Zambia / Food safety
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3; Interpretations - In these Regulations, "abattoir" means a place provided by the Government or Local Authority or approved by the Local Authority for the slaughter of animals intended for sale of food for man an includes all buildings, lairs, stalls and spaces within the abattoir site;
4(1); From the commencement of the whole or any part of these Regulations, no person shall expose, offer, deposit or accept for sale or for consumption in a restaurant or sell or deliver within any area to which these Regulations apply any meat unless the same has been examined, stamped or branded or otherwise marked as may be approved by the Local Authority as having been passed by the Meat Inspector as fit for use as the food for man.
7; Where an abattoir is available in the area of a local authority, no person shall l slaughter any animal the flesh of which is intended for the food of man in any other place within the area of the Local Authority.
8; Any person engaged in the work of slaughtering of animals the flesh of which is intended to be used as food for man and every person engaged in dressing of carcasses intended for such purpose or engaged in any way in the preparation of such carcasses or of meat derived therefrom shall l comply with the instructions in the First Schedule.
38; A person shall l not introduce for sale into the area of the Local Authority any carcass or meat (other than game) derived from any animal slaughtered from outside the area of the Local Authority [...] unless such animal was slaughtered at a place approved by a Medical Officer of Health and unless the meat was transported from the place of slaughter to the area of the Local Authority in a vehicle conforming to the provisions of Regulations 41 and 42.
41(1); All meat conveyed within the area of the Local Authority or conveyed into the said area as provided by Regulation 38 and 39 shall l be conveyed in suitable vehicles and completely and efficiently protected from dust and from access of insects ...
42; From and after ninety days after the commencement of regulation 41, vehicles used for conveyance of meat shall l not be deemed to be suitable vehicle as required by Regulation 41 unless it shall l comply with requirements in the Sixth Schedule...
2; Interpretations - "Food" means any article used for food or drink other than drugs or water, and any article intended to enter into or be used in the preparation of such food, and flavouring matters and condiments; "infected" means suffering from or, in the incubation stage of, or contaminated with the infection of, any disease; "infectious disease" means (not including venereal diseases except gonorrhea ophthalmia) which can be communicated directly or indirectly by any person suffering therefrom to any other person; "slaughter house" means the premises set apart for the purpose of a slaughter house by the local authority for the slaughtering of pigs; "meat inspector" means a person employed by any local authority to act as meat inspector or other qualified persons authorized by it to act in that behalf; "stock" means and includes all domesticated animals of which the flesh or milk is used for human consumption.
76(1); All warehouses or buildings of whatever nature used for the storage of food shall be constructed of such material and in such a manner as shall , in the opinion of the Medical Officer of Health, render such building or warehouse rat-proof
79(1); No person shall sale or expose for sale or bring into Zambia or into any market or be in possession without reasonable excuse any food for any animal in an unwholesome state or unfit for its use, and any Medical Office of Health, Veterinary Officer, Sanitary Inspector, Meat Inspector, or Police e e Officer of or above the rank of Sub-inspector may seize any such food, and any District Secretary on the recommendation of the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer may order it to be destroyed or to be so disposed of so as to prevent it from being used as food for animals.
82; The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations regarding all or any of the following matters- (a) inspection of dairy stock and of animals intended for human consumption, and of dairies, stock-sheds or yards, milk-shops, milk vessels and slaughter houses, and of factories, stores, shops, etc [...] (b) examination of milk samples ...(c) fixing milk content standards and cleanliness [...] (d) the conveyance and distribution of milk... (e) veterinary inspection of dairy stock ...(f) duties of cow-keepers , dairymen and purveyors
2; Interpretations - "unsafe" in relation to food, means food that is likely to cause physical harm to a person who might consume it, except that food is not unsafe merely because its inherent nutritional or chemical properties cause, or its inherent nature causes, adverse reactions only with allergies or sensitivities ; “unsuitable food” means food that— (a) is the product of a diseased animal or an animal that has died other than by slaughter, and has not been declared under this Act or any other written law to be safe for
human consumption; "food safety" means scientific discipline describing the production, manufacture, handling, preparation and storage of food in a manner that prevents related diseases and harm; "handle" includes manufacture, process, produce, pack, prepare, keep, offer, store, transport, display for sale or serving; "insanitary conditions" conditions or circumstances that might cause contamination of an article and render the article injurious or dangerous to health;
4; The functions of the Food Safety Committee are to- [...] (b) coordinate the regulation of importation, exportation, production, manufacturing, labelling, storage, promotion, transportation, adverstisement, packaging, packing, sale, distribution and disposal of articles and materials or substances used in the manufacture of an article; (c) facilitate consumer protection in relation to food safety in collaboration with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission; (d) coordinate implementation of food safety policies, procedures and guidelines [...]
7; A person shall not sale, import or export, manifacture or store any food that - (a) is unsafe, contaminated or adulterated; (b) has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substances; (c) consists in whole or in part any filthy, putrid , rotten, decomposed or diseased substance of foreign matter, or; (d) is unfit for human consumption.
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37(1); A person who intends to operate any premises as a slaughterhouse shall apply to the Director for a permit in the prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee.
