , (iv) agriculture, (v) local government, and
(vi) water, sanitation and environment; and (c) one representative each of- (i) the Attorney-General, (ii) a Consumer interest organisation, (iii) the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
and (iv) the Zambia Association of Manufacturers.
3(1); The National Food and Nutrition Commission established under the repealed Act is continued as if established under this Act. (2) The Commission is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and with the power subject to other provisions of this Act to do the acts which a body corporate may, by law, do or perform.
5(1); The functions of the Commission are to- (a) register nutritionists, except those registered under the Health Professions Act; (b) formulate the national food and nutrition program in the Republic; (c) coordinate, monitor and evaluate food and nutrition programs in order to improve delivery and access to food and nutrition services; (d) issue and facilitate the implementation of guidelines for the purpose of this Act; (e) carry out research on food and nutrition matters [...]
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3(1); The Minister may, by statutory order, establish for any district, a city council, municipal council or town council and the name of the council shall be named after the district
5(1); The Minister may, by statutory order, in this Act referred to as a transfer and vetsing order, make provisions set out in the Second Schedule for changes that are necessary or appropriate as regards the Constitution, property, rights, obligations and staff of, any other matter relating to any council [...]
6; A Local authority is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name, and with power, subject to the provisions of this Act and of any other written law, to do all other acts and things that a corporate body may do by law and as necessary for, or incidental to, the carrying out of its functions and powers set out in this Act.
9(1); A Mayor or council chairperson is head of a council
16(1); A local authority shall discharge functions confered on it by this Act within the area of that local authority, and may, with written approval of the Minister discharge that function outside the area of that local authority.(2); Without predjudice to the Constitution, the functions of a local authority within an area are as set out in the First Schedule.
17(1); Whenever by this Act a power is confered on a local authority to establish and maintain an undertaking, service or facility, the local authority may- (a) control the undertaking, service of facility and regulate its use by the public or any class of the public; (b) join with the Government, another local authority or, with the approval of the Minister, any other person in establishing and maintaining the facility or service; (c) abolish or discontinue the undertaking, service or facility
31; The National Government shall , in relation to the powers and functions of a local authority confered by this Act- inter alia; (a) facilitate the exercise of those powers and the discharge of those functions in a manner that gives due recognition to the autonomy of of local authority; (b) formulate national policies, regulatory frameworks, guidelines and service delivery minimum standards for the local government system; [...]
36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of a local authority consisting of the following part-time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary- (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity predominant in the ward as determined by the local authority; (c) an extension officer from the department responsible for education; (d) an extension officer from the depatment responsible for health; (e) an extension officer from the department responsible for the depatment of communit development [...]
37; The functions of a Ward Development Committee are to- (a) prepare annual ward development plans; (b) collect revenue, levies and fees on behalf of a local authority on appointment by resolution of the council; (c) monitor and evaluate ward development projects; (d) promote community engagement in ward development planning; (f) promote research on an area of study for the advancement of the local community; (h) promote and participate in the co-management of natural and transboundary resources between and among wards; (i) provide a forum for dialogue and coordination on ward development issues [...]
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3(7); The Minister shall , in appointing the members of the Committee, ensure equitable gender representation, and representation of the youth and persons with disabilities in accordance with the Constitution.
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20(1); An applicant may, where the authority refuses to grant a permit, not later than thirty-days from the date of receipt of the notice of refusal, appeal in writing to the Tribunal against the refusal.(2) The Minister shall appoint a Tribunal in accordance with Part XIV of this Act.
68; The functions of the Tribunal are to- (a) hear any appeal made to it under this Act; and (b) perform such other functions as assigned to it under this Act or any other written law.
1; These rules may be cited as the Competition and Consumer Protection Protection (Tribunal) Rules, 2012.
3(1); An appeal to the Tribunal against an order or direction of the Commission shall be instituted by sending to the Secretariat, seven copies of a written notice of appeal [...]