39; The Minister may, by statutory instrument, prescribe the manner and form for the registration of any premises as a slaughterhouse.
41(3); A person who contravenes sub-section (1) or (2) commits an offense and is liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years
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41(3); A person who contravenes sub-section (1) or (2) commits an offense and is liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years
73: A person who - (a) contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of this Act […] (b) contravenes or fails to comply with any condition of a permit issued under this Act.
34; Any person guilty of an offense against or contravention of, or default in complying with, any provision of these Regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units and if the offense, contravention, default is of continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during the offense, contravention or default continues.
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43; An aquaculture license may contain conditions-
(a) relating to the siting, design, equipment and materials to be used in the construction of an aquaculture facility.
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27(3)(a); […] provide for the disinfection or treatment of any imported animal, animal products, animal by-products or article or their containers.
31(2); The Minister may provide for- […] (h) the disinfection, fumigation and treatment of land where houses, buildings and structures suspected of being or having been used for the storage of any thing likely to infect an animal with a disease; (l) the standards of hygiene and quality assurance to be maintained in rendering plants and approved laboratories; (n) the inspection, disinfection of fumigation of any conveyance used in the transportation of an animal, animal products, animal by-products or article.
40(1); The Minister , by notice in the Gazette, may declare an area or part thereof to be livestock cleansing area.
41(1); The owner of livestock in a livestock cleansing area shall cleanse the livestock at such intervals as may be prescribed.
43(1); An Officer may, in any livestock cleansing area, at any reasonable time, enter any land or premises and inspect and count any livestock thereon, take a sample from the contents of any dipping tanks, spray race or pour on and call upon the owner of the livestock to produce all the livestock in the owners' possession for the purpose of inspection and enumeration.
44(1); An owner on land on which livestock are found shall provide facility for tick control of the livestock and shall make provisions for sufficient quantities of effective tick destroying agents for the cleansing of such livestock.
Reg 14; An employer shall take all necessary measures to ensure the highest possible standard of cleanliness is required of staff; (2) An employer shall take all necessary measures to prevent any contamination of fish and fish products and ensure the provision of protective equipment to employees handling fish and fish products.
Reg 15; The handling of fish on the shore shall comply with standards of the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
Reg 16; A person responsible for the factory or premises used for processing fish or fish products shall - [...] (b) indicate the conditions of storage for fish and fish products...
Reg 17; The fish products shall , during production, and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites.
Reg 17; Every person engaged in the slaughtering of animals or the dressing or handling of carcasses or meat shall be clean in person and shall , when dressing or handling the meat, wear a clean smock or overall over his other garments which shall also be clean to the satisfaction of the Meat Health Inspector.
Reg 18; All persons engaged in slaughtering, in dressing or in handling carcasses or meat shall submit themselves to medical examination by Medical Health Officer of Health when called upon to do so by the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer or Meat Inspector [...]
Reg 19; No person suffering from any contagious or communicable or infectious disease shall not enter any abattoir; and no person who has been in contact with any person so suffering or who has any discharge, ulcer or sore, shall enter any abattoir without authority of the Medical Officer of Health.
Reg 20; Any person bringing into the abattoir either by himself or by his servants, any animal which is diseased or suspected to be diseased shall take the same to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of such animals, and shall inform the Meat Inspector of having taken to the abattoir an animal diseased or suspected of being diseased [...]
Reg 21; Every person engaged in slaughtering at the abattoir shall , as soon as possible after the completion of any slaughtering or dressing of the carcasses, remove all blood, manure, garbage, filth or other refuse products, and shall cause every part of the floor or pavement, and the surface of every wall or pillar or other portion of the chamber on which any blood, liquid or filth may have been spilt or splashed, or with which any offensive or noxious matter may have been brought in contact during the process of slaughtering or dressing any animal, and every article and appliance which may have been used in the slaughtering and dressing, to be thoroughly cleansed and washed immediately after the completion of such slaughtering or dressing, and shall so flush the floor and walls that no dirt or refuse shall remain on them, and that all such dirt or refuse shall flow into the sumpt provided for that purpose. The Local Authority may, if it thinks fit, engage a person or persons to perform the services enumerated herein and shall , in that case, charge a fee for each animal slaughtered, which fee shall be payable in advance.
Reg 22; All blood and refuse emptied into sumps or other receptacles shall be removed daily, as soon as the slaughtering and dressing are completed, to such places as may, from time to time, be appointed by the Local Authority, and shall be there disposed of in the manner laid down by the Local Authority.
Reg 23; No persons other than those using or employed in the abattoir and any Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer, Health Inspector or Livestock Officer shall be allowed in the abattoir without the permission of the officer in charge.
9(1); A person shall not prepare, treat, pack, process, manufacture, sell, transport or store any food under insanitary conditions; (2) A person shall not sell, import, manufacture or store any food which has been manufactured , prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under insanitary conditions.
10; A person shall not label, package, sell or advertise any food in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive as regards its character, nature, value, susbstance, quality, composition, merit or safety or in contravention of this Act.
11(2); Where a standard has not been prescribed for a food but a standard for the food is contained in any of the publications specified in the Third Schedule, a person who labels, packs, packages, sells or advertises any other substance or article in a manner that is likely to be mistaken for that food commits and offense.
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10; Every person employed in or using the abattoir shall be subject to the regulations herein concerning such abattoir and shall obey any orders given lawfully by the Officer in charge or any other person appointed by the local authority.
11; A person shall not take spirits or intoxicating liquor into the abattoir or be in possession of any spirits or intoxicating liquor.
21; Every person engaged in slaughtering at the abattoir shall , as soon as possible after completion of any slaughtering or dressing of the carcasses, remove all blood, manure, garbage, filth or other refuse products, and shall cause every part of the floor or pavements, the surface of every hall or pillar, or other portion of the chamber on which any blood, liquid or filth may have been spilt or splashed, or with which any offensive or noxious matter may have been brought in contact during the process of slaughtering or dressing any animal, and every article and appliance which may have been used in slaughtering and dressing, to be thoroughly cleansed and washed mmediately after completion of such slaughtering or dressing, and shall so flush the floor and holes that no dirty or refuse shall remain on them, and all such dirt or refuse shall flow into the sumpt provided for that purpose. The local authority may, if it thinks fit, engage a person or persons to perform the service enumerated herein and shall in that case, charge a fee for each animal slaughtered which fee shall be payable in advance.
22; All blood and refuge emptied into sumpts all other receptacles shall be removed daily, as soon as slaughtering and dressing are completed to such places as may from time to time, be appointed by the local authority and shall there be disposed off in a manner laid down by the local authority.
24; Every person employed in the slaughtering of Animals or in the handling of carcasses or meat shall be clean in person, and in good health, and shall , when handling carcassess or meat wear a clean smock or overall and such other clean garments as the Medical Officer of Health may require.
Reg 14; An employer shall take all necessary measures to ensure the highest possible standard of cleanliness is required of staff; (2) An employer shall take all necessary measures to prevent any contamination of fish and fish products and ensure the provision of protective equipment to employees handling fish and fish products.
Reg 15; The handling of fish on the shore shall comply with standards of the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
Reg 16; A person responsible for the factory or premises used for processing fish or fish products shall - [...] (b) indicate the conditions of storage for fish and fish products...
Reg 17; The fish products shall , during production, and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites.
Reg 17; Every person engaged in the slaughtering of animals or the dressing or handling of carcasses or meat shall be clean in person and shall , when dressing or handling the meat, wear a clean smock or overall over his other garments which shall also be clean to the satisfaction of the Meat Health Inspector.
Reg 18; All persons engaged in slaughtering, in dressing or in handling carcasses or meat shall submit themselves to medical examination by Medical Health Officer of Health when called upon to do so by the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer or Meat Inspector [...]
Reg 19; No person suffering from any contagious or communicable or infectious diseaseshall not enter any abattoir; and no person who has been in contact with any person so suffering or who has any discharge, ulcer or sore, shall enter any abattoir without authority of the Medical Officer of Health.
Reg 20; Any person bringing into the abattoir either by himself or by his servants, any animal which is diseased or suspected to be diseased shall take the same to the place, if any, set apart for the reception of such animals, and shall inform the Meat Inspector of having taken to the abattoir an animal diseased or suspected of being diseased [...]
Reg 21; Every person engaged in slaughtering at the abattoir shall , as soon as possible after the completion of any slaughtering or dressing of the carcasses, remove all blood, manure, garbage, filth or other refuse products, and shall cause every part of the floor or pavement, and the surface of every wall or pillar or other portion of the chamber on which any blood, liquid or filth may have been spilt or splashed, or with which any offensive or noxious matter may have been brought in contact during the process of slaughtering or dressing any animal, and every article and appliance which may have been used in the slaughtering and dressing, to be thoroughly cleansed and washed immediately after the completion of such slaughtering or dressing, and shall so flush the floor and walls that no dirt or refuse shall remain on them, and that all such dirt or refuse shall flow into the sumpt provided for that purpose. The Local Authority may, if it thinks fit, engage a person or persons to perform the services enumerated herein and shall , in that case, charge a fee for each animal slaughtered, which fee shall be payable in advance.
Reg 22; All blood and refuse emptied into sumps or other receptacles shall be removed daily, as soon as the slaughtering and dressing are completed, to such places as may, from time to time, be appointed by the Local Authority, and shall be there disposed of in the manner laid down by the Local Authority.
Reg 23; No persons other than those using or employed in the abattoir and any Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer, Health Inspector or Livestock Officer shall be allowed in the abattoir without the permission of the officer in charge.
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34; Any person guilty of an offence against or contravention of, or default in complying with, any provision of these Regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units, and, if the offence, contravention or default is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during which the offence, contravention or default continues.
57; Any person who contravenes these regulations commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction to a fine or imprisonment.
54; Any person found guilty of an offence against or contravention of or default in complying with any provision of these Regulations shall be liable on conviction to a fine [...]”
62; A person who commits an offense under this Act for which a specific penalty is not provided for is, on conviction, liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